[pnpgm] Game Update #133 - File #922 - Challenge Results 1

pnpgm pnpgm at comcast.net
Thu Jun 22 01:15:15 CEST 2017

          Player        DS    Character Name    Type    Status/Notes  Sex
   -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
   FH.John Haight.......HY..Arawn.............Druid  .Normal/Al.. Ma
   ...Kevin Newark..........Dorhak............Warrior.Normal/Dwarf....Ma
   --.Tobie Bonahoom....YY..Fremea............Sidh....Normal/Faerry.. Fe
   W3.Mark Murtha.......HN..Kell..............Trader..Normal/Human....Ma
   W2.David Sanders.....HN..Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human  ..Ma
   R4.Wout Broere.......YY..Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human  ..Fe
   R3 Panthera..............Pyandalgor........Hunter..Normal/Human....Ma
   R4.Alex Koponen......YY..Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human  ..Fe
      Z'layha ..............Npc...............Normal..Normal/Shaman...Fe
      Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra

       Game Web Site - http:/nrgcomputers.com/pbem/
       Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
       Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net

       Game Update #133 sequence (file #922)

       Admin Notes: None

         From Pyan: [Re: Actions]
           Pyan just casually mentions to Orto, "You're dead, I...
         GM: Ack. A good response.  See this rpg stuff isn't that
             hard.  You can do as much as you want.  You'll see
             from the others like Mae, Kiet and Arawn they go into
             very detailed responses.  As long as it doesn't interfere
             with things you can be as wordy as you want.  There is
             no restrictions.  When I say interferee.  Let's say you
             decide to step forward and use your dagger to kill a
             person.  Then you kick his dead body.  Well that would
             be bad if that person was a critical role.  Plus that
             person would be allowed a reaction.  Now what one can do
             is slap the person or knee him.  That would not interfere
             with the overall arc.  But as pcs you can do as much as
             you want in a scene that doesn't require some interaction
             reaction.  I hope this helps to explain things.  Good job!
             Saw your second post.  Wow most you've done all game.
             Congrats!  I added second post parts to below.

       [New Stuff]

           [Febris 9th, 1635TH]
           [Time: 5:01 pm]

           [Pyan's Challenge]

             Pyan is glad to see the young Orto's face. Then it hits him,
           the memory of hearing about Orto's death. Could it have all been
           a mistake or has Pyan himself crosses over to the afterlife.

             Pyan just casually mentions to Orto, "You're dead, I was
           badly injured and very well could be dead. That means..."
           Later when confronted with the choose of the deer or Bolm he
           thinks to himself, 'Can you even kill the dead? Anyways I can't
           go back on my promise to help feed your people and they're not
           going to eat Bolm.'  "Why can't he die of your bow?"

             Wondering if this is a trick to get him to kill someone for a
           malignant spirit that can't do it itself.

             Pyan decides on the deer and raises his bow and knocks a arrow.

             Orto looks confused, "dead? I'm not dead silly!  You been
           eating those orange berries again?"  He laughs and knocks his
           own bow.  "I'm not as good at this as you but I'll try..."

             Pyan aims and fires the arrow flies toward the deer ad hits
           him squarely on the left shoulder.  The deer bolts by instinct
           and runs.

             At the same time Orto fires and the arrow just whisks by
           the rider.  Bolm turns around and sees the two hunters and
           then turns back around galloping off very fast.

             Pyan knocks another arrow and decides on which target.  If
           the deer is not hit by a critical nein he could live and
           flee.  But if Bolm flees.  Pyan fires again at the deer
           as it dashes behind three trees and tries to escape.  Just
           as the deer makes a new appearance the hunter fires and hits
           the deer in the front left leg and it falls to the ground.

             Orto tries again as well but this time the rider escapes
           among the trees.  "I'm sorry cousin I failed."  But he looks
           at the deer. "Yes!  But you have not!"  He draws his long
           knife and runs.  "Come on cousin!"  Then laughs as he
           departs to slice up the deer.

