[pnpgm] Game Update #65 - File #536 - Docking at Dechat

pnpgm pnpgm at comcast.net
Sun Mar 17 01:25:26 CET 2019

    Character Name   Type       Player        Sex           Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Raddok..........Miner...Bess Hadley........Ma..Human/Miner
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Brutto..........Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #1
..Finn............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #2
..Ardrackle.......Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #3
..Zepp............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #4
..Corona..........Eagle...Npc................Ma..Companion to Z'leyra
..Zol.Zim.........Wolf....Npc................Ma..Zehani Wolf/Ix's Friend

         Game Web Site - http:/nrgcomputers.com/pbem/
         Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
         Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net

         Game Update #65 sequence (file #536)

         Admin Notes: None.

            Post from Raddok: [Re: Actions]
                 Raddok does not know the 
protocol of his new companions re: dividing loot 
or treasure/discoveries among themselves in a group venture such as this one.

                 Previous experience of his was 
that whoever you killed, you took those villains' 
items (like coins or resalable weapons) for your 
own use (or gave them away to whoever you wished 
to). Here there was not only the dead pirates, 
but any treasure the ship might have (& not 
forgetting the other ship Fremea drove onto the 
beach, that could be a substantial amount - or 
nothing at all), so things were not only more 
complicated (in addition to the time factor of 
escaping notice from the nearby shore), but it 
was possible that his companions might usually 
gather everything into one big pile aboard their 
own ship, & it was dispersed by Captain Dorhak or his officers (Unali, etc).

                 Raddok will have to ask for 
priorities of any search for loot/treasure, if he 
can keep loot from those individuals he killed 
(or if it is all shared from one big pile), what 
to do with what he collects  (or is sent to 
collect). If he has a chance to search the 
pirates he killed, he would like to start his 
collecting there, although he will collect 
whatever wherever the Captain orders anywhere on 
board - Dorhak & the others may have established 
rules on who collects what in whatever priority, 
and he will willingly comply as part of the group.

                 He knows he will get a fair 
share, as the others have already generously 
helped cover his expenses on this adventure. But 
more importantly, he begins to wonder, will there 
be any stray information on other pirating 
activity that may involve the capture of dwarves...?
            GM: Ack.  Treasure is more 
lenient.  I'll go over this below.  I do like 
your last part.  Sadly no prisoners left.  But if 
any logs or notes are found in captain's quarters 
it's probably in Cerulean so unsure anyone reads 
that (though some may speak it).

            From Pyan: [Re: Actions]
                 The only thing Pyan picked up 
out of the treasure hoard was his precious.

                 Pyan's has no concept of wealth beyond personal use.
If you had him picking up gems will just say he 
did it at the encouragement of the other party members

                 Oh and just FYI after he is done 
with seamanship and eagle Pyan will start trying 
to turn some of that useless jewelry into more 
practical, wearable jewelry. He'll buy a hand 
drill or make one, he should be able to adapted 
the design used for making fires, to make holes 
in the coins and string to tie them together.
            GM: Ack.  As said in last update I 
only see the 21 worthless gems. What was this 
'precious'?  A ring or bracelet? I don't mind 
adding it to sheet.  Though this treasure haul 
will have tons of such items for Pyan :).  Sadly 
to adapt jewelry you do need jeweler skill.  This 
is a 100 point skill.  Self taught it'd take 100 
days, with teacher and book maybe a month.  So 
may not have time soon to learn such a 
skill.  Sorry.  Maybe after adventure? Or ask one of the others to do it?

         [New Stuff]

         [Apris 27th, 1636TH]

         [Time: 2:19 pm]

            Unali kneels over Arawn and ignores 
Dorhak for now.  The questions on how she can 
kill 5 so quickly plus the 3 in hallway.  But she 
is a humble Katai woman who has learned that 
gloating can be bad for her fate.

