[PnP] All quiet on the Zen'da front...

Scott Adams longshot at darktech.org
Thu Apr 15 01:31:00 CEST 2004

At 09:31 AM 4/14/04 -0400, you wrote: 

> EVeryone (US) busy with taxes I guess. :} 

We don't pay stinking taxes! :)

> How goes the rights request, Richard? 
> On a world-related note, anyone here ever run a campaign based on Jax'om?  I
> was considering using it as the base of a non-P&P game set in the Lands
> Perilous and was wondering if anyone had any tips or ideas they used.

If I recall its near one of the special site book sites.  When I did a
to visit them all (the sites) back in the '80s I do recall playing in that
region.  I think the players were fleeing Donara (being chased) and went that
way.  The mountains make it pretty interesting strip of land if I recall.

Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network
Fringe BBS - EWOG II - 904-733-1721
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Website: http://users.cybermax.net/~longshot
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