[pnpgm] Game Update #101 - File #713 - Party enters Kameran Village

pnpgm pnpgm at comcast.net
Tue Jan 10 06:22:13 CET 2017

`  HT     Player        DS    Character Name    Type    Status/Notes  Sex
   -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
   FH.John Haight.......HY..Arawn.............Druid  .Normal/Al.. Ma
   ...Kevin Newark..........Dorhak............Warrior.Normal/Dwarf....Ma
   --.Tobie Bonahoom....YY..Fremea............Sidh....Normal/Faerry.. Fe
   W3.Mark Murtha.......HN..Kell..............Trader..Normal/Human....Ma
   W2.David Sanders.....HN..Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human  ..Ma
   R4.Wout Broere.......YY..Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human  ..Fe
   R3 Panthera..............Pyandalgor........Hunter..Normal/Human....Ma
   R4.Alex Koponen......YY..Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human  ..Fe
      Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra

       Game Web Site - http:/nrgcomputers.com/pbem/
       Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
       Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net

       Game Update #101 sequence (file #713)

       Admin Notes: None.

         From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
           Confronted by the Kameri, Z'leyra steps forward and loudly
           states in Kameri, "I am Z'leyra!, Daughter of Z'nayha ...
         GM: Ack.

         From Mae: [Re: Actions]
           Maelorna glances at the tree as they pass it by,...
           ...about such, rather than cold and dead "Or in my ...
         GM: Ack.

         From Dorhak: [Re Actions]
           Our young but ugly dwarf sees the people in front.  He...
         GM: Ack.

         From Kiet: [Re: Actions]
           After the newcomer speaks about her Summoning, Kiet answers.
           "If you can't control what you summon, THEN DON'T DO ...
           After we meet the new threat, Kiet looks ahead.  His ....
         GM: Ack.

         From Pyan: [Re: Wolves]
           Confronted by the wolves Pyan says, "Nice doggies,"...
         GM: Ack.

         From Kiet: [Re: Actions]
           If Kell cooperates, I would like to learn Ba'Ru.
         GM: Ack.

         From Mae: [Re: Actions]
           Maelorna gives Keit a sidelong glance and shrugs, "If ...
         GM: Ack.

       [New Stuff]

           [Febris 4th, 1635TH]
           [Kameran Lands - Forest South of Kameran capital]

           [Time: 4:22 am]

             As the party examines the burning tree and finally
           regroups at the campfire.  Mae replies to Kiet on her
           summoning control.

             After the newcomer speaks about her Summoning, Kiet answers.
           "If you can't control what you summon, THEN DON'T DO IT!", he
           end up raising his voice.  'The last thing we need is to create
           our own enemies.  We find plenty of others without such help,
           and having a new enemy appear at our backs will kill one of

             "From what level of hell did it come from?  Which school of
           summoning (i.e. the Alignment) spawned that creature?  What
           was it even called?"

             Lucria brings another blanket to keep the still wounded and
           unconsciiuis Pyan warm.  He hears Kiet and frowns, "she only
           tried to do what she thought best.  That pain ...whatever it
           was would ruin any concentration in battle."

             Maelorna gives Kiet a sidelong glance and shrugs, "If not for
           the pain from the spell one of the vampiric ones cast, I would
           have had the correct count and would have dismissed the hound
           in time." as she sighs, "As for what it was, a hound of shadow
           and I've had the misfortune of running into them before as
           Master Gniled used a pack of them hunt me down during one of
           my attempts at escape.  He was rather upset that the city
           guard decided to intrude in his affairs and used them to
           brutal effect." 'Little one, you don't know the half of it,
           it was beautiful, all guards, helplessly watching as their
           comrades perished and unable to do anything until it was
           their turn to die.  It was a shame that he caught you then,
           just think of how many more would have died in such a bloody
           mess.' the voice taunts and purrs.  Maelorna however doesn't
           feel the remorse she knows she should as the memory hits her.
           "Why?" she asks herself, 'Why do you ask a question you already
           know the answer to little one.  But don't worry, I'll keep you
           safe from them' it chuckles, 'of course, as long as you don't
           go and perish on me that is.' the laughter makes her wince.

