[pnpgm] Dorhak

Dorhak dorhak at comcast.net
Fri Jan 6 21:38:50 CET 2017

Our young but ugly dwarf sees the people in front.  He has a couple of thoughts.  First, he notices the axes they carry, wondering how they compare to back home, but still envious.  He would take even a human-made axe for the time being.

Secondly, he looks at them as adversaries, and compares them against himself.  The wolves don't worry him individually.  The men he thinks he could take on two at a time.  The woman, silly outfit and all, is simply amusing.  Probably still dangerous as Dorhak suspects she controls the wolves, but get past them and what happens?

He's carrying his shield out of common sense, but begins to finger his mace.  He gets a silly grin on his face and,In Marentian, asks in the group "Are we gonna have a fight?"

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