Maouse maouse at FULTON-NET.COM
Thu Dec 14 20:44:56 CET 2000

And so soon it happens that December is still busy, but not so much that it
is unbearable. The snow helps - we got about 6 inches last night - it's the
first real snowfall I can remember in Ohio... if it lasts for more than a
day. Sure we've had others, but usually it is like 70 the next day and all
melts. We are supposed to get about 5-6 days of snowfall. Ah, Vermont!

Anyway, of my list (as if you cared) - 1,8,9,12 are still valid. The rest
are complete, and I'm happy to report that not only did I get an A in both
my programming courses, I'm actually doing some VB for the company I work
for - WOO HOO! I'm building a scalable truck that takes values from user
input and draws a truck to scale. Lots of line commands and such, but kinda
fun none the less. In the future I can say, yeh, I started out making
trucks, then came the planes and busses, then the spaceships.... lol.

Anyway, regarding the CD - I have been working on it as well. The VB
application to be exact. Figuring out just what I need and all. I suppose
it will still be a while til it's done, but who knows, I may have a night
or two to work on it and get more done.

On the good side, I've made a CD backup of what I have so far so at least I
don't have to worry about my PC crashing (or getting wiped clean, by say...
me). Well, have a happy holiday everyone!


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