             "From what hells, I don't know, what little lore I could get
           from Master Gniled, they hunt for vampiric entities, such as
           what we ran into back there.  He just called them the Hounds
           of Shadow.  Would you have preferred a hellhound instead?" she
           asks rhetorically without stopping walking, "Look, I just find
           it easier to summon creatures of chaos than any other, as they
           like to trick and destroy, not to mention a lot easier to
           convince to work for you." as she smiles, "Just offer them a
           target to tear apart and they seem rather happy." As she stops
           and looks directly at Kiet, "While something I still don't seem
           to get the grasp of, is summoning lawful creatures, Considering
           that Chaos wants to destroy, why would I want to deal with
           something that dislikes fighting or destruction.  Yeah, I can
           see it now, summon a creature of law and have it take the side
           of the mark I just lifted a gem from." as she makes a face.

             The party stare at Mae and only the sound of the trees and
           cracking of burning limbs in the campfire is heard.  Some
           wonder about this red head just as they wondered about all
           he new folks like Kiet and Arawn.


           [Time: 6:25 am]

             Mae asks Lucria to move a bit closer to the dead black
           tree.  She doesn't actually need his help but it is good
           to have a tall man to lean against in this cold morning.

             Maelorna glances at the tree as they pass it by, uncertain
           what it might actually have been.  She pulls her cloak close
           about her and shrugs to get her crossbow into a better position
           on her back.  As for her pack, she gratefully watches as it's
           stored upon one of the horses.  She has to remind herself more
           than once of what she was leaving behind and the bitter cold or
           sore muscles doesn't trouble her as much.  Since it's better
           to be alive and able to grouse about such, rather than cold and
           dead "Or in my case in a worse predicament" she muses softly to

             Z'leyra comments about being together and a cohesive team.

             Upon Z'leyra's comment, she looks back at their tracks in the
           snow "While I can see your point as in the wilderness, as yes,
           singularly none of us would have survived what we had just run
           into."  as she chuckles, "However, in a large city, with this
           many, we would garner more attention than desired, as marks or
           worse. Unless such would be your desire?" She asks curiously.


           [Febris 7th, 1635TH]
           [Kameran Lands - Hills South of Kameran capital]

           [Time: 4:09 pm]

             The Kameran woman steps forward a few feet and waits for
           strangers to reply.

             Confronted by the Kameri, Z'leyra steps forward and loudly
           states in Kameri, "I am Z'leyra!, Daughter of Z'nayha and
           Tiren, Twin sister of Z'layha, whom I have traveled far to see
           again. These," she says, indicating the party with her hands
           "are my traveling companions, many of whom I have traveled
           with long and far. I watch after them just as they watch
           after me. It is good to be home again. Pardon me while I
           translate for them."

             Z'leyra then translates to the party what has transpired
           so far. She also looks close at the Kameri to see if she
           recognizes any of them or any of the wolves for that matter.

             The female leader turns when one of the male warrior-hunters
           steps forward and whispers.  The female nods and the man steps
           back a couple feet.

             But Z'leyra does not recognize of these people and their
           animal friends.

             It's seeing the large wolves that Mae stops short, "Dire
           wolves?" she asks as she can see the tall woman and the four
           men and she can feel the pit in her stomach grow wide as she
           listens to Z'leyra.

             Our young but ugly dwarf sees the people in front.  He has a
           couple of thoughts.  First, he notices the axes they carry,
           wondering how they compare to back home, but still envious.  He
           would take even a human-made axe for the time being.

             Secondly, he looks at them as adversaries, and compares them
           against himself.  The wolves don't worry him individually.  The
           men he thinks he could take on two at a time.  The woman, silly
           outfit and all, is simply amusing.  Probably still dangerous as
           Dorhak suspects she controls the wolves, but get past them and
           what happens?

             Dorhak carrying his shield out of common sense, but begins to
           finger his mace.  He gets a silly grin on his face and, In
           Marentian, asks in the group "Are we gonna have a fight?"

