[pnpgm] Game Update #113 - File #804 - Tones and Chances

pnpgm pnpgm at comcast.net
Sun Mar 5 04:38:57 CET 2017

`        Player        DS    Character Name    Type    Status/Notes  Sex
   -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
   FH.John Haight.......HY..Arawn.............Druid  .Normal/Al.. Ma
   ...Kevin Newark..........Dorhak............Warrior.Normal/Dwarf....Ma
   --.Tobie Bonahoom....YY..Fremea............Sidh....Normal/Faerry.. Fe
   W3.Mark Murtha.......HN..Kell..............Trader..Normal/Human....Ma
   W2.David Sanders.....HN..Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human  ..Ma
   R4.Wout Broere.......YY..Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human  ..Fe
   R3 Panthera..............Pyandalgor........Hunter..Normal/Human....Ma
   R4.Alex Koponen......YY..Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human  ..Fe
      Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra

       Game Web Site - http:/nrgcomputers.com/pbem/
       Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
       Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net

       Game Update #113 sequence (file #804)

       Admin Notes: None.

         From Dorhak: [Re: Altar]
           Our intrepid dwarf hears Arawn ask about getting into...
         GM: Ack.

         From Mae: [Re: Actions]
           Maelorna sighs as she gives Z'leyra an evil smile, "Something...
         GM: Ack.

         From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
           Arawn ignored the dwarf's rudeness, yet again, for now. ....

           "Then tell me what you saw, as exactly as you can - the....
         GM: Ack.

         From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
           OOC: A bit delayed on sending out updates as I've been very
           busy lately but just thought I'd send this out to help the PC's
           have a sense as to what's going on/how to prepare, especially
           with knowing that magic might be hampered here.

           Arawn, who's attention seemed directed towards taking in....

           "I know," he quietly responded. "Powerful forces sent us...
         GM: Ack.  Wasn't clear on which languages used to assume
             Marentian until Z'layha spoken to.

         From Dorhak: [Re: Actions]
           I actually only know what you know.  Scott would have to
           tell you.
         GM: Ack.  Unless you study such things these runes are not
             obvious to you.

         From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
           Z'leyra announces, "Keep" <Z'leyra whistles> "away from
           Zin!"Â "Everyone, do what you can to distract or hurt him!"

           [Darn, so much for the plan of getting Zin to waste his power
           on the weapon(s) made from Marentian ore.]
         GM: Ack. I did warn of these things in chat. :)  The initial
             thing was a mistake but corrected.  But I did mention that
             in chat guess missed that. :<

       [New Stuff]

           [Febris 9th, 1635TH]

           [Time: 5:01 pm]
           [Unknown Location]

           [Lave area - Moments before]

             Mae comments to the group she did not bring the party here
           or have anything to do it as the party wake up.

             Arawn, who's attention seemed directed towards taking in the
           scene in its entirety, nodded.

             "I know," he quietly responded. "Powerful forces sent us to
           the fortress, at the time when the altar would activate, I
           believe. But I'll get into that in a bit."

           [Moments later before Kiet fumbles the gear...]

             Arawn frowned, the only expression he allowed himself as he
           suppressed his disappointment and concern over the welfare of
           the poor villagers, in particular the poor boy who's life had
           been so drastically cut short. Tending to the injured he found
           himself unable to fully focus on the others in the room, unable
           to sense the gravity of Z'layha's warning until it was too

             Spinning into darkness yet again he came to alongside the
           others, Kiet's voice carrying across the stone bridge to urge
           them along. He gave a hand gesture of silence directed to Kiet,
           Arawn hoping that if anything was trapped down here with the
           party that they had not been alerted by the calls.  He then
           cast about for any that had been sent here alongside himself,
           whether friend or stranger.

             His brow furrowed when the boy's remains were nowhere to be
           found. A quick glance was all he gave to the villagers for now,
           realizing that they were in alive and deciding instead to
           focus on the potential danger posed by the party's current

             Arawn figures that whatever transported them to the fort
           was meant for living beings. This must mean the boy was
           alive until seconds entering the fortress room.

           [Moments later...Kiet fumbles with the gear]

             "The altar, I believe, during a timed period of sacrifice.
           Someone went to a great deal of trouble to see us arrive here
           so now we'll have to figure out, why?"

             Z'layha watches and wonders what language this man is
           speaking if only she might've understood.

             Arawn scans the cave and tries to figure out what the
           strange sense abounds the place.

             "This reminds me a bit of the Vong, the aura of things
           dampened or deadened. This is a place where magic or perhaps
           the divine connection is weakened or warped."

             "What is this place, Z'layha?," he asked as he began to strip
           down, the warm winter clothing threatening heat exhaustion or
           worse. "What is the altar... the black monolith in the
           capital... what is all of this about?"

