Archery question

Scott Adams longshot at DARKTECH.ORG
Thu Apr 19 20:39:44 CEST 2001

At 05:29 PM 4/19/01 +0200, you wrote:
>I have a huge problem with the "row for bow" system. Even though,
>apparently, that is what it does indeed state in the book, it totally goes
>against the rest of the entire system. I DO NOT agree that guns and bows
>are "point and pull" weapons. I took one too many archery classes to
>believe that.

Well they aren't totally the same but they are in the same class of
projectiles.  Once the
ammo leaves its home its not up to the firer to do much its up to things like
and distance and ammo to affect the shot.

>I have to believe that if I KNEW WHERE to shoot a deer to kill it I would
>be more likely to be ABLE to do so. Alternately I will share my
>ACTUAL "hunting" experience. I shot a bird once 7 times and it just
>wouldn't die. I was at point blank range for shots 2-7. I did not become
>an "expert" just because I was close as the "row for bow" would suggest. If
>a gun (or BOW) uses a BL 16 it is the same as saying they suddenly become
>as expert as a combat experience 12 veteran, who has +2 bonuses. I simply
>do not see this as real in any way shape or form.
>Also, killing light uses a successful attack roll to kill the person... um,
>what, pray tell, base line do you use on this "point and pull" weapon? I
>use OCV v. DCV... (the same thing I use for ALL OTHER COMBAT)

That's fine for you.  But to me this would create one central 'row' to fire
on for the average characters/npcs.  Say for example BL 0.  Does this
mean that the arbalest has the same firing ability as a Sling?  I would hope
not.  There is much more power behind a arablest than a sling by only
human strength.  To me this would create a one size fits all system for
the weapons and that would not be good....IMHO

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