[pnpgm] Game Update #-17a - File #131 - Ix's IBT 1/2

pnpgm pnpgm at comcast.net
Tue Mar 27 21:41:40 CEST 2018

   HT         Player       Character Name     Type    Status/Notes   Sex
   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
   FH.John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid  .Normal/Alfar... Ma
   ...Kevin Newark..........Dorhak............Warrior.Normal/Dwarf....Ma
   --.Tobie Bonahoom........Fremea............Sidh....Normal/Faerry.. Fe
   W2.David Sanders.........Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human  ..Ma
   R3 Panthera..............Pyandalgor........Hunter..Normal/Human....Ma
   R4.Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human  ..Fe
   R4.Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human  ..Fe
      Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra

       Game Web Site - http:/nrgcomputers.com/pbem/
       Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
       Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net

       Game Update #-17a sequence (file #131)

       Admin Notes: None.
       [Recap] - None
       [New Stuff]
           * Ix's IBT

           [Decalis 4th 1635TH]
           [Kll'maun forest]

             Torment.  This is what her own people would do to her.  For
           two decades they tormented her, and the abuse seemed to have no
           end in sight.  Many consider her a burden and a nuisance and
           turn her away for even the simplest requests.  Others just
           ignore her.  Those who actually speak to her treat her like a
           child.  While the others had always treated her with an air of
           caution in her youth, she had at least been treated somewhat
           fairly.  Everything changed after the incident with the older
           shaman when she was still a child.  This treatment wasn't
           always so blatant, but then it got exponentially worse after
           her mother died.  She could never understand why she was to
           blame for the old shamanâ's actions.

             She counts herself lucky to have even the slightest bit of
           knowledge, or else she would just be a homeless idiot.  Ix
           glances back towards the village and pulls the leathers around
           her body as a chilled breeze breaks through the trees.  It was
           going to be another cold and lonely winter, and yet another
           winter where she would have to tighten her belt.  She turns and
           pets her beloved companion Zol'zim.  The wolf purrs from the
           affection and sniffs the air.

             The thought of running away crosses her mind again.  This
           would be the 3rd or 4th time in the last few years the
           temptation grabbed her.  However the voice of reason always won
           out.  The forests were large and alone, with no other tribes or
           cities for hundreds of miles.  It was just far too big a risk to
           take, not just for herself, but for Zol'zim as well.  She also
           had his well-being and safety to consider.

             Even if she did succumb to the temptation to run away from it
           all, she doubts anyone would actually come looking for her.  As
           far as she was concerned, due to her tribe's treatment of he
           she would not be missed.  Although that isn't to say the
           entire tribe hates her.  The young ones, before they learn the
           hate, actually like Ix.  She kneels and hugs Zol'zim and
           nuzzles into the wolf's soft fur.  She tells him that one
           day she will prove herself.  Folks just fear what they don't
           understand, and because of that, they fear her, and that fear
           leads to hate.  Ix knows this all too well as she wipes her eyes
           from the dust.

             Ix glances up to see what time it might be.  Her best guess
           was early morning, but the canopy of trees makes it too dark to
           tell for certain.  She has decided to change herself without the
           help of her tribe.  If she could only get stronger, she'd show
           them that she wasn't useless.

             Ix stands at her full height of 5 foot 2 inches.  Her slender
           form moves like a dancer with an audience.  Her graceful arms,
           legs, and hands are rhythmic to see.  She brushes back her raven
           colored hair.  Most in her tribe keep their hair short, some
           even go completely bald, but she keeps her hair just under her
           shoulder blades.  It was yet another thing to annoy the others.
           Keeping her hair long was one of the ways she rebelled against
           them and physically announced her status as an outsider in her
           own tribe.

             Her skin is slightly tanned with a clear complexion.  Brushing
           back her hair exposed one of her pointed ears that she usually
           kept covered.  She thought no one else had them and figured it
           was one of the reasons the others distrusted her.  She had never
           met anyone else with pointed ears.  No one ever told her that
           pointed ears were something other races had. The breeze shifts
           the beads and feathers adorning her hair.  She pulls her cloak
           over her shoulders to block out the cold.  Barely at a hundred
           pounds, she looks like she would float away if the breeze got
           any stronger.

             She plans to do what the warriors do to improve her strength,
           stamina, dexterity and agility.  By doing the exercises, tasks,
           endurance actions and such she hopes to get better.  It may
           take a month but she has dedicated her will to do so.