             Pyan smiles something he hasn't done in a awhile.  As hunters
           it is cruel to kill but to kill for food to survive is another
           thing.  He knows Orto will treat the deer in its final moments
           with respect.  His clan and Pyan's own village will benefit
           from this deer in food and other materials.

             Pyan knows that buck could feed 30 with ease.  Which would
           be the size of their clans.  With enough food to last for
           a few weeks.

             Pyan draws his dagger and begins to move to help Orto but
           the scene dissolves again.  "A noble choice young one.  Events
           have changed.  Right now nearby your village will be sending
           men to gather the deer.  Orto will claim to have seen you but
           there is no sign of you around.  Maybe you will return soon
           but to Orto and the others you are like a kind spirit angle
           who saved them.  At least 3 kids and 2 elderly clan members
           will be saved by your choice.  It is good to see that in
           your heart your humanity over other things is primary.
           Now return with knowledge you gave Orto a winter."

             With the next step Pyan steps out of the wall with dagger
           held.  He sees the party and feels like he has been gone
           for hours but it was mere seconds.

             Raki shrugs, "I have no idea.  This is new to me.  I
           suppose the magic of the god wards are doing this to test
           us.  Since we assume gods have no influence here I assume I
           must be a magical...construct that deals with our hearts
           and dreams?  Not that I have a heart."

             The entire party saw the scene of Pyan and Orto and though
           they spoke in their own language everyone understood.  Now
           Pyan stands in front of them.

             Fuk pats the man on the shoulder, "I am all for justice.  But
           when it comes to helping those who starve...you did the right
           choice by me.  The creep can always be found later."

             The party climbs the stairs...

             Maelorna sighs as she can feel the gnawing feeling of wanting
           to feed and can't.  She gave her word and won't break it unless
           she's desperate.  But her fears start to mount as she wonders
           just how long before desperation drives her to feed and she
           already knows the danger of feeding while on the verge of

             The human, Fuk, a name she can't help but think of his name
           as a carnal pleasure has already shown his trust in her is less
           than even the sister of Z'leyra.

             'You could do worse than feeding upon him you know, something
           that might be worth it just to feel his last life force ebb as
           he fades from existence.' the voice taunts.

             Once again, Maelorna has to fight the urge to scream, 'If I
           kill him, the others will turn upon me, so stop now, please.
           We will feed when I can, or I wind up begging one of them to
           allow me to feed.'

           [Mae's Challenge]

             The hunger still feels like a nagging fly on one's nose flying
           about.  The voice continues to berate her to take a piece of
           someone nearby.  But Mae's will is strong for now and she holds

             Then the weirdo Fuk first tries to kill her then be friends
           with her?   Who is that guy?   He must've been around Arawn
           way too long.

             Mae climbs the stairs to the next landing and steps onto
           them with a loud thump.  The creatures tried to kill her
           but she knows they want the priest Arawn.   If all else fails
           she can play that game.  But as she glances over at Arawn
           the walls and stairs fade.

             The next step finds Mae inside some structure.  As eyes
           adjust it seems to be dawn or sunset.  Fading light is seen
           through windows.  Then Mae realizes this is her home what little
           of it she had.   A large square one room place that could be
           blown down by a strong wind or a angry bull.  What is she
           doing back her?  It has been years.

             Mae then notices two forms in front of her to the left.  One
           a human male sitting on a bed.  The other is a small female
           child in the bed.  As Mae's eyes adjust she sees the man is
           naked and it seems the girl is as well.

             Then a female voice to the right is heard humming as if a good
           day of feasting.  Mae glances to see her mother at the table
           carving a apple as if nothing unusual is happening.

             She doesn't even seem to care or notice the naked man.

             Mae then looks around aside from the bed, wooden crate that
           acts as a dresser, table and a couple old chairs, cooking pot
           in a very tiny fireplace, 2 windows, sink with a carte that
           could hold dishes there is not much else to this peasant place.

