[pnpgm] A semi plan

Scott Adams pnpgm at comcast.net
Sat Feb 18 06:17:34 CET 2012

Ok.  Based on Alex's post she (ZL) is not waiting to hear Kiet's 
report as he hasn't reported in yet.  Only FAr, Kiet nad Kell know of 
any details he might've shared.  The others in the side tunnel have no clue .

So based on that ZL And BEn'dar will rush out immediately to attack.

So time will not stop.

MEans the Merkabah will act as well...

This means if folksdon't follow or pick their targets or use 
suggested ideas like FAr gave then will assume stay behind in the tunnel...

So I'll move the party on at this point...all heck will break loose...:)

A lot of book keeping will be in order for me...

I likely will do 10 phases in one pdate since the distance involved is big.
Not sure howlong it will take. But in 30 seconds of that time who 
knows what could happne...

Stay tuned..

I'm off Thur/Fri so will have a late night to work on update later this week..

Enjoy the chaos!

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