[pnpgm] Funeral Time and no value gems

pnpgm pnpgm at comcast.net
Sat Sep 2 04:02:52 CEST 2017

  Some tidbits for IBT

* Funeral travel times

   Distance from Sivas To Cholchara to Ba'ru

   By Land
     - 15 Miles to sea crossing to other side.
     * 120 north to Road by Plains/Hills
     * 240 miles to Cholcara by Road
     * 140 Miles from Cholchara to border fort by road
     * 60 miles by plains to Ba'ru city

     Total - 575 (380 by road) miles

     Good Horse Riding Horse IV MR 32 or 32 miles per day.
       Non Road Travel 6 days
       By Road         6 days

     From Maren to BA'lru can cut 120 or so miles so 2 days less.

   By Sea/River
     * 120 miles from Sivas to Cholchara River
     * 260 miles by River to Cholcahara
     * 140 miles from Cholchara to Ba'ru city

     Total - 520 Miles

     Typical merchant ship averages 20 miles a day but could vary frmo 5-30.
     Min - 104 Days if very bad winds 5 per day rare
     Average - 26 days
     Max - 17 days (best winds)
     Special - MAgic maybe - 13 days with magic

   By Teleport
     Instant :)
     Chion does offer to tp folks

   By Road - Travel Alone, caravan or stagecoach style.

   LEt me know if you attend and I'll do a special update on it.
   if no info will do a scene in each IBT.
   Mae, Pyan and Dorhak can be excused as don't know EKll that well.
   Ben'dar will attend.
   Raki will not as it's too awkward for him.

   TRip info above is one way.

   Worthless Jewels

     Dorhak's Share - 168 items - 151 had value =  17 worhltess
     Party Share    - 630 items - 504 bad value = 126 worthless

    Total - 126+17= 143
    Total Jewelers in party (5) - 143/5=29 each with 1 left over

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