[pnpgm] GAme Update #16 - File #91 - Cabin in woods

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Mon Feb 7 00:39:34 CET 2022

Sex.....Character Name...Player..................Type....Notes.....
Female.Varo Mineholder..Bess.Hadley......Merchant..Human...........

         Game Web Site – http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm (case matters)
         Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
         Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net

         Game Update #16 sequence (file #91)

         Admin: None.

            From Juno: [Re: Actions]
                 Juno hops off his horse and 
checks for tracks to see if any one 

                 He then says to Varo, “What do you think happened here?”
            GM: Ack.

            From Mournath: [Re: Actions]
                 Taking his own advice, Mournath 
would like to scout the edges of the village for 
signs of travel or struggle. If he can climb a 
tree to get a better look into the heart of the village, he'll do that.
            GM: Ack. Well Juno and Varo went to 
scout.  So will have to change that to maybe make 
you snake away from group and toward village.

            From Varo: [Re: Actions]
                 [sorry to be so late with this, everyone]

                 Varo, leading her mare with the boy still atop, looks around 

                 If he says no, she would really 
like to circle around the village from well 
within the trees to see if there’s any sign of 
where folks might be, but Juno & Marusk are 
probably better suited to do that scouting, and 
to decide how safe it would be to have her horse 
along, even if she tied its muzzle to keep it 
from neighing. She will defer to Juno & leave the 
horse tied behind if he’s willing for them to 
continue scouting. It would help if the boy has 
any ideas of where the villagers might have 
retreated to. The closed & shuttered buildings 
seemed to indicate a retreat rather than a rout – which was a good thing.
            GM: Ack.

            From Rocky: [Re: Actions]
                 "I ken try ta sneak up n find a 
spot ta watch n if'n needed shoot 

            GM: Ack.

            From Juno: [Re: Actions]
                 from" patting his arbalest "ta 
cover eny gitting close ta the 

            GM: Ack.

         [New Stuff]

         [Windsday, Fertility week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]

         [Time: 10:06 am]

            Juno hops off his horse and checks 
for tracks to see if any one came or left and which way they traveled.

            He also looks and smell in the air 
for any signs of poop or pee spots and food waste.

            He hopes to determine what, how and when things passes thru here.

            He hopes to use that intel to pick up a path.

            He also looks for any signs of fire or smoke.

            He then says to Varo, “What do you think happened here ?”

            The boy rolls his eyes, “miss what I 
said? Trolls come trolls do bad things...trolls 
head to our cabin that way.”  He points far to the west.

            “I think we should scout out any 
place we're we can some how unnoticed and 
determine out where the towns people or creatures went.”

            Boy grumbles, “everyone is inside 
their homes why its shut up and locked. 
Scared.  We are wasting time here.  We should go to the cabin.”

            “Do you agree or should we return to 
the rest of party with this info we observe here?”

            “I much rather explore more but is 
this a risk to not return and perhaps going back is wiser.”  Juno adds.

            “I just feel a slight bit curious to 
know more in my heart but my mind says go back. 
If you say return then we go back.”

            Juno before the group leaves and if 
the water looks and or smells safe refill his water supply.

            He silently prays to his higher power 
to bless the folks who lived here for sanctuary.

            Varo, leading her mare with the boy 
still atop, looks around the village with Juno. 
He was right – there was no movement. But all the 
doors were closed, not left torn open, so someone 
might still be around here or nearby.

            She motioned that they all retreat 
back into the trees a bit the way they had come, 
and when they seemed better hidden, she helped the boy off the horse.

            She asks the boy “If your family and 
neighbors decided to go find a safer place, do 
you know where they might have gone?”

            The boy walk a bit into the clearing 
annoyed the two aren't coming closer. “As I said 
they are inside the buildings! Hiding.  There is 
no place to go get help. So I did.”  He moves 
toward the nearest building.  “Come on!”

            Juno leads his horse back to the 
trees with Varo and agrees we should circle around.

            Juno silently mutters a prayer. “May 
the boy find his family and return back to his people safe and sound.”

            Then the boy decides to up the stakes.

            Varo grunts and pulls her bow out she gestures to the boy for Juno.

            Juno leaves his horse and moves 
quickly to the boy.  As he does he scans left and 
right for trolls or any activity but sees nothing.

            The boy gets to the first house 
closet and speaks low.  “They did not leave they 
are inside.  The trolls could've killed them 
all.  They could not go anywhere or be chased 
down.  They kept their families safe by 
hiding.  Sure the trolls could've entered the 
homes and did.  But they only did what they felt they could do.”

             Juno looks around the corner to the 
center of the homes.  With the few on left and 
two on right.  The wide path.  He notices tracks 
for sure normal tracks of humans looks based on 
flat spots probably sandals.   He doesn't see 
trash or animal waste though.  From his spot he doesn't spot blood either.

            Juno reaches for the boy and the boy 
dodges and moves around the home down the central 
path.  To the second home.  Juno grunts an 
follows.  The taps on a closed wooden framed 
window blocked by the hatch not clear glass.

            “Sermus!” he whispers.  “I got help.”