             Z'layha looks confused, "this alter?"  She points to the
           stone bland alter in the lava room.  "I've never seen it
           before.  Monolith I have no idea what you are talking about.
           This ..was about giving tribute to those who give us
           the metal!  Then you came and messed up things.  Now
           they may kill us.  Where ever we are now."

             Arawn completely disregarded the falling items, his own
           buckler and sword included. The situation made little sense
           and he did not trust appearances. To him this was trickery or
           a test, possibly both, and if it was not, focusing on
           distractions would not help him to navigate this realm. Even
           the villagers injuries were not a priority, the search for
           hidden dangers or clues in this situation his only real concern
           lest a bad situation become worse.]

             Arawn moved to examine the crude wooden table acting as
           counterpart to the stone altar in the Moss Fortress, hoping to
           find some sort of clue to guide the party's actions from here
           on out.

             But arawn only finds dust, dirt and stone.  No markings.
           No runes.  He notices the tray on top with the food and
           drinks.  He glances up at Z'layha and then realizes maybe
           they were sent here when she put the tray on the runed
           alter?  But that would make no sense.  Unless she would
           normally have time to flee the room.  Then he looks to
           Dorhak and the others.  Maybe something triggered their
           transport here sooner.

           [Just before leaving lava room..]

             Our intrepid dwarf hears Arawn ask about getting into his
           head.  Surely he jests, but then Dorhak would have to call him
           Shirly, but then all that time learning his name would be wasted.

             Dorhak just looks at the Elf with a glance of disbelief,
           unable to understand why Arawn thought that would per permitted
           on ANY plane.  He simply, but rudely says, 'no!'

             Dorhak is, however, tired of this game.  He doesn't like being
           pushed around and most certainly doesn't like being held captive.
           There will be a Gehenna of a bill to pay when this is over!  He
           gets angry...and tries to work himself into a berserk frenzy.
           Maybe then he can escape, tear off the 'bug', and fight.

             Arawn ignored the dwarf's rudeness, yet again, for now. There
           were more pressing concerns than addressing gratitude and
           manners in a situation such as this.

             "Then tell me what you saw, as exactly as you can - the
           devil's in the details. Our lives, and that of others, could
           very well depend on it."

             Dorhak tries to explain what he saw but since he has
           no skill in these magical things its like explaining a
           code to a person who doesn't know the language.  Even so,
           he only speaks a few seconds before Zin arrives and
           the party collapses again.

             As Dorhak explains what he saw Arawn realizes that one
           rune for either his mother or father - based on his own
           diagrams in his book he showed Dorhak - was glowing.  That
           must've been the trigger.  Could that mean that he himself
           was the trigger?  Maybe that if he, Alfar - son of gods,
           wasn't there the party would be still in the fortress?

           [Audience Room - Current room]
           [Moments before Lucria's death]

           [After Lucria's death and Kiet is set free]

             Maelorna sighs as she gives Z'leyra an evil smile, "Something
           that shouldn't exist and if you survive this do as you will." as
           the last moment of Lucria's death and scream continues to play
           in her mind.  'Damn it, this is more than out of hand' she
           curses mentally and notices the newcomers.  She giggles
           playfully as she tilts her head curiously at them, while their
           hands change to form claws.  "Aww, you don't find me beautiful?"
           she asks with a pout, then glances back at Zin and almost purrs
           while asking "Would it trouble you to much to help me, please?"
           she asks innocently, "They don't seem to like me," she says
           while trying to calculate how much of a man Zin could be with
           his shape changing abilities and stamina he might have to
           endure an evenings dalance with the hunger that's already
           starting to grow with each use of her abilities.


             Z'leyra announces, "Keep," <Z'leyra whistles> "away
           from Zin!" "Everyone, do what you can to distract or hurt

             Z'leyra continues to struggle to free herself.

             Mae seems to ignore Z'leyra and turns to smile at
           Zin.  While watching the other 2 at the cave threshold.

             At the pile of gear Kiet uncovers a bag of sling
           projectiles and some bags with various natural magical
           items like garlic and such.  Just hope he doesn't
           spill out all the contents.  He does hate to be
           so clumsy lately for a acrobat its a reputation killer.

             At the altar the second shifter is trying to argue
           with Zin pointing at the whistle.  But it is in
           a language not understood.  Zin suddenly shoves the
           shifter aside and moves around the table toward Mae.

             Mae plays hard to get and moves to the east side of
           the table.  As she does she brushes her hand against
           Arawn's arm and legs.  She is watching the whistle only
           a few feet away on the other side.  She glances over
           her shoulder to watch Zin move behind her.