            The dagger maiden checks the Druid's 
pulse.  Its is very weak even stopping at 
times.  She knows Z'leyra would be best for him 
but she was prepared. She reaches behind her back 
and opens a small pouch.  She removes a object 
and moves it toward Arawn.  The Alfar probably 
can't handle laying on his back due to the wounds 
but she can help him faster with the object.  She 
places the brown cross shape with 4 very tiny 
topaz gems and a small ruby gem in the center on his chest and activating it.

            The talisman glows slightly a dark 
yellow then green fog like energy begins to move 
up and down Arawn's body.  Within a half minute a 
lot of his burns begin to heal.  But by the time 
the magic ends he is improved from near fatal to 
moderate damage – a big jump of healing.  Arawn 
checks his pulse and it is a lot stronger.  Unali 
lifts the talisman and places it back in the pouch.

            Fremea inspects the mage and is 
confused by the sight.  His clothing isn't torn 
yet there are thin holes and looking under a 
black spot as if something touched him.  But 
there is no sign of blood?  Something killed him.

            Unali turns to Fremea, “Can you undo her paralysis?”

            Arawn flutters his eyes and sees what 
looks like a white dove on the ledge of the hatch 
shaft door that leads to the top which allows the 
pirates to lower cargo up and down with ropes – 
just like the black depths.  Arawn blinks his 
eyes twice and tries to clear the pain from his 
body.  He looks again but he dove is gone 
again.  He wonders if he is seeing things.  Arawn 
looks to the right and sees Z'leyra and hears Unali talk.

            Dorhak grumbles something about Arawn 
shouldn't be sleeping there are duties to be 
done!  Then moves back to issue orders.

            Fremea shakes her head she doesn't 
know how to cure it just cause it as well as 
cause poison.  She shakes her head.

            Unali tells Fremea, “watch over 
them.”  She then dashes out of the room. Then 
moves to the Black Depths to her gear.  Finding 
her backpack she pulls a iron goblet out, as well 
as goideli wine flask.  She rushes back to the 
pirate hold 2 minutes later.  She pours the wine 
in the goblet.  She pulls off her bracelet and 
mixes the toadstone into the mix and swirls it a 
bit.  Soon a brownish red potion is made.  She 
drips some of the wine into Z'leyra's mouth, 
balancing between getting enough into her and not 
drowning her in wine. If it looks like she is 
drowning in the wine she will tilt her over to 
get her to expel the wine and try

            Z'leyra begins to twitch her eyes and 
mouth then pushes Unali's knee away from her side 
as it was pushed into her side.  Unali moves and 
puts the item back tucked away.

            Zepp steps in to collect pirate 
swords.  He smells the wine and looks at Z'leyra, 
“Captain doesn't like drinking while on 
duty...and laying down while others work.”  He grins and leaves.

            Z'leyra checks and while her wounds 
are heavy she only had the 2 minor dagger slices 
in her chest.  She checks for bleeding then stands.

            Top side, Dorhak giving orders loudly 
to collect every bit of treasure and loot that 
can be found.  Stack it in Black Depth's hold so 
they can sell it in Dechat.  He grins a bit as he 
sees the irony of stealing stuff from pirates who 
steal for living from innocents then selling said 
items in a pirate laden city. He continues to 
take it all. Then turns to Kiet and asks if he 
can burn the ships once both are looted with 
flame with no smoke so not to draw attention as 
they sail away.  He also asks who can help 
Z'leyra so she can help Arawn.  He asks Pyan to 
tell the eagle to watch the other ship and guard 
the area and asks others to watch the sea as well.

            At one point Fremea asks where the 
birds are?  Brutto comments, “overboard  almost 
immediately after we won.  While sailors like 
birds its a bad omen to have a dead bird stay on 
a ship.”  Fremea moans and had hoped to inspect those birds.

            Dorhak heads to find the captain's 
cabin to find documents and other good 
stuff.  The crew search bodies and collect all items that can be collected.

         [Time: 3:05 pm]

            Dorhak and Kiet remain on the pirate 
ship and he orders the sailors to prepare to lift 
anchor.  Dorhak is pleased by reports of large 
amounts of treasure. Then turns to Kiet and leaves him to his work.