             Lucria grins at the small man and asks, "got a new song for
           the fight?"

             Kiet looks ahead.  His first thought is that 'We could take
           them'.  Still, he makes sure his shield is ready, and his
           Tulwar is loosened in its sheath.

             Confronted by the wolves Pyan says, "Nice doggies," in
           Omavor.  He looks at the vary large wolf until the lady yells
           then looks at her.

             The female steps forward hearing Z'leyra's answer.  She
           walks about 20 feet and stares at the group.

             Fremea stands near Kiet's horse in her dress.  She hates
           to wear this human cloth again.  But a new land requires a new
           disguise.  At least she can wear her warmer clothing under
           or she'd be freezing with a simple dress on.

             "I am Akiyra.  If you say you are from my lands why did you
           leave and now come back leading an invasion sized force?"

             "Invade the Kameran with a force this small?! Hah! You make
           me laugh."

             This causes Akiyra to frown such respect given. "You look
           like a strong company in a land that does not normally accept

             "I know better. The Kameran has many great warriors. Their
           shaman are great as well."  Z'leyra makes a point to raise her
           voice so the male warriors hear her words.

             "Yet you wear that!" She points to Z'leyra's hip.  "A great
           sword is only for chiefs or warriors of note.  You claim one of
           these by wearing it."  As Akiyra walks the tohers notice a pouch
           under her belt under her thick leathers and a knife near her
           other hip barely seen by her thick leathers.

             "I was born here, I left with my father to see the lands south
           and west of here. I learned  a lot, now I am returned. The
           reason for my party being so large is for collective security.
           Some lands outside the Kameran are dangerous, just one or a
           few traveling might not make it to their destination."

             Unali stands and eyes Akiyra for her body language.  She
           hears Z'leyra and figures that was a bit of lie by missing
           detail.  Sure they left technically kicked out.  She wonders
           how the others will see that if they recall the details.

             Akiyra nods and walks closer.  "And the bravado of that

             "I do. I have fought a number of enemies and even some great
           monsters, and here I am, still alive, able to wear this armor
           I made and wield the weapons I forged."

             At that one of the male warriors grunts and looks to one of
           his companions not to happy with that answer.

             "So you claim to be a great warrior?  What are you a warrior
           or something else?"

             "I have hopes of being able to wield my skills and weapons
           for the people of Kameran, never against them."

             "What are your intentions here?  How long since you left?"

             "I was taught to be a shaman at my mother's knee, I was
           sent hence to learn of the world outside the Kameran. I have
           had to learn to fight and defend myself physically as well as
           with the aid of the spirits."

             Unali winces again, a new missing detail or just a edited one.
           Sent away or banished?  No longer invited to be here.  Simple
           words but the dagger maiden hopes those words don't follow the

             Z'leyra quietly considers the time.  But in fact she has
           has prepared for a long time.  "I have been gone near ten

             Ten years but a lot of that time she spent in Ticasi
           learning. She realizes she has only been out in the real
           world some 869-870 odd days if her journal is accurate.
           Only about 2.5 years.

             "And your intention here?"

             Z'leyra looks away briefly.  Only 17 when she left here.
           A naive young girl.  It feels like a lifetime  Even with
           her magic she doesn't age as normal people do.  So she figures
           she is 26 but with her magic maybe 27?

             "My intention is to meet my siblings, bring them up to date
           on what has happened and to gift my companions the month of
           visitation in the Kameran that friendly visitors may enjoy."

             When Z'leyra translates, Fuk raises a eyebrow and looks very

             "Yes, my companions will in all likelihood be leaving before
           the month is out."

             At that Arawn looks concerned.  Does this mean she intends
           to stay here alone?


             "Let me translate."

             Akiyra looks back to the male warriors and a quiet signal
           is given.  'You do know our ways.  Then welcome.  But be
           warned.  Things have changed.  Hostile acts will not be
           tolerated.  Do you take personal responsibility for this

             "Most of them I have know for a long time, so yes, I
           vouch for them, four of them are recent, two very recent
           additions to our group. I will make it very clear to them
           that our ways are to be respected and to make no trouble while
           they are here."