            Juno casts detect enemies and find 
nothing in his range.  As the boy said the trolls are to the west.

            Juno notices several signs of dropped 
or frantically placed items like cooking 
materials, tools and such around the path.  The 
central village watering hole seems to have a 
trough with clear fresh looking water.  He notes 
that to give some for his horse later.

            The window a hatch opens slightly and 
a eyeball is seen.  It looks around. It spots 
Juno and quickly closest the hatch again.  Juno 
figures the people do not want to be 
involved.  That is clear and he can understand 
that if they are only hunters and not warriors.

            Juno moves slightly down the path to 
see what else is around.  There are signs of 
heavy prints probably boots?  He notices a few 
sets.  Trolls are heavier than humans so that may 
be evidence they were here.  But the tracks fade into the grass.

            Then behind him at the door he saw 
the eyeball the door creaks open.  A man in his 
mid 40s exits holding a rusty blade.  “Boy! Get in here.”

            “No!  My sister is still at the cabin.”

            The man looks at Juno and this is 
when Varo rides closer and can hear them talk but 
still wary of the forest edges for trolls.

            “You need to leave.  Once the trolls 
get their jollies out and they'll move on.”

            The boy looks at the man.  'Are you 
cow...” then stops and reconsiders. “You are scared of them?”

            “Of Course boy!  We are simple folk 
worst we deal with is a bear or a nasty wolf. 
Trolls are far worse.  We...I wish I could help 
you but we put our family at risk.”

            The boy balls his fists and moves west between the houses.

            Varo diverts her horse around the 
first house and blocks the boy “if you won't go help then I'll do something.”

            Juno whistles for his horse to come 
then comes behind the boy.  He says they'll go 
report and as a full group go to the cabin.  Then 
he moves to get his horse and waterskin water.

            “Fine let's go.”  The boy climbs back 
onto Varo's horse wit her help.

            The man shakes his head.  “If you guys lose we are all dead!”

            The boy nods, “they won't lose.”


    Back at the group waiting a good half mile 
away at least but probably 3/4ths a mile 
away.  “Once we find the trolls we can plan well.”

            Moments earlier Rocky comments.  "I 
ken try ta sneak up n find a spot ta watch n if'n 
needed shoot from" patting his arbalest "ta cover 
eny gitting close ta the village." Rocky offers.

            Veren looks at Jeren for a 
translation.  The bodyguard whispers.  Veren nods.

            Marusk and some others discuss 
scouting the cabin and orders are given to wait.

            Razgor says, "Better wait for the scouts then."

            Several minutes later then Veren does 
a head count. “Where is Mournath? Did he sneak off?”

            Jeren shrugs, “he did join late maybe we can't trust him?”


            Mournath did indeed sneak out and 
move north to find the village but then decided 
to move north west if that is where the cabin was located.

            He finds a tree and climbs it to look 
around. The woods here are moderate but not 
thick. He sees no signs of a village or human or 
troll tracks.  But as he climbs down he notices 
sign of a path made through bushes by animal or man.

            He moves that way and notices a faint 
smell of sweaty fur.  Either a bear or a troll passed this way.

            Mournath moves and in a few minutes spots a cabin.


            AS Varo and Juno leave the village 
Juno finally spots a wift of white smoke.  If the 
homes have a fire going they must be low key or 
muffled fires so not to show great amount of smoke.

            It takes no time to trot back to the 
others.  They give what was found and indeed no sign of trolls.

            Veren nods, “Mounath left so he may 
be working with them.  Lets move.  Boy lead us!”

            The boy grins finally eager to get help.

            Marusk ask the boy, 'you said they came yesterday?”

            “Yes.  Near night fall.”

            “You left this morning? At Sunrise you said to find help.”

            “Yes.  I ...never ventured out on my own...at night....”

            Marusk nods, “I understand but what did you do all night?”

            “I tried to go to the farm to get 
help but got lost and was lucky to find the 
village again.  I got supplies from the store 
house and tried to get help but no one answered me until you showed up today.”

            Veren whispers to Marusk, “what will the trolls do to his sister?”

            Ma rusk shrugs, “depends on how off 
they are.  Could eat her if hungry. Most don't 
torture humans normally.  But they could ...toy with her.”

            Veren nods, “half a day captured? So 
shouldn't expect much.” He sighs.


            Before Mournath can circle around and 
find a good tree to scan from he spots a troll in 
the distance among the trees.  He is lumbering 
around holding a club moving a bit north and 
Mounath follows him.  Then he spots a small 
clearing with indeed a cabin in the middle of a cleared forested area.

            The troll moves to a well and brings 
up a water bucket to drink from.

            Mournath finds a tree and tries to 
climb a bit about 15 feet high to get a better 
view.  Almost 3 minutes later he hears the group 
coming up making a bit of noise with their horses.


            The boy leads Varo, Juno and the 
others to the cabin.  Jeren orders group to stop 
when he can barely make out a clearing.  “Leave 
horses here.  Too much noise.  If need to use 
them for combat we can come back.  But to scout 
out the place we need stealth for now.”

            Verene speaks low as horses are tied 
to trees.  “Boy can you sketch layout of your cabin?”

