[pnpgm] Z'leyra speaks

Alex Koponen akoponen at mosquitonet.com
Sat Apr 22 01:37:03 CEST 2006

Z'leyra, shocked at what Cetric said, responds "Most shaman NEVER fight 
folk from their own tribe. Oh yes, you hear stories of shaman fighting 
one, maybe two madmen in the tribe they serve, but that is a rare 
exception. That a shaman fought thirty nine of his own - SLAYING 
fourteen and maiming three speaks loudly. That thirty nine had REASON to 
challenge him shouts louder yet. That you actually boast of this...I 
find it hard to believe of a Zen'da shaman. Oh, I could believe it of a 
Fierazi, a Helva, Sarghut or Kll'Maun, but a Zen'da? It saddens me."
    "Nonetheless, for now we should put our differences behind us. We 
have an enemy that must be dealt with first. So! No fighting each other 
until after we have dealt with the graverobbers!"
    "I realize that it is hard to tell where Cetric is speaking for 
himself or for the spirits. Since trust in Cetric appears to be in short 
supply I make an offer."
    "If you both agree, I will contact the wolf's spirit and ask it if 
feels insulted from the taking of the hide from the corpse. I would then 
ask it what would appease it. If no insult is taken Ben'Dar and Cetric 
have no reason for this argument. If appeasement is necessary then 
Ben'Dar will accept my word and do the necessary appeasement."
    "Either way, put this argument behind us!" 

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