            Dorhak look at the gangplank and 
others.  Best not to fall in sea as others 
watch.  He uses a pole-arm he collected and a 
sword from the captain's cabin to balance himself 
crossing and prays silently.  Then crosses and waits for Kiet to come aboard.

            Soon the ship departs the burning 
pirate ship and circles back toward the beached 
ship.  After a few minutes the ship anchors about 
100 feet away.  It can't afford to get closer or 
beach itself as well. The Sailors drop anchor and 
drop the shore boat.  Fremea flies first over to 
ensure all are dead which they are.  But in the 
45 minutes or so since the ship is listing 10 
degrees and about ankle high in water down 
below.  If the boards below break further 
gathering loot in the hold could be 
dangerous.  So several trips to collect every 
party member able to go is used to collect gear 
from the hold first then sent to the Black Depths.

         [Time: 3:52 pm]

            By now the ship is now knee high in 
water below decks and breaking apart faster.  The 
last bit of treasure is taken top side and the 
last load is taken back to the Depths.

         [Time: 4:02 pm]

            Finally the ship turns and heads 
toward Dechat.  Dorhak is beaming at the sight of 
loot collected.  But frowns at seeing how long it 
will take to wagon and sell it.

         [Time: 5:10 pm]

            Almost two hours after estimated the 
ship docks at Dechat. A customs ship had to come 
to inspect the Depths.  The Cerulean man dressed 
in tans and browns looks around the ship.  Asks 
the ship's business at Dechat and 
intentions.  Dorhak explains resupply and 
possible trade.  The afternoon is balmy and the 
overweight custom's man is sweating like a pig 
tied to a cauldron spit.  Finn asks the docking 
fees and inspection fees.  The disgusting 
Cerulean spits out random figures it seems – 12 
SC for inspections, 6-15 depending on docking 
fees, etc.  Finn and the sailors prepared Dorhak 
for this.  A place like this full of corrupt 
officials just needs the bottom line.  The man 
starts to look at the hold when Finn steps 
forward and flashes his hand – with several gold 
coins.  'Will this do?” He shows 3 gold to the man.

            “I don't know.  We need to fill out 
paperwork and confirm ship registry and inspect 
every item on ship's hold....”  the Cerulean replies.

            Finn adds 1 more gold coin.

            “That does help speed up the labor on the hold inspections....”

            Finn adds another gold coin.

            “It is getting late.  If you say you 
have cheap rum to sell then so be it.”  He 
pockets the gold coins.  “I do have a nice dinner 
of lamb and stew waiting for me.  You'll be 
around a good full day so maybe we can do this later?”

            Dorhak slightly nods.  The man claps, 
“good.”  He moves to board the small custom's 
frigate.  “Where's my tea?!?”  He yells as he 
crosses to his ship.  Then turns, “let's not 
waste these respectable citizens any more time.  Shove off!”

            Once out of earshot Dorhak 
growls.  Before he speaks Finn explains, “this is 
how it is in some ports.  Five gold is a lot but 
it could've been higher. Plus we don't need the 
attention.  From what I saw of the treasure we 
can afford to lose it.”  Then he moves to prepare 
for docking.  Dorhak growls that the sailor took 
gold from the loot.  Maybe he'll inspect his 
berth but probably not.   If Damon who is trusted 
by some like Z'leyra and Unali trusts them then maybe he can.

         [Time: 5:22 pm]

            With sun low on horizon but might be 
still an hour left of daylight the ship finally 
docks.  Docking fees are paid for overnight only.

            Many exit the ship to feel solid land under their feet.

            After the battle with the Sea Dragon 
Unali has been quiet for several days. Even the 
elemental storm and the pirate attack do not seem 
to break the dampened mood she has developed. She 
sits on deck quietly staring ahead during the day and doesn't speak as much.

            Once ship docks in the next harbor, 
she will alight and and set foot on the quays. 
She stomps a few times and seems a little more relaxed afterwards

            Dorhak is happy that the large ramp 
from the docks is so wide even he can't fall 
off.  He quickly asks Unali and Kiet who some 
skills in trade to order supplies to be picked up 
in morning or be delivered.  He orders double 
watch guards tonight.  He can almost smell the 
pirate scum all over the city – or maybe its that fishing boat nearby.