             Ix will work on her body in late afternoon and evening up till
           time for bed.  She plans to do this secluded outside the tribe
           so others don't torment her.  The name calling.  The slurs.
           The ugly gestures is just too much for any sane person.
             But for the morning and early afternoon she will try to self
           teach her combat skills.  It was even a miracle she was taught
           some by a couple elders.  The bare bones f shamanism and some
           other skills.  Maybe it was pity or they just wanted a slave to
           do grunt shamanic work?

             She decides to practice spear fighting for the next week.
           This will also help with her body training.  Asking for a teacher
           her in the village would be just out right harmful.  They might
           just button her down from this rebellious nature.  But she is
           lucky the grand son of the tribal chief who is only 10 has been
           learning the spear.  Boys start such things quite early here.
           The boy half her age agrees to help teach her a bit in privacy.

             For thn next 4 days she does her strength building exercises
           at the evening.  Sure she is exhausted but she has to prove
           to the others - and herself - she is worthy.

           [Time: 3:18 pm]

             The boy, Culmar and Ix run through the forest as the try
           to attack and evade each other with spears.  Suddenly Culmar
           yells and falls to his knees.  He screams pointing.  Ix gets
           close to check what is going on.  Culmar points to the black
           serpent which is now rising out of a hole. It stands 5 feet
           tall and getting longer.  It just tried to spit some glob of
           poison at Culmar but misses.

             The wolf growls and begins to move in front of XI.  But
           Ix grabs Culmar and tells him to run.  Fighting a Dae'ta
           Koti is dangerous as a skilled warrior.  But for her it
           might be suicide.  She may hate the chief at times but
           his grandson is innocent.

             Zol Zim runs alongside as they move through the forest.
           The black serpent now 18 feet long begins to slither toward
           them but they are just too fast.  After 15 or 20 feet it
           gives up.  The sun is too bright and it slithers back to
           his hole to sleep till night.

           [Decalis 5th 1635TH] - [Kll'maun forest]
           [Time: 6:27 am]

             Ix wakes up and walks outside in the morning chill.  She
           considers her future and hears rustling in the distance.  But
           she knows those noises.  Listening she realizes from the sounds
           these are deer.  Based on the noises 1 is male and the rest
           which sounds like 8 other females.  A blur of them move past
           fast as they migrate through the forest.  Ix just hopes the
           hunters don't see or they'll be hunted.

           [Time: 2:11 pm]

             Ix is lifting heavy tree limbs for strength toning
           when she hears others coming. Even in her private areas
           a few miles away from the village she can't get peace.  She
           ducks and listens.  The voices become focused and she
           realized its the tribal shaman with others.  He is teaching
           them about plants again.  Her heart aches as she wishes
           she could be part.  But they say they are fast paced and
           she may not be able to keep up.  She waits for them to
           move onward.

             Ix continues her spell practice doing 3 Orient Self and
           3 communicates.  Two each work while 2 each fail.

           [Decalis 7th 1635TH] - [Kll'maun forest]

             The 4th day of strength training with spear makes her
           sore.  Ix will have to get used to this regiment.

           [Decalis 8th 1635TH] - [Kll'maun forest]

             Ix takes a break from body training and works with Culmar
           on the spear.

           [Decalis 9th 1635TH] - [Kll'maun forest]

             IX continues another 4 days of strength training as well
           as spear practice.

           [Decalis 9th 1635TH] - [Kll'maun forest]
           [Time: 9:01 am]

             Ix and Zol Zim are walking in the forest after 3 boys chased
           her to torment her.  Angry for breaking her spear practice
           she tries to calm down.  Suddenly Zol Zim begins to whimper.
           Ix tries to find out why but the wolf seems confused  or reluctant.
           Suddenly the wolf bolts forward leaping over small logs and
           bushes.  Ix reaches for her cane and tries to pursue the
           wolf yelling at him to stop.

             Ix loses the elusive wolf and rounds a thick tree.
           She steps forward just as she hears barking from the
           wolf..  She takes a step then the second as she turns to
           orient herself to the wolf's noise.  He is to her right
           now.  But as she takes the 3rd step a bolt of energy like
           electricity hits her entire body.  Suddenly she feels her
           small frame pulled forward quickly.

             The wolf leaps forward to help but watches as she hits her
           head on a low hanging limb.  The blow is severe and she falls

           [Time: 12:11 pm]

             Ix opens her eyes and feels her head ache.  She reaches
            up to her head to find a lump.