             Then Mae notices a dark form moving back and forth outside
           the window.   The only door to this place is shut.   The dark
           form is hard to get features at all.

             "Please....no.."  The girl whispers.  That is when Mae
           recognizes her own voice.  Then she realizes this is when she
           was around 10 when she was sold.  Then she realizes the man
           must be Gniled.  No wait.  That is not Gniled but a man in the
           village who bought her for the night. With her own mother feet
           away ignoring it all!

             "Brings back memories eh?" A new voice says behind Mae.

             Mae turns and pulls her dagger.  There she sees Arawn.

             "This is the crux of all your future woes is it not? The
           abuse by the male boys and men?  The mother who did not care
           at all.  Then the slavery. This is before you truly found out
           what you were."

             Young Mae begins to cry as the man draws his fingers allover
           her body.

             "Betrayal is now a part of you is it not?"  Arawn continues.

             "If you could go back and end one of your betrayers would
           you do so?  The man outside is Gniled but in a slightly
           different place from here.  That dagger you hold could end the
           pain of the first man to take you.  The mother who hated you
           or the slaver.  Or you could do nothing and simply leave this
           place and let the pain go on.  They can't see me nor you so
           what you do here could affect your destiny."

             With that Arawn dissolves and Mae realizes it must be that
           projection again.


             The acoustics of the landing change as she can hear her foot
           steps, which are normally soft and quiet, sounding loud and
           abrasive to her ears.   She pauses, the thoughts of the
           creatures, the shifters behind them, they are strong enough to
           let her feed upon them, allowing her to gorge upon their life
           force without killing them, however, that would require her to
           return and in this area, she has no idea if she can succeed
           like she had with Zim.

             She takes another step and stops, her hand easily reaching
           for her dagger as she realizes she's no longer at the landing.
           Nor does she feel the others about her.  Instead, she can see
           the sunlight filtering through a window and her hackles raise.
           The one place she never wanted to see again she's standing
           within and looking about, she bares her fangs as her eyes

             'Well well, what have we here?' the voice echoes her thoughts
           with an intrigued tone.

             Maelorna turns to face potential enemies to her left.
           Seeing the pair she recognizes them immediately and her wings
           flare out to make her look more imposing than she already is,
           as her tail slashes the air behind her.

             "No, by the Court, NO!" she hisses softly as she can see the
           first that set her on the path of being a whore.

             The humming of an older woman drags her vision to look at the
           woman she hates for making her what she is, for ruining her
           existence by doing what she had done.

             She turns to hear Arawn's voice behind her and turns to face
           him with the dagger.

             "This isn't even a choice or chance to stop anything. I
           can't alter the past.  Anything I do, destroys what I am now.
           All the hate, all the betrayal is what has made me."

             As she can hear the anguish from the little girl and the voice
           inside her head almost coos softly, 'Aww, you made such a pretty
           little whore, but just think what we truly can become.' it

             "I may be one of the Daughters of Princess Naamaah, but I
           will not destroy my past.  I know that memory and while I don't
           like it, hate it, loathe it.  I will have my due.  I am free of
           Master Gniled, and soon, I will taste the lifeforce of my mother
           and that human.  I refuse to destroy my past.  There is
           nothing for me here."  She fights the urge to scream.

             She turns and walks out of the chamber, ignoring the sound
           of the young girl crying in anguish as she's made to learn what
           males want.

             Mae leaves the shack she called home as her yourself begins
           to scream in pain.  The hum of her mother rivets into her
           mind as she glances at Gniled.  Then Gniled and the shack
           fades away.

             Arawn's voice is heard again, "betrayal is a human trait.
           Few other races know it.  Does that make you less a human?
           Or more human to resist?"

             "A gift."