         [Time: 6:08 pm]

            Unali and Kiet return with news 
wagons will deliver supplies ordered at 
sunrise.  Dorhak then orders ramps and gang 
planks raised.  Sentries to be posted even one in 
crows nest.  Then he returns to his cabin to ponder the wealth in his hold.

         [Time: 10:11 pm]

            Two figures approach the ship and one 
yells to Unali and Arawn who are on duty.  Mae 
and Pyan watch silently as Brutto watches from the
crow's nest.  But Unali recognizes the voice of Zepp? “Permission to board.”

            The ramp is placed and the 2 men 
board.  Zepp smiles in the dim light, “Dorhak 
will probably put me on swab duty but this is 
Malic.  Captain Damon knows of him and has dealt 
with him.  He is a merchant of merit.”

            Malic shrugs, “he's being kind.  I am 
a smuggler and arms dealer.  Don't panic.”  He 
raises both hands to show empty.  “I only have 
family I prefer ports like Provini than 
here.  But I do have business here. I'm here to 
make an offer on all the weapons and armor.  That 
should lighten the selling a great deal.”

            Arawn looks at Unali, both wondering 
if they should wake up Dorhak.  Zepp must've 
slipped away but the other sailors must've 
covered for him.  Dorhak doesn't like to be woken 
up so Unali waves a hand to the hold.  Malic 
looks around, “Damon saved me and a shipment once 
so I am paying it back to him by helping.  It is 
best to keep this all out of earshot of the 
Cerulean.  So we'll keep this a no-questions 
asked thing.  I wont ask and I keep that info 
private.  While I do most of my business north of 
here I do have ties here.  I can use those 
contacts to sell pieces of the materials to half a dozen dealers.”

            Unali glares at Zepp and hopes this 
isn't some man setting up a trap.  But Arawn 
watches Malic and with his senses that the man 
seems sincere and mostly trustworthy.

            Malic inspects the loads of weapons 
and the few pieces of armor.  The good stuff was 
already divided up and not seen by the arms dealer.

         [Time: 11:45 pm]

            Malic finishes his survey.  “I'm read 
to make my offer.  I am willing to sleep on deck 
in one of those wonderful hammocks.  I'm sure 
you'd not trust me to return in case you fear 
this a trap?”  Unali remains stone faced.  'Zepp 
gave a brief overview of this already.  I made 
arrangements for my crew to bring 2 wagons an 
hour before sunrise.  We can load up and I'll get 
the money voucher for the lender's. I can offer 
slightly above market price.  We all want to make 
a profit here.  I'm sure you found these items 
after they 'fell off a wagon' so you will get a 
good profit.  Selling swords with blood in the 
market draws attention. I can avoid that.  Once 
your Captain wakes give him my offer.  If not 
taken no loss to me.  But selling these items 
will day half a day much less a day.  I 
sense...based on those on deck looking hawkish 
about you don't want to be here than needed.”

            “One last thing...some advice...if I 
was a pirate gang leader I’d take Zepp  and get 
all info I needed. Most gangs attack ships from 1 
to 3 am so be wary. After that it will be safer.

         Actions? Comments?

         Next Update...Tuesday?

         GM:  A quick update with me taking 
slight liberties.  I did email Dorhak a few times 
to get some reactions.  Dorhak plans to move on 
as soon as sell treasure. So probably a few hours 
after sunrise.  I added the Malic thing since I 
kind of had it planned long ago.  I doubt folks 
would want to go to town alone for casual 
stuff.  Might be dangerous.  Think of late 1700s 
new Orleans French ruled but pirates really 
controlled things by force.  Will try to do a 
small update Tuesday? Wednesday will be super 
busy.  If not Tue then probably next 
Saturday.  Next update probably figure out next 
and final leg to Vahear but not leaving Dechat for awhile.