             The second shifter notices Mae now moving and
           begins to yell at the other two.  They begin to
           move toward her.  Mae rounds the table and begins
           to reach for the whistle but the second shifter is
           closer and grabs it.

             The second shifter raises the whistle to his mouth
           and begins to whistle.  The party that is still caught
           up begins to move and form a line rather than rows.

             The second shifter lowers the whistle and glares to
           Mae.  He begins to speak but again the language is
           not known.  The shifter realizes that the party
           can't understand him.  With his free hand he
           inserts three fingers onto Arawn's temple.   Moments
           later he speaks.

             "Come closer and they all die!" He now speaks in

             As the party reforms a line the two other shifters
           who came in stop and watch Zin stare at Mae.  Confused
           they glance at the second for direction.

             "Kiet!  You fool!  Grab that sword and begin killing
           them!"  Fuk yells at Kiet in Marentian.

             As the party stops some begin to be able to flex their
           fingers.  Fremea, Unali and Z'leyra begin to flex one
           of their hands but only 3-4 fingers.  The wrists do not
           seem to move.  It is as if sheer willpower allows this.

             Shifter #2 turns to Mae, "step back or he dies."
           He glances down at Arawn.

             Mae considers her options.  Even if she got the
           whistle then what?  Could she reproduce the same tones
           that would free the others or would she kill them?
           Did she memorize the correct tones to reverse it?

           Actions? Comments?

           Next Update.. Wednesday?

           GM: I had hoped to do more.  But got home late and
               ran out of time.  So this is a short update.
               I have a thing to do Monday so will be home late
               and so little time to do stuff then.  But I will
               try to do those darn mana reports Mon/Tue and
               update sheets.  A bit tired tonight.  Keep in
               mind there have been plenty of clues to warn
               and be wary of  At this point things move slowly.
               If get enough posts I'll do the update Wednesday
               afternoon.  I have something that day but should
               be back to work on it a few hours.  Afternoon
               being 12-1pm EST.

               Map below. For those new this is an example of
               a quick and easy map. Pure ascii since everyone
               has these character sets.  As always emails tend
               to strip tabs and spaces.  Thus emails tend to
               mess up the below map.  For this reason please
               view this map on the website.  It seems to keep
               the proper format there.  For those who use
               weapons and spells remember the range factors.
               This is why a scale is listed.

           GM: Lava Room Actions were meant to be in the span of
               about 5 minutes.  The above pretty much fills all
               the gaps.  The talking and such.  So no more lava
               room actions allowed.   There is a reason for no
               time stamps that will become clear later.  So it
               is hard to figure out span of time in this place.

           GM: Map - Audience Chamber

               1 Hex    = 10 feet
               1 Row    = 5 feet
               1 Column = 5 feet
               /I\ = North (Maybe)

          1         2         3
/###################################### A  # = Rock/Cave wall
\#_```\__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \## B  @ = Altar (Arawn on top)
/# ``E/  \__/  \_2/  \__/  \__/  \__/ # C
\#_/` \__/  \__/@@@M_/  \__/  \__/  \_# D  A = [D17] - Arawn
/  \__/  \__/  \@@@1 \__/  \__/  \__/ # E  D = [J5 ] - Dprhak
\ _/  \__/  \__/ 3\__/  \__/  \__/  \_  F  F = [J8 ] - Fremea
/# \__/  \__/  \__4  \__/  \__/  \__/   G  K = [J11] - Kell
\#_/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \## H  E = [C6 ] - Kiet
/# \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/ # I  U = [J15] - Unali
\#_/D \F_/K \_U/  R__P  Z__G  \__/  \_# J  J = [D20] - Mae
/# \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/ # K  R = [J19] - Mournath
\#_/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \_# L  P = [J21] - Pyan
/# \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/ # M  Z = [J25] - Z'leyra
\##/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \_# N  G = [G28] - Fuk
/# \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/ # O
\#_/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \_# P  ` = Pile of gear
/##\__/  \__/  \__/  ####  \__/  \__### Q
\###################################### R

     Stone 'window' [A11/A12] - Closed
     Altar - 15x10 feet, Arawn's head toward West in center

     Exit - E2/E3   - Passage to ?
     Exit - F39/G39 - To Lava room assumed

     Ceiling - 8-12 feet high in places

     Lighting - mostly from lava room glare for eastern
     party of room.  Western side of room is darker but not
     pure dark.

     1 - Zin [E20]
     2 - #2  [C18] Facing South
     3 - #3 [F18]
     4 - #4 [G19]

     Cyrx - D17 Not shown but NW corner of table.  Think of
     a snowglobe glowing white/gray with a small pedestal a
     half inch or so under it.

     Whistle - #2's left hand (east side)

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