Powers & Perils
elcome to Adventure! You are about to enter the world of Powers and Perils, a Fantasy RolePlaying Game. Powers and Perils (or P&P for short) was written by Richard Snider and published in 1983 by Avalon Hill. After the first publication, a number of extensions were published in the AH game magazine, Heroes. These are available from this site, as well as numerous extensions submitted by GMs from all over the world.
Main index
Perilous Lands
Powers & Perils V1
Released in 1984, the original version of P&P is available in the rules section. This page also contains links to the extensions and background material released by AH and players over the years.
Powers & Perils V2
- Early 2017 an updated version (2.0) of the basic rules was released that contains all arrata and extensions, as well as many changes originally proposed by Richard Snider. A second book, containing all material on the P&P background setting the Perilous Lands, has been released late 2017 as well.

Where to find more information
Norwolf's Youtube Channel
- Norwolf has a great ongoing series of videos on character creation and a solo adventure. Check it out.
- The best place to ask questions or post content related to P&P at the moment is probably the Discord channel.
Mailing list
- The mailing list hosted on list.powersandperils.org is down for now. You can still read the archives and search through old posts.
New Hardware
The website has been moved to a new server. The old hardware now completely failed. The website should be functional again, but the pnp and pnpgm mailing lists are still down for now, and will remain so for several days (at least).
Perilous Lands v2
Minor update to the PDF version of P&P Version 2 Book, fixing PDF indexing issues.
Added the link to the Discord channel to the menu and index.
Laws of Magic
Added the missing last page to the scans of The Laws of Magic article from Heroes.
Overview of site additions, updates and revisions.