[pnpgm] Fight and heal

Alex Koponen akoponen at mosquitonet.com
Thu Sep 3 06:10:32 CEST 2009

If any party or crew need immediate healing to prevent their death 
Z'lerya will attempt to save them. Otherwise she goes to attack the 
mermen to prevent more injuries to our side.

After the mermen are dealt with Z'leyra will get someone to fetch her 
satchel with its healing materials, quickly triage the wounded and 
demand "Will! You have the talent, now work on developing your healing 
skills...assist me in patching these wounded." She patches them from 
most wounded to least wounded. Explaining to Will (and any others 
helping) about how and why she does what she does in patching them. 
Afterwards she will magically heal those who have not been magically 
healed and desire her to do so.

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