            The boy nods and kneels picking up a 
stick to make a picture in the dirt. “Cabin is 
roughly 30 by 30 feet.”  He draws a 
square.  “Only one door here to the 
east.  Fireplace on the south wall.  Only two 
rooms. This common room with kitchen and living 
room of sorts and this area on this corner is 
bedroom for my uncle. There is a loft that uses a 
slanted thatch roof.  Me and my sister slept 
there but its a bit cramp with a small mini 
bed.  Couple windows here and there.  Outside a 
well here and a small garden in back.  The 
village has a small outhouse in the woods away 
from the homes but we have a tiny one here in 
north side.  South side is a small trough we bath 
in or feed some animals we may use.  We used to 
have chickens and a goat.  But harsh winter we had to eat them.”

            Veren nods.  “Lets take a look.  Boy 
don't say a word or rush to the cabin I mean it! 
We need to see what we are up against first.”

            Boy nods and the group moves 
north.  Marusks waits at the horses to guard them.

            About 120 feet later the group peers 
into the clearing.  The sun is high to the north 
east to the right and up so shining down on the 
clearing with only shadows in the back.  Indeed a 
small wooden cabin is seen with a slanted almost 
triangular thatch roof.  The brick fireplace 
seems to be showing signs of smoke so in 
use.  Indeed a water trough is seen this side of 
the cabin about 10 feet from the cabin.  Outback 
seems to be a scattered mess of foliage.  It 
seems the trolls ransacked the garden and either 
ruined the food or removed it for eating.  The 
outhouse can't be seen form this side But 
Mournath who is in a tree about 80 feet west of 
party can see a bit of the small outhouse shack 
from his angle.  Mournath can see the party but 
the party has not seen him yet.

            A well to east in front of front door looks in good shape.

            The boy gasps and points.  To the 
east of cabin about 50 feet is a corpse that 
looks to be human.  Does not seem to be moving or 
tied up so must be dead or knocked out.

            There is one troll out front at the 
well.  One at the door standing guard.  One 
outback bored looking picking at the garden or 
stomping things.  Two on patrol south of cabin

            No clue how many inside and if on 
other side (north).  Scan of forest at first look 
seems to show no sign of trolls at this 
point.   Captive must be inside.

         GM: Actions? Comments?

             Next Update...Tue/Wed?

         GM: finally! This gm is slacking.  Err I 
mean.  I tried to get it out last saturday then 
had a pc freeze and it corrupted the office file 
so had to redo update.  Went ahead and moved 
folks to cabin to move things along since been 
awhile.  At this point party is together except 
for Mournath based on his post earlier.  But 
limited time (game time) so not much to get done 
on his own.  Actually Marusk is back at 
horses.  A big update for now.  If you (Varo/Juno 
wanted to do stuff in village let me know.  See 
map below if it messes up in text/email then see 
online ver it seems to keep maps stable and not 
remove tabs. Deadline for Healing votes coming 
up.  Also another factor dealing with is my pre 
pre retirement which is shorter work hours 3 
less.  While this gives me 3 hours more free it 
oddly seems to need to adjust to it as need to adapt to the change.

         GM: Healing Votes: [Deadline 1/15]

                 RQ6 – Varo, Juno
                 No vote/Doesn’t matter - Wout.Broere

         GM: 130 Miles out – personal note for me.

         GM: Map -

    ! Row = 5 feet
    1 Column = 5 feet
    1 Hex = 10 feet.
    /I\ = North up

          1                   2


/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  A / = Door J15
\__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \_ B _ = Cabin North/South wall
/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  C I = East/West Walls
\__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \_ D **- Fireplace
/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  E : = Window
\__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \_ F , = Garden
/  \__/  \______________/  \__/  \__/  G [==] = Water trough/basin
\__/  \__/ I            I__/  \__/  \_ H @ = Well
/  \__/  \_I            I  \__/  \__/  I C = Bpdu V28
\__/  \__/ I   Cabin    /__/  \__/  \_ J
/  \_,,, \_:            I  \__/  \__/  K
\__/ ,T,_/ I            IT_/  \_T@  \_ L
/  \_,,, \_I            :  \__/  \__/  M
\__/  \__/ I______***___I__/  \__/  \_ N
/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  O
\__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \_ P
/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  Q
\__/  \__/  \__/ [==]/  \__/  \__/  \__/
/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__T  \__/  \__/  S
\__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \T_/  \__/  \_ T
/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  U
\__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  C_ V
/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  W
\__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \_ X
/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  Y

  M             [Party]

M = In tree 15 feet up Off map but you are about 70 (7 hexes) SW of cabin
Party = about 70-80 feet south of cabin in bushes behind trees
Did not want to add more hex rows.
Horses/Marusk - about 120 feet south of party

Trolls -
  T - L7    T - T16
  T - L23   T - L16
  T - S15  Others not known

Trolls holding clubs, maces, wearing knives moderate thick /leather armor.

Trees are heavy columns 1-4
First Row.  Last two rows then right side around oclumn 0 are more trees.
Otherwise area is devoid of trees/bushes.

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