             Akiyra looks to the large wolf by her side and does a bit of
           guttural words.  The wolf raises up and howls.  All around the
           smaller wolves begin to move away and disappear.  "Follow us.
           we are on a hunt but will escort you to our village.  You will
           need to meet with the lodge leaders."

             "We follow." Then she translates the final part.

             "Okay folks, we are being led to the village where we will
           be welcomed. A couple words of warning. One, you can only visit
           in the Kameran for one month if youf behavior is good. Two, any
           bad behavior result at the minimum in your immediate ejection
           from the lands. Very bad behavior will result in far worse
           consequences! So behave yourselves!"

             "Lets go."

             One of the warriors eye the Fay horse with some admiration.
           As they walk Dorhak tries to check out the axes on the warriors
           back.  He is a bit disappointed to find they tend to be wood
           axes not battle axes.

           [Time: 5:18 pm]

             A bit over an hour later the party sees the village in the
           outlying hills to the north.  There must be 200-250 structures
           of some sort.  Most are small one story single room shacks but
           there are a far larger buildings.  Those taller structures
           are maybe 2 stories but at the angles from outside it is
           as if the 2nd story is a half story.  Maybe a half floor?

             Unlike the Zen'dan village which is very basic this village
           seems to be more advanced in design.  While this is considered
           a barbarian culture they still have a distinct history.  There
           are some blacksmith, glass making and even a small weapons
           shop that is more a large cabin lodge than a city shop.

             While most people seem to live in a simple 1 room shack or
           even a 3 room cabin clearly the upper structure live in large
           lodges.   These well designed lodges have thick walls and
           several rooms from the looks of it.

             As the party enter the Kamerans begin to gather and stare.
           Craftsmen stop their work to watch the parade of strangers
           enter their village.  All villagers including the smallest
           kids are wearing thick hides and leathers to stay warm in
           these windy hills.

             There are several large cooking communal fires for the
           evening's meal already setup and roaring.

             Many stare at the small bearded man for some reason but
           others look at the red head as red must be a rare thing
           in this land as most are black hair and a few rust blond
           colors from the sun as well as gray.  The party can hear
           a lot of murmurs and whispers.

             At times Akiyra stops and whispers to others as they pass.
           Some warriors come out and show a small force of arms but
           do not prevent the party's movement.

             Finally Shaman Akiyra leads the party to the far north
           of the village which is the 'back' of the village as it
           lines up against a tall hill.  She points to a corral with
           many other horses.  "Your horses can be put there.  If they
           do not have distinct marks you may want to tie them to the
           side so not to lose them among our own.  Sadly we do not
           have quarters for tonight. But that area there."  She
           points to a small open field.  "Will have to be good for
           tonight.  We will furnish wood, blankets and anything
           else you may need.  I will need to find certain people
           to see if they can meet you tonight.  Otherwise it may be
           the morning before you can move...with more ease.  I would
           suggest for now in one place together.  We will assign
           a couple to help you if any questions or situations."

             With that she starts off toward a group of large lodges
           that must be the "rich" district like a city.

             Fuk looks around, "this place makes me nervous."

           [Time: 5:27 pm]

           Actions? Comments?

           Next Update..Friday...

           GM: A good place to stop.  IT is past 11.  I was going to do
               a bit more details on the village.  But it is getting
               later and harder to do.  So sorry if its not a great
               word picture.  The chat with Z and Akiyra I did with
               Alex online so that's what it is here.  To speed things
               up a bit.  So you can plan actions for the night if you
               wish.  Next update I'll try to start Wednesday and prepare
               it and get it out Thursday/Friday.

           GM: Experience - The Dwarfs messed up again.  Can't hire good
               staff anymore that you can beat.  Shield and Two Weapon
               Fighting not taken care of.  I have done so on character
               sheets.  You guys will need to ensure the Dwarves do
               their work and make them honest!

          GM: Necklace Use [Reminder to myself]
              Feb 6 - Kiet Ba'ru - Learned not fluent but not simple
              Feb 7 - ????
              Feb 8+- ????

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