             Suddenly she hears a strange male voice speaking words she
           has no way understanding.  Ix sits up and tries to hear for
           Zol Zim.

             The man waves a hand and speaks a few words.  Then he
           says, "my god you are blind!"

             Ix look to the voice and glares.

             "Your eyes...they are pure white."

             Ix shrugs and moves to the side of the bed.  Bed?
           Wait.  She is in a home of some sort. She asks where
           she is at.  The man looks confused, "the province is
           called Ba'ru."

             Ba-s what?  She has never heard of such a place. She
           asks where her wolf is.  "He is outside...he almost
           ripped my head off bef-" Then his words go back to that
           strange language.

             Instinctively she raises her hands and begins to sign.

             The man tries to study her hands.  Such a arcane language.
           But his master taught him the basics.  'Speak old way' Was
           the gist of her language.  HE nods and figures the spell
           stopped.  Instinctively he signs 'what language do you speak?'

             'Kll'maun' Ix explains with her hands.

             Kll'maun?  The man looks confused.  But that is probably
           a thousand miles to the north east!  What is this short
           girl doing here?  Then his second shock hits him.  Wait.
           How die she read his hands?

             Ix stands and grabs her cane.  The man wonders why
           she needs a cane? Confused he recasts his communicate
           spell. he asks her to explain.

             Ix glances around this man is not from her tribe.
           He seemed to have helped her?  Can he be trusted?
           Then she smells the soup on the table and moves toward
           it.  He offers her some and they sit at the table

             With several more communicate castings Ix explains
           her background..

             "Amazing...simply amazing.  I do not understand why
           you are here."  Then Ix has an idea.  She asks to be
           taken to where she was found.

             Exiting the house Zol Zim rushes up to nozzle Ix.
           She smells something odd in the air.  It almost smells
           like salt?  Could they be near a sea or ocean?  Being
           a land locked nation she has only heard of such places.

             For another 15 minutes with cane in hand she is taken
           to the spot.  She kneels and inspects the area.  The signs
           are there with the grass, the leaves and broken bushes.
           With her own lower world spell magic, which she has dared
           not to use yet, she knows the signs of a portal.  But she
           did not detect it in the forest.  Now she is in the hills.
           The wolf may have tried to warn her but it was too late.
           Ix quickly moves back and forth using her cane to try
           to find the portal.  To get back home.

             She maybe tormented for being the blind useless girl
           in the village but it is home.  But after another ten minutes
           she collapses to her knees.  She begins to sob.

             The man in his 50s comforts her.  Can she ever return
           home?  She doesn't know how she went back but she ends
           back at the home. It was all a blur.  Time to slow down
           as she realizes she will possibly not see any of her tribe
           ever again.

             "My name is Kaz Zervos.  I live here a bit outside of
           the capital city of Ba'ru. The city is maybe 4 miles
           away.  I like it here in the hills alone."

             Ix mumbles her name as she demands to allow the wolf inside.
           Kaz reluctantly agrees.  "I like animals but if this one
           bites he leaves!"

             Ix upset exits and tells Zol Zim to stay.  She needs
           to get some air.  What is going on.  So far from home.
           She glances up even the stars look different here.  But
           what can she do?  Walk home?  It would take months.  No.
           Maybe this is her chance to return home a better person.
           One they can respect?  She goes back to the cabin and
           asks if she can stay.

             Kaz signs back, 'sure.  I am a loner here in the hills.
           I'm not a city person.  But you are welcome here a few days
           until we can get you to the city.'

             With her low sign skill she reads it as - 'yes.  Alone
           here.  Person of city not.  Good to stay until go to
           city.'  What is this city he is talking about?  The largest
           place she has seen in the forest is 200 people.

             With a new stride in her spirit Ix continues her
           strength training.  Until she collapses in bed.

             During this strange day while the odd man has cast a
           spell to talk, Ix has also done the same.  She casts 3
           Orient Self spells and 3 communicates.  /But two of the trance
           spells fail while only one communicate spell worked.

           [Decalis 10th, 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             The last day of spear training is completed.  But Culmar
           is no longer here.  Kaz doesn't seem to know the spear.  So
           she has to practice alone while he stares.

           [Time: 4:17 pm]

             Ix, Kaz and Zol Zim are walking in the hills as Kaz
           tries to explain the area nearby his cabin.

