Hebrew Mythology - Lilith

Tobie Bonahoom bonahoom at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Jun 23 18:23:04 CEST 2000

I give out rules and I have even just made copies of the two first books
(with out extra stuff don't need) so that I don't have to keep looking
everything up for them. I like to have an informed group, makes my job

Tobie (GM of Fort Collins, Colorado)

>From: Scott Adams <longshot at DARKTECH.ORG>
>Reply-To: Powers and Perils Fantasy Roleplaying Game Mailing List
>    <POWERS-AND-PERILS at geo000.CiTG.TUDelft.NL>
>To: POWERS-AND-PERILS at geo000.CiTG.TUDelft.NL
>Subject: Re: Hebrew Mythology - Lilith
>Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 18:32:12 -0400
>At 11:12 AM 6/22/00 +0200, you wrote:
> >Scott Adams wrote:
> >
> >> So did you run or just play P&P?
> >
> >I only played. And the GM was the kind who prefers that the
> >players doesn't get to know the rules except when necesarry.
> >He also used a modified P&P rules set, I believe in real P&P
> >you have to roll 1d100 to do skill checks, but he used a
> >2d10 method instead.
>Yeah depends on the rule variation system and the GM on which method you
>So what kinda character did you play?
>Actually that would be a good topic for the list.  Do you as a GM prefer to
>players know the rules or not.  I personally will give as much info as I
>to help them play their character.  Details on like animal portages or the
>swimming table is a bit too overkill.  But I don't also on that note hide a
>If for example a character doesn't want to kill but only wound I'll explain
>that portion of the rules for subdual damage.  That kinda thing.
> >
> >It was a fun campaign, although I found the character creation
> >procedure non-transparent. I had no idea about how many skills it
> >would be a good idea to select for my character.
>Yeah I like to add skills and allow any type of character that can be
>If you want to play a farmer that's fine...want to play a inn keeper that's
>fine as well.  I don't really restrict the type of character.
>Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network
>Fringe BBS - EWOG II - 904-733-1721
>Telegard / Allfix Beta Site

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