Rebuilding P&P / Misc. Comments

Maouse maouse at FULTON-NET.COM
Tue Sep 5 22:43:11 CEST 2000


Let me cite an example from the books : Characters with INNATES do not
recieve Expertise in INNATES that they cast...  but they do get MEP.  It is
based on stats, that is why.  As they get better their Spells increase in
power, they don't learn more... yet their ability to cast increases? why?
because it reflects a better knowledge of one's innates and how to use
them - not necessarily Magical experience (this is why these MELs are
seperate as well).

Now you want to say that once characters get to their max (just as with max
EL's for INNATE ABILITIES) they should be able to push this higher.
Permanently.  I disagree.  Be happy with what you have, learn to become
more familiar with what you can do with it.  This is how the game is
designed because it better reflects REALITY.

In any event: I have compiled a access application which does the
following - 1. helps create and stores characters, 2. creates and stores
NPC's (for use in lists or incase you want to remember how tough your
barmaid is), 3. creates and stores creatures using the rules in the end of
book 3.  I am in the process of adding skill and spell descriptions for
printouts (so that characters can have descriptive list of what they can do
instead of wanting to riffle my last copy of the books).  email me at
maouse at if interested (about 1.3 MB so far).


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