             Suddenly from a tree nearby two things leap from the limbs
           to the ground.  A jump that seems 20 feet.  It looks like 2
           lizard like worm things 2.5 feet long pale white with 2 legs.
           They belch this gray-white gas cloud each at Ix and Kaz.
           Both begin to cough but do not seem to be affected.

             The wolf leaps forward.  He leaps at one of the strange lizards
           but the lizard easily jumps up and away.

             Kaz, "get the wolf away we need to leave!"

             Confused by the words Ix gets the hint that these things
           are nasty.  She yells for the wolf to come.  Ix then begins
           to run.  Zol Zim chases after her.

             Kaz stays behind as the lizard's close in.  He speaks
           a few words and changes into a small horse.  The lizard's
           leap at him and breath but Kaz's magic defense seems to
           hold the poison off.

             Kaz turns and runs away in the other direction.  Hoping
           to lead the creatures away.  When Ix realizes Kaz is not
           behind she turns and scans for him.  She only sees a small
           horse being chased by the leaping creatures.  These
           things are leaping 15-20 feet in the air with their 2
           tiny legs with ease.  They breath their toxic gas but
           the horse seems to weave and dodge.

             Soon the lizard's tire and must figure their turf
           is not in danger and give up.  They leap away.  Ix
           loses sight of Kaz.  But in the distance Kaz stops and
           changes this time into a eagle and flies back. He
           stops and grabs the clothes he had to leave behind or
           was tore in his sudden shape change spell.

             Landing near Ix he becomes human again.  Ix stares
           for the first time at a naked man.  The man tries to
           put his pants back on and explains.  "Nasty things.
           I believe they are called tatzlwurms.  If they got
           lucky we'd both be dead from their gas."

           [Time: 7:12 pm]

             Ix sits eating lunch and tries to learn about Kaz.

             "Most call me a hermit.  I dabbled in mining.  Failed
           there.  I did this and that.  Couldn't stand the amount
           of people in the city.  As you can see I know a bit of
           magic...."  He continues to talk about himself.

           [Decalis 11th 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Kaz watches Ix with her short sword shadow fighting.
           How a blind girl can fight is amazing. Using sign
           language he says, 'I do a bit of sword work.  I can
           teach you.'

             Over the next week Kaz teaches Ix the short sword.
           At first he holds back fear of not wanting to hurt
           her.  But this seems to make her more upset and he
           figures she doesn't want pity.  He gets tougher and
           tougher each day.

             For the other 8 hours a day she continues her strength
           building work.

           [Time: 10:12 pm]

             Outside in the back of the cabin Ix is finishing up
           her weight training when she notices 3 deer.  One
           is adult female with 2 younger ones.  She watches as
           they all watch her.  Within a few minutes they scamper
           off into the darkness.

           [Decalis 12th 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Ix runs for 2 miles up a dirt road.  Kaz is weirded
           out by a girl running.  Maybe it is her pointy ears?
           She explained how she can see but not see.  But even
           to his brain it is confusing.

             Ix is on the road with Zol Zim as a group of wagons
           pass by.  It seems one wagon is carrying a shiny gray-black
           box.  Strangely dressed men and women riding on the wagons.
           Then Ix notices one man in robes sitting aside the driver
           of one wagon.  His ears are pointed almost like hers.  Then
           she sees a small girl in a dress. The wind blows her hair
           and for a split second Ix sees the girl's left ears which
           looks exactly like hers!

             Confused she begins to speak but the people don't understand
           her language. They ride fast pass her.  Even the man looked
           at her and the wolf. He smiled at her and seemed to even not
           be scared by the wolf.  Ix watches as the wagons ride up the
           road over the small hill.

             Later on as Kaz trains her in sword play he explains.  "That
           sounds like the Kell funeral. I never knew the folks.  They live
           on that large spread a few miles up the road.  I heard a funeral
           was coming when I got supplies recently from town. Something
           about he died far away.  But he is not of my concern.  Now
           stand ready!"  He speaks through his communicate spell.

             Today Ix casts 3 Orient Self and 3 Communicate spells.  But
           sadly only 1 of the Orientation spells works the others fail.

           [Decalis 15th 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]
           [Time: 10:41 pm]

             Ix is riding Zol Zim as she does sometimes.  The wolf doesn't
           mind carrying her for short periods.  They have been looking
           around for some plants for her own purposes.