             Mae continues to walk away with the dirt gravel under
           her foot.  Suddenly a beam of white flashes all over her
           almost naked form.  It seems to go up and down her
           body and then the next steep, Mae steps into the stairs

             Fuk who had been watching the scene of Mae's challenge
           drew his sword and ran straight for the small hovel.  But
           as he does he slams into the wall.  He bangs on it trying
           to get to Mae but nothing happens.

             Others including Unali have drawn weapons disgusted by
           the sight.

             As Mae steps back to the prison world from her home in
           the L'p'nth badlands she sees the party.

             Fuk rubs his head as a bruise swells, "who were those

             Z'layha and Unali turn around as the image of the shack
           fades.  Tears appear but are removed with a finesse that no one

           [Kiet's Challenge]

             As the party ascends they wonder if everyone here will
           be tested in some way.

             Kiet glances at Raki to see him carrying the dead remains of
           Kell.  Such a useless death.  Kiet absently steps up to the next
           landing between stair cases.  But as he does the walls around him

             Kiet finds himself on some city street next to a brick
           building.  Kiet sees a crowd in the street maybe 30-40
           of various ages and status including kids.  They are all
           staring at Kiet murmuring.

             The sun is high and its warm maybe in the 80s and Kiet can
           feel a table to his right a small 3 foot tall and 3 foot wide
           table.  Kiet glances around a bit confused as to how he got
           here but if the god's magic was at foot they could have
           the power to do such.

             "Ladies and gentlemen!"  A voice is heard and Kiet glances to
           his left and for the first time sees Arawn.

             "We have a guest of great skill today to entertain you!  This
           is Kiet Sunan juggler expert!  He will simply do a bit of
           juggling.   Any one with slight skills can do this so we are
           not worried here.  But there is a time limit."  He waves to
           the table and Kiet glances down to see a hour glass of sand.
           "Friend Kiet grab your balls!"

             Kiet realizes first time his shield and tulwar are missing.
           He glances around and then sees on the table a bowl of balls.
           Kiet is glad it wasn't his other set he had to worry about.  He
           grabs the balls which are only 3.  Three is easy to juggle as
           he has done 5 at one time.  This should be real easy!

             "Simply juggle all the balls until the time runs out.  Easy
           eh?"  Arawn asks.  That is when Kiet realizes this must be the

             "Oh there is a catch."

             Kiet groans of course there is.

             "I have these 2 balls."  Arawn shows the audience two silver
           balls and then tosses them into the air and they begin to hover
           in the air.  "They have a bit of incentive to help you out."

             With that one of the balls fires a very tiny blast of red
           energy at Kiet's arm.  Kiet recoils in pain.  "That didn't
           hurt that much? But it will get worse.  So just juggle and avoid,
           a simple task right?"

             "Oh there is one more thing.  Look at your balls?"

             Kiet glances to the balls in his hands.  They suddenly

             Kiet glances at Ball 1 a blue ball that has a brown mass
           in it.  As it begins to take shape Kiet recognizes the brown
           mass as Lemasa.  His home island.  Any way Kiet tries to
           rotate the ball it seems to show a fixed position as if
           always staring upwards and outwards.

             Kiet glances at Ball 2 and it shows a dark area and transforms
           into images of people.  Kiet then recognizes Fuk, Z'leyra and
           others.  The images are climbing stairs but Kiet sees all of
           the party except him there.

             Kiet glances up at Arawn then back at Ball 3. This ball is
           a single image.  It shows a smiling Kell.  Again any way Kiet
           rotates the ball Kell's mug is facing him.

             Arawn lowers his voice a bit.  "At the end you must decide
           which is more important.  Your home and people.  Your friends
           in the party or your best friend which you lost.  If you could
           save one which is the most important?"

             "Once the hourglass is done drop the first and your choice
           in the hole in the table."  Kiet glances and poof a hole
           forms.  "Once your choice is made drop the 2nd and 3rd.  Oh.
           If you drop one the task is over.  If you place the ball in
           the hole before time is up the task is over."

             Before Kiet can ask questions, "we start now!"