            * Mana report – If missed my last 
post the mana report is up.  It is online and at 
bottom links section.  It is updated to 4/27 with 
combats and IBT experience and includes current 
Mana and Physical status.  Includes any EL and 
skill changes.  All sheets have been updated.

            * Healing – can be done retro 
wise.  Let me know who does the healing. Kiet 
will do Barbosa with dagger.  But 
others?  Unali's talisman still is 1 more 
charge.  Who will do what healing?  Z'leyra/Arawn/Fremea?

            * Future IBT: Once we reach Vahear 
IBT will be over.  It will be 5-6 days depending 
on winds – not rolled that up yet.  So 
4/28-5/?.  So if need to add IBT or change do 
so.  Else I'll use what is already on /miniibt.txt.

            * Treasure: Bess asked about 
loot.  Old school method on table top games was 
grab asap and glare at others who may want that 
item.  Here we've been lenient. You can select 
the special stuff (magic, etc) and I'll put it 
down on a list.  If others wanted said item you 
two can dicker on it or fight to 
death.  Generally folks are easy gong if there is 
a conflict it will be resolved quickly.  Alex 
being my proofer sees treasure first hand so its 
a bit unfair for that.  But it also applies for 
him.  I usually do a deadline later once I figure 
out such and resolve those treasure picks.  IF 
its a common thing like sword should be no 
conflict.  Pick 0 or 1 or tons of items.  As gm I 
only handle results.  I have 2 files online for 
this.  Listed as Pirate Treasure.  First is a 
detailed sheet of where items were located. 
Second file is the sorted/combined list.  So if 
there were 6, 3 and 1 sword listed I did it as 
one line and listed as 10.  So can use this 
sorted file as the final one.  Note on loot.  I 
ran the numbers. I figured out if this group had 
control over this part of local water (they 
did).  I then figured out if had loot (they did) 
then figured out how many ships looted (3) but 
had not sold their loot or did not want to do so 
at this time – some crews like to go to other 
ports to do so.  It looks like a lot of loot but 
its really not.  Also Dorhak needs to approve to 
give shores to Captain Damon?  He did loan 4 of 
his sailors.  If not then its divided up among 16 
folks.  For example 220 gold /16 is only 14 
gold.  No mega wins here. :)  I assume all 16 get 
shares unless stated otherwise.  Or 17 if give 
Damon a share.  I will take notes in the sorted file on who picks what.

         GM: Wound Status -

                  Player         Status
                 Z'leyra Light (13) Wound
                 Barbosa Heavy (15) Damage
                 Mae             Light (11) Damage
                 Pyan            Light (2) Damage
                 Fremea  Moderate (6) Damage
                 Ardackle        Light (5) damage
                 Finn            Moderate (10) Damage
                 Arawn           Moderate, (12) Damage, Burnt
                 Dorhak  Light (6) Damage
                 Unali   Light (3) Damage
                 Raddok  Light (2) Damage

       GM: Language Necklace Use: Roll W+EM or less
               Buff: +Em Mar 24th, +W Mar 29th

                 Character           Date         Learning          Notes
                   Pyan          Apr  27th     Fomorian From Unali Failure

         GM: Watch Assignments:

                 First  ( 7-10pm) - Dorhak, Raddok, Ix
                 Second (10- 1am) - Arawn, Mae, Pyan
                 Third  ( 1- 4am) - Fremea, Z'leyra, Mournath
                 Fourth ( 4- 7am) - Unali, Kiet, Barbasa

         GM: Combat Stats -

                 Turns:  66              [Corrected stat]
                 Phases: 265             [Time: 13 minutes 15 seconds]

                 Pirates - Ship A:       49
                 Pirates - Ship b:       42

                   Player        Kills
                 Other           3.5
                 Mournath        4
                 Kiet            5
                 Unali           15
                 Npcs            6
                 Raddok          3
                 Pyan            2
                 Barbosa         3
                 Dorhak          1
                 Fremea *        5 [A]/ 10.5 [B]
                 Ix              1
                 Wolf            1.5
                 Quarrels        33.5

                 * = MPV.
                 .5= Partial kill does minor (49%<) damage. .5 can be additive

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