             Suddenly over the hill a massive being appears.  It stands
           about 18 feet tall weighing around 900 pounds.  This giant
           has eyes that glow like fire and hair that looks like it is

             The giant sees Ix and draws a very long shiny sword.
           Ix panics and tells Zol Zim to turn and run as fast he
           can.   The wolf does so as the giant runs after them.

             Soon a gap of 70 feet separates the wolf and fire
           giant.  After 3 more minutes the giant seems to give
           up and stops.  Allowing the wolf and Ix to breath
           and return to Kaz's cabin.

             Today Ix tries 3 more Orient Self and 3 communicate
           spells. She is improving as 2 trance spells and 2 communicate
           spells work today.

           [Decalis 16th 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Ix has been staying close to the cabin this last few
           days.  As she trains with sword during day she doesn't
           notice in afternoon Kaz sneak away somewhere.  She
           just doesn't see where he went.  More importantly she
           doesn't get interested as she works her strength up.

           [Time: 6:18 pm]

             At the dinner table both are eating some rabbit
           stew with greens.  Kaz sits back and grins. He signs
           'I have something for you.'  He reaches under the
           table and brings out a cane.

             Ix groans as she feels the wood.  She already has
           a cane!  'No.  Stand up.  Here point it this way.
           Now hand here.  Now this tiny depression.  Hold it

             Ix jumps as she hears a click and out from the lower
           side pops a blade!  She glances at Kaz.  'I figure
           a cane combined with a short sword blade might be handy.'

             Ix rushes to hug the 50ish, gray bearded man.  For the
           first time in her life this seems to be a true gift.  Not
           one for other's.  She can't believe she is hugging a strange
           old man that is a good almost 2 feet taller!

             Realizing her emotions she pulls back and pretends it
           is no big deal. She swipes the air with her cane-sword.

           [Decalis 18th 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Ix drinks something new and exciting to her.  Kaz
           calls it orange juice.  As they eat breakfast she
           realizes she has been here over a week.  She wonders
           if she has overstayed her welcome?  She picks at her
           food not wanting to ask.

             With another Communicate spell cast, "I think soon we
           should go to the city and find some help for you.  That
           is if you want"  Ix shakes her head. The stories of this
           large city sounds daunting.  With thousands of people
           in such a place it must be chaos.  She signs if she can learn
           the language first.

             Kaz sits back and nods, "that makes sense.  Sure I can
           teach you Marentian.   Ba'ru has its own dialect but the
           accent is tough to get down.  I believe most speak Marentian
           here.  Which I speak myself.  My master taught me when
           I came from Gom.  I have a book around here on the language.
           You can't read as well?"  Ix shakes her head.  "Well this
           is a simple reader.  We'll figure out a way."

             Kaz goes to work for the next 12 days teaching Ix the
           language.  The reader only gives a simple alphabet and
           allows Ix to form words with pictures.  It isn't really
           reading but more picture looking.

             Ix casts 3 more Orient Self spells and 3 communicate
           spells with 2 each passing.

           [Decalis 19th 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]
           [Time: 11:02 pm]

             Kaz has gone to the city for something and Ix is
           home alone with the wolf.  She is on the couch
           sleeping when the door bursts open.  Two men rush
           in and start looking for things to steal.  Ix yells
           for them to leave as the wolf walks toward them
           growling. Both men draw short swords.

             Both men laugh and figure she is just some young
           girl looking small as she is. But they turn to the large
           dog like thing.  Ix grabs her cane-sword and activates
           the short sword blade to show.  She charges the first
           man as the wolf also leaps.

             She stabs the first man in the lower left torso doing
           6 points of damage.  The wolf leaps at the other man but
           he dodges in time.

             The first man swings at Ix and fails to hit.  But
           the second one does a slice on the wolf doing 6 points
           of damage.

             Ix stabs upward wanting to hit the first man in the
           shoulder but instead the blade pierces the back of his
           head doing 2 points of damage.  The man collapses.

             Zol Zim leaps and bites onto the second man's right
           leg doing 6 points of damage.

             The last man standing stabs at the wolf doing 2 more points
           to his left shoulder.

             Ix stabs at the man doing 3 points to his back.

             The man turns and runs out the door.  Zol Zim gives
           chase into the darkness.  Soon a yell is heard and a
           thump.  Grabbing a lantern Ix exits to find the man

             Kaz returns and says he is proud his place was
           defended but she should be careful. The next morning
           they decide to drag the bodies and bury them.  No
           need to tell the city guards.   Too many questions.