             The audience cheers and the hovering balls hover and encircle
           Kiet.  Kiet looks down to see the hourglass now upside down and
           pouring sand.


             Kiet truly detests this meddling by these gods.  'Capricious'
           is a kind word for them.  'Childish', especially when they
           throw their tantrums, seems to fit better.  He smirks slightly
           seeing that at least some of his audience, likely the gods
           themselves, are manifested as children.  Likely spoiled ones
           at that.

             Kiet has been quite respectful of them, little as they often
           deserve it.  Kiet doesn't try to bend the rules to make himself
           impossibly powerful, like some he could name.  He tries to
           appease the gods as possible, providing gifts and honors.  But
           for some reason, they have chosen once again to meddle in the
           affairs of men, elf, dwarf and all others.

             Kiet has actually thought about what he would do if forced to
           make these kinds of choices.  Being relatively rich compared to
           most people, one never knows when trouble would appear, and one
           must prepare as best one can.

             Kiet, with the three balls in hand, turns directly toward the
           image of Arawn. He finds it doubly abhorrent and foul.  He
           gathers his thoughts for a moment, then says "You gods!  You do
           naught but cause grief and misery when you interfere in our
           lives.  And for no purpose discernible other than your own
           amusement!  We are not your playthings."

             He continues, saying "I find it somewhat funny, but sad, that
           you abdicate your positions as gods to a mere mortal like me to
           determine the fates of so many!  It is not my place in the
           planes to decide the fates of men!  That is, unfortunately for
           all involved, still yours!. As such, I choose to not participate
           in this charade."

             Kiet then takes the three balls he has been given and throws
           them as hard as he can toward the image of Arawn, yelling
           incoherently as he does so, his frustration very evident.

             When he's done, chest heaving from anger and exhaustion, he
           yells out "I will not be forced to make any such decision!  It
           is not my place!"

             Kiet looks out at the crowd, searching for some hint as to
           who might be who.  "Mu!  Manakel?  Why do you allow this?  You
           are better than this!  Gaea!  Is this how your people are
           nurtured?  Girra!  Ben Nez! What do you gain by going along
           with this?"

             Kiet looks back to the image of Arawn, looking himself as if
           he could just spit on it...but one should not push a god too
           far.  "I will not make such a choice!  I will not cooperate in
           your horrible game.  Do with me as you will.  You will anyway
           and I can't stop you.  But I will hope that you...whoever or
           whatever you may be...will someday be exiled to that very same
           place from we brought Raki.  You deserve it, and worse!  You are
           unworthy of existing in the same planes as those I spoke of!"


             Arawn deftly avoids the balls though one does hit him in the
           arm and the projection simply shifts ever so slightly.  Arawn

             The people begin to boo and hiss.  Some throw rocks or various
           things like pieces of stone or paper at Kiet.  One orange hits
           the wall near Kiet splashing.

             Arawn seems to speak softly but Kiet can understand him as
           the crowd hisses.  The destructive balls seemed to have stopped
           at the whim of Arawn and faded or Kiet would've had to jump
           and dodge their beams of energy.

             "These are not gods.  I am not a god.  I am simple magical
           construct.  I look like Arawn since he shared some of his
           being with me in order to remove the ward.  The gods can't be
           here in the middle world which you stand in.  The fates of
           thsoe three balls were in your hands. But to throw them away
           is indeed a choice."

             The sunshine begins to fade a bit and then Kiet can hear
           a yell.  "Kiet!"

             Kiet looks up to see on a roof a winged being.  It is waving
           and Kiet recognizes Kaylle the librarian! Wait this is Sivas?

             Kiet steps forward to get a better view and finds himself again
           in the prison stairs.

             Z'layha shrugs, "that was a fast thing.  I was hoping to
           see you juggle."

           [Z'leyra's Challenge]

             Z'leyra still regrets losing her satchel.  But maybe
           it is time to find better things.   As she climbs the
           stairs to the next landing the walls dissolve around her.

