To sea, to sea, to sea we go...

Choinski, Burton Burton.Choinski at MATRIXONE.COM
Mon Aug 13 14:31:47 CEST 2001

Well, that was a fast voyage...
After getting the boat, hiring sailors and such, they proceed to sail down
into Climan waters. After a quiet trip down (not a single ship or storm
encounter roll!) they beach on one of the plains Climan islands.  A bit of
recon, seing how the supposedly "small" island had hundreds of soldiers and
chaos priests and casters, along with local population, they decide to head
back to marentia.  A brief encounter on the way back with a Climan Bireme,
which they managed to defeat due to one player casting a 6d10 fireball at
the deck and sails (which cooked the deck crew), followed by a bit more work
on the oars, they decided to leave the crippled ship and went home.

Sold boat and plan to keep to the land for now. Probably leave the Marentian
area and head "north" (I would guess they plan to head to Caldo/Djanesborg)


Well, since my next game is not for 3 weeks, and the next need for ships way
past that, I have time to work on the ship rules instead of rushing them.
      -- Burton 

Burton Choinski
Principle Software Engineer, Quality Engineering
email: burton.choinski at

phone: 978-322-2135
fax  : 978-452-5764

MatrixOne, Inc.
Two Executive Drive
Chelmsford, Ma 01824

The First in Intelligent Collaborative Commerce

|| -----Original Message-----
|| From: Scott Adams [mailto:longshot at DARKTECH.ORG]
|| Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 7:32 PM
|| Subject: Re: To sea, to sea, to sea we go...
|| At 08:21 AM 8/6/01 -0400, you wrote:
|| >Well, my players have decided (well the leader has, the 
|| others are following
|| >along) to take to the seas off the shores of Marentia (this is that
|| >Marentian baron you may have seen as examples in previous 
|| postings :) and
|| >take on Climans.
|| >
|| >^%#$^%
|| >
|| >Well, I guess this means I'll have to work up some ship 
|| rules. I'm not
|| >satisfied with the few snippits in the Heros article, so 
|| I'm probably going
|| >to go over my old Harn maritime suppliment and my RuneQuest 
|| stuff and see if
|| >I can pull together something reasonable.
|| >
|| >Obviously, to be posted here when I get it done.  Since 
|| they play to hit the
|| >high-seas next sunday, I'm on a time constraint, so I hope 
|| to have something
|| >out for comments by midweek.
|| Sounds familiar leaving Marentia to Clima :)
|| I'll look forward to those rules I had to adapt my own of 
|| course the sailing
|| wasn't
|| the primary focus the island was so got it done fast...
|| Speaking of the pbem isp was down so expect a update I did 
|| last week with 
|| the night's mail run..
|| Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network
|| Fringe BBS - EWOG II - 904-733-1721
|| Telegard / Allfix Beta Site
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|| ICQ: 24436933

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