           [Decalis 20th 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Today is the last of her strength training days.  She has
           spent 16 days on her physical strength.  Tomorrow she will
           start another 16 days or so on her stamina.

           [Decalis 22nd 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Ix starts her regiment of stamina training.  Kaz is not
           much help but gives suggestions.  But the old man, to her,
           is not a physical person so prefers supervising.

             Over the next 16 days Ix does things to boost her overall
           staming.  Tasks of long endurance running, long duration
           acrobatics, long term standing on thin ledges and much more
           are among the exercises.

           [Decalis 24th 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Ix finally picks up the language.  It is very basic and
           rough but it is far better than sign language or the
           communicate spell.  After several mishaps of sign language
           she is grateful.  Especially after the outhouse incident.
           He had signed 'Keep outhouse door closed at all times.'
           She read it as 'go to roof and fix.' Then later a couple
           nights after Kaz runs screaming out of the outhouse when
           a raccoon almost bites him in the butt for leaving the door

             Though the language learning is good she decides to
           cast 3 more Orient Self and 3 Communicate spells again.
           But only 1 each works.

           [Decalis 26th, 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]
           [Time: 8:50 pm]

             Ix has been exploring the north slope of the hill near the
           cabin.  Looking for interesting plants.  It is well past sunset
           and dark.  Zol Zim is at the cabin as he is a bit under the
           weather.  Ix figures he is just being lazy.

             Now only about a mile from the cabin a creature rushes toward
           her.  These silver furred creatures are short maybe like a fox.
           They have green eyes and are at 2 feet long..

             Ix hears the noise and steps aside as the creature lunges
           at her.  Ix uses her cane-sword and slices the creature in
           the side doing 6 points.  But as she does she yells hurting
           herself for some odd reason.

             The creature bites down on Ix's back but her leathers help
           to protect her from harm.   Ix stabs the creature in the left
           leg almost cutting his leg off doing 9 points.  But again the
           short girl takes damage?

             The creature now hurt and barely about to walk turns to try
           to bite but fails to hit Ix's leg.    Ix stabs the creature on
           the back and does 6 points.  The creature falls dead but
           not before it seems to hurt Ix again?

             Ix examines the creature and brings it to the cabin.
           "I believe they are called Omari.  They have this odd way
           to hurt folks who hurt them.  Let's get you treated."
           Kaz tells her.

           [Decalis 27th 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Kaz stops teaching Marentian.  Kaz believes she is now almost
           fluent enough to get by.

             While Ix is still not fluent with the language she decides
           to continue her shamanic trance and communicate spell tries.
           Three of the trance spells work but all 3 communicate spells

           [Time: 4:07 pm]

             Ix is outside enjoying the cold afternoon when she spots
           2 adult falcons close by. They circle and seem to be hunting.
           Ix watches them for some time.

           [Decalis 28th 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Ix asks to be trained by Kaz in the sword not the short
           sword.  So the old hermit spends a week showing her how
           to use the longer sword.

           [Decalis 29th 1635TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]
           [Time: 4:32 am]

             Ix wakes up for the urge of relief.  She grabs her cane
           sword and heads to the outhouse.  A groggy Zol Zim joins
           her since doesn't want her out so late.  Just as Ix closes
           the door to outhouse after finishing up she is startled
           by a large creature.  The fireplace light from a cabin window
           flickers faintly that almost looks like a deformed ogre?  The
           creature grunts as Zol Zim leaps at him.  But the creature raises
           a large arm and bats the wolf to the side.

             Ix opens her cane sword and tries to stab the creature but fails.
           The wolf tries to bite down on his leg but the tough hide of the
           creature blocks any damage.

             The creature swings his club at IX but she dodges it.

             Ix stabs the creature in his left shoulder doing 5 points past
           his tough hide.  The wolf leaps at the creature's head but misses.

             The creature swings his club and hits Ix right in the neck
           doing a massive 4 points.  Ix is thrown back against the outhouse
           wall and loses her breath.  She grasps for her throat and finds it
           isn't crushed by badly damaged.

             The wolf bites onto the creature's right arm but his tough hide
           blocks any teeth from doing damage.

             The creature swinngs at the wolf but Zol Zim is to agile and
           the club fails to make contact.