             Z'leyra finds herself suddenly in some metal area that
           looks like a workshop. Then suddenly a voice is heard.
           "About time you wake up. You have classes to go to."

             Z'leyra turns to see Tiren walking behind her into the hop
           and she realizes this is her Ticasi home. What is he doing back

             "Don't you start the anatomy class today?" Tiren smiles he
           heads to the anvil to collect his tools.  Anatomy class?  But
           that would be a year maybe 1.5 years before she left. Before
           Tiren died? "We all have regrets..or at least thsse alive." A
           new voice makes Z'leyra turn to see Arawn behind her in the
           yard. "If you could go back and be here again. Would you? If
           so agree and its done. You can save your father. Deal with
           the bullies in school.  Sure you may not find your friends here
           and but there is a cost to such dreams. Then again the party
           may need you later. Which is more important?"


             Z'leyra, "Oh Tiren! Father! I cannot. What we, my friends
           and I, accomplished must not be undone. Your spirit has gone
           on its journey. It would be selfish of me to bring you back
           unless you wanted it.  The bullies...they don't matter. If you
           truly do wish to come back I may someday be able to accomplish
           the magic to do so. Given the balance between having you back
           and saving the world from the dangers that my friends and I
           did in the last year and a half I must choose to keep the world
           safe from those dangers, even as my heart soars to see you
           again and yet breaks to lose you again."

             Tiren smiles.  "Ley you must be still sleepy!  Already
           gone..lose me?  You speak of as if I died!  Did you have a
           bad nightmare? I'm sorry.  When you get nervous and worried
           you twirl your hair like now."

             You notice you are doing that indeed. A trait only overcome
           by confidence that doesn't show up for a long time.  Then you
           feel your hair it is combed down instead of the ordered and
           sometimes ponytail you wear for your helmet which is missing.

             If this is truly the past and real not a illusion?

             "Morning Tiren!" a voice is heard from behind that makes you
           turn around.  You see a neighbor older man who likes to garden
           carrying bags of seeds.  Wait you recall this day. This is
           when Tiren cut himself badly and got a scar. You turn around to
           speak when you hear tools rattle.

             So was Arawn correct?  Could you say a final good bye and
           it would be real and remembered?

             Tiren is picking up a large sharp knife to cut some leather
           strap. You warn to be careful and move closer.  Tiren looks up and
           stops and then nods. But Tiren still cuts the side of his finger
           causing a minor bleeding. But you did change history.  At one
           point he had a scar along his left hand that could not be fixed.

             Could Arawn's magic thanks to the gods actually send her back
           in time to Ticasi.

             You help treat the wound as Tiren smiles.

             "One day you will be a great healer. I have no doubt.
           See I bleed.  Would a dead man bleed?"

             "Oh, I lost track. It is to my friend Arawn I meant those
           words. Father, I love you. You are the man I look up to. Here,
           have a hug." Z'leyra hugs Tiren. "I AM in class, I am also here
           having lived many months after this time and done many things
           after a shapeshifter looking like me killed you and burnt down
           the shop. Apparently I have traveled back in time. But I cannot
           stay here. To meet my earlier self, I have no memory of such
           happening and so it should not happen. If you can arrange that
           the you that dies is but a copy or very good illusion and
           somehow sneak away and live elsewhere for the next couple years
           would please me. immensely. But I must have lived those
           adventures for the lives of so many depend upon it."

             She tells her father when and how he or his copy will be
           killed then says "Arawn, we must go back to the future and
           continue to do what we can."

             Tiren hugs you back and grins, "those writing classes make
           a good imagination."  He pats your back a few times.  "I
           will remember this...story.  If this is true then I am
           proud of you.  Now rush off to class you'll not want to be

             Z'leyra steps out of the shop and through the re-appearing
           in the prison.  Tears streaming down her cheeks.  Suddenly
           every mind present changes.