             Ix stunned tries to get her breath back. The wolf leaps and
           knocks the creature down biting the creature's left shoulder
           doing 14 points.

             The creature gets back to his feet and swings wildly missing
           the wolf.

             Ix does a acrobat push with her legs and flips to her feet.
           She stabs the creature in the right middle ribs doing 8 more
           points to it.  The wolf bites down on the creature's right arm
           doing 8 points forcing it to drop the club.

             Before Ix can raise her cane-sword a flame shoots from the
           side and hits the creature.  The creature is hit by the fire
           dart and takes the remaining damage to kill it.

             Kaz stands nearby and frowns.  "I did say keep the door closed
           they smell...ahh..the...stuff."   The creature is inspected
           closer and Kaz believe it is a Rock Troll.

             Kaz goes inside to help treat Ix's minor wound.

           [Janaq 2nd 1636TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Ix casts 3 more trance spells and 3 more communicate spells.  All
           work except 1 communicate spell which fails.

           [Janaq 3rd 1636TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]
           [Time: 9:07 am]

             Ix and Kaz are walking to a local farm who sells some of
           their food to locals.  When they encounter a group of 11 peasants
           surrounding a covered wagon.  They are agitated and yelling.  Some
           guy on the wagon who looks nicely dressed appears scared.  The crowd
           yells they want to get their money back for the fake cures and snake
           oil remedies.  Kaz suggests they move along as a small riot would
           not do well for their morale.

           [Decalis 30th, 1636TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Ix casts 3 more Orient Self and 3 more communicate spells.
           Two of the trance spells work while only 1 of the communicate
           spells pass.

           [Janaq 4th, 1636TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Kaz finally says it is time to visit Ba'ru city.  Ix is very
           reluctant.  It is one thing to visit the general store on the
           city margins.  But another to visit the city interior.  Kaz
           explains the wolf would not too welcome in the city so has
           to stay at the cabin.

             Once in the city Ix is amazed by the sights and sounds.
           So many folks in one place!  At a tavern they eat breakfast.
           She is amazed to sit at a table and have food given to you with
           out making it!

             Kaz suggests she learn some dagger skill so she can better
           fight at close range.  Ix agrees and so both find a friend of
           Kaz's.  The young man is reluctant at teaching the blind girl
           how to use a weapon.  But when Ix does some acrobatic skills
           avoiding furniture and such the man agrees.

             Ix explains she has no money so Kaz shrugs and pays for the
           services.  Over the next week the man teaches Ix how to
           fight better with the dagger.

             Ix tries to practice her shape changing spell.  But
           this time she does it away from the wolf not to freak
           him out.  Two trance spells work but only 1 shape change spell

           [Janaq 5th, 1636TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]
           [Time: 12:11 pm]

             Ix is taking a break from dagger learning and relaxes at
           a local park.  She is still nervous and getting used to the
           stares and laughs.  But she has been used to that all her life
           in the tribe.

             A older man comes begging for coins.  Kaz had warned about
           these beggars before.  She simply has no money so tells the
           man to leave.  The man continues to beg.  Ix shows the blade
           at the end of her cane and this makes the man laugh.  Then
           she swipes across his was it.  His string belt now sliced makes his
           pants fall down.  The man stumbles trying to get his pants back
           up and runs away.

           [Janaq 6th, 1636TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Today is the last day of Ix's stamina attempts.  She does
           feel stronger overall.  She hopes to try more later on.

           [Janaq 7th, 1636TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Ix practices 3 more sets of shape changing spells.  All the
           trance and change spells work.

           [Janaq 8th, 1636TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Ix starts the next few weeks training to improve her
           dexterity.  For the next 16 days she tries all the various
           techniques to improve her dexterity.

             Ix tries 3 more trance and communicate spells. But all 6

           [Janaq 10th, 1636TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Ix practices her shape changing spell with 3 successful orient
           and changing spells each.

           [Janaq 11th, 1636TH] - [Ba'ru Hills]

             Kaz finds a farm hand that is very good at hand to hand
           fighting.  Kaz offers some magic for the farm hand if he'll
           teach Ix for a week in hand to hand.  So the two wrestle,
           grapple and fight for the next week during the day.

             Ix tries to improve her healing spell.  Even if it means
           to cut a finger and letting it heal by magic.  She casts 3
           trance spells with 2 failures and 3 healing spells with only
           one working.

           Actions? Comments?

           Next Update....Next email!

           GM: Part 1 of 2.

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