             Kiet watches Fuk fade away and everyone's memory changes.

             Tiren did heed the warning.  But instead of dying from
           the Z'layha clone the clan that fought against Tiren indeed
           set the shop ablaze and didn't know Tiren was home at the
           time.  So almost the same week of his death he did die
           regardless.  The party did indeed return to Akasha the
           events of the murder and Fuk was there to arrest the clan

             But the Z'layha clone-shifter was indeed still in Ticasi
           and looking for Tiren.  Still in his Z'layha form he was
           seen by many which led the party to the Kamerans to investigate.
           However, Fuk and Lucria were not there since they were not
           needed to hunt down Z'layhas

             History was altered and the memories of everyone except
           Z'leyra reflect this.  Z'leyra recalls the old time line.
           But the entire Kameran events still occurred aside from the
           interactions from Lucria and Fuk.  Mae never spent time
           with the man and he never died.  The events in Ticasi did
           change though.  The notebook Tiren had has gone missing
           instead of burnt up.  No evidence of it being in the fire
           could be seen by the Akasha spells.  Tiren was inside the
           home when the home and shop fully burnt down.  Last time
           it was the shop only with a bit of home.

             As Z'leyra merges back into the prison world   She can
           see her sister crying heavily.

             "you warned him...but he still died by their hands...
           we got justice...they were arrested but was it worth it?"
           Z'layha hugs her sister.

             Mae stands aloof and not knowing Lucria and sharing her
           secret with a person other than Arawn was never done.
           Getting so close to a person and losing her changed her
           personality again to a different level.  But she stares
           at the events in the wall the loving father.  Such a strange
           concept to her.

             The projection of Arawn appears, "time is a river and
           when it is dammed up it shifts.  It will flow.  Since
           the lone-shifter was still in Ticasi that part was not
           changed.  Damming a river has its consequences."  With
           that he dissolves and Z'leyra's ire rises.

             Sure she saved Lucria's life and said what she wanted to
           for her father.  But she forgot to warn him about the clan
           and so instead of looking for her sister fell victim to
           a friend in disguise the clan's primary son.

             Kiet stares at the projection a bit confused not truly
           knowing that history changed.  But this projection is
           starting to annoy him big time.

           Actions? Comments??

           Next Update....Saturday....

           GM: Wow.  Ok.  I was not expecting history to be actually
               changed.  We've spent years in chat talking about time
               travel and risks involved.  While Z'leyra did warn of
               this shifter technically she did not warn of the clan
               and so history's river of time changed and the clan stepped
               in to do what Z'leyra suspected when they went to Ticais
               in the first place.  But the Akasha spell were a bit odd
               this time.  When Z'leyra watched the Tiren he was sleeping
               during the day which he rarely did.  By the time the
               explosives and fire raged it was too late.  Fuk was never
               in Kameran since no need to do his trip.  Any interaction
               with Lucria and Fuk are voided.  Since the Shifter was still
               around investigating Tiren's close ties to the metal 
tidbits he was around to
               kill him but the clan beat him to it.  He returned to
               Kameran lands to await for the prophesied Alfar to show up
               and set events in motion.  Basically as GM this means the
               adventure was not a total wash by the change in history. :)
               Sadly, Kell is still dead and Kiet did not save him.  This
               is a long update so will spare doing a second since I do
               have material from Arawn and such so will delay that
               till Saturday (John will get to that email stuff then).
               Notice Fuk and Lucria are off the roster. :)

           GM: Challenges

                  Player      Sent       Progress
                Arawn         Sent   Awaiting response
                Dorhak        Sent   Awaiting response
                Fremea        Sent   Awaiting response
                Kell          Next   Will type up next update
                Kiet          Done   Completed
                Unali         Sent   In progress via email
                Mae           Done   Completed
                Mournath      Next   Next update
                Pyan          Done   Completed
                Z'leyra       Done   Completed
                Raki          Next   Next update
                Z'layha       Next   Next update

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