[pnpgm] Game Update #66 - File #464 - Arawn's IBT

pnpgm pnpgm at comcast.net
Sun Jul 3 02:41:39 CEST 2016

   HT     Player        DS    Character Name    Type    Status/Notes  Sex
   -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
   R1.John Haight.......HY..Arawn.............Druid  .Normal/Alfar .. Ma
   --.Tobie Bonahoom....YY..Fremea............Sidh....Normal/Faerry.. Fe
   W3.Mark Murtha.......HN..Kell..............Trader..Normal/Human....Ma
W2R2.David Sanders.....HN..Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human  ..Ma
   R4.Wout Broere.......YY..Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human  ..Fe
   R3 Panthera..............Pyandalgor........Hunter..Normal/Human....Ma
W3R4.Alex Koponen......YY..Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human  ..Fe
      Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra

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       Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net

       Game Update #66 sequence (file #464)

       Admin Notes: None.


       [New Stuff]

            [Arawn's IBT]

            [Decalis 25th, 1634TH]
            [Ticasi City Margins, Ticasi]

              Arawn has just finished translocating the horses and people
            to Sivas.  But now he is out of energy for his own horse and
            himself.  Which is fine.  He decides to spend time outside of
            the horse and just rest.

              That night Arawn stares at the stars.  Some say the stars are
            the gods looking down.  Some say they are just patterns in the
            skies cultures make to make sense to the brain.  Having been
            in the Upper World himself he knows that stars are not the gods.
            They are just fixtures in the cosmic thread of the universe.
            Some say the true world of the three worlds is that nothing more.
            No other planets or moons.   But after seeing the Vong threat
            that is clearly not the case.

              Even in whispers the gods mention things they don't even
            understand.  Mortals all ask who was before the gods and who
            made them?  The arguments could be heard for a lifetime.  In fact
            there are several histories he knows of.  Whether one is true
            or not he is unsure.  Even his parents will not go into such
            details.  But Arawn suspects even they are not sure of everything.
            Gods are said to be all knowing and all seeing.  But in reality
            it is more focused. A god of death would not stare at some law
            culture or priest all day to listen to prayers.  No.  The death
            god would watch the wastelands and the forces of chaos.

              The Courts run by minions of the gods are the front line to
            prayers and the bulk of "observations."  Through work by
            Avatars, Messengers and Servants the courts do the day to day

              It has been some time since Arawn has seen signs of his
            parents or the court.  At the lake controlled by the Vong
            Brain in the Vassa lands.  When he saw that white dove and
            owl was the last time he got some essence of their presence.
            Arawn is not dismayed as time in that realm is different from
            here.  To middle world mortals it seems endless to wait for
            prayers to be answered.

              Arawn sleeps the night wondering and home sick.

            [Decalis 26th, 1634TH]
            [Sivas City, Marentia]
            [Cholan's Tavern]

              Now back in Sivas, Arawn attends the meeting at Cholan's.
            The party goes back and forth on where to go and how.
            Carts, wagons and even pack animals.  But Z'leyra has decided
            to not bring such and she is leader.  Some may not agree with
            it but this is her journey.
              Arawn meets with Kiet and asks where his girlfriend dad's
            ranch is.   He plans to buy a new horse.  Kiet is amazed at
            how he has 2 horses already - one just paid for from Kell.
            Kiet gives him the details.

              Arawn spends a bit of time at the horse markets and finds
            the lack of horses daunting.  The dealers say that with the
            skirmishes on the L'p'nth border soldiers and others are in
            high demand of horses for the eastern front.  Right now it
            is not a war but more a refugee crisis as folks flee from
            something internal in L'p'nth.

              Arawn leaves the market with a grim face that the market
            is low and may not be back to full till spring.  Arawn
            finds the ranch Kiet mentioned and asks Tarvis about suggestions
            for a horse.  But Tarvis also mentions that the market is in
            low supply.  Tarvis mainly teaches riding and horse things but
            does not sell them.

              Late that afternoon based on Cholan's comments Chion should be
            at his place.  Given directions he heads to the small home.
            It is more a large shack than a home.  Arawn enters the yard
            which is next to normal 1 story middle class homes.  He then
            circles the place looking for a door.  No door?  He notices
            he windows are closed and latched from inside.  Either Chion is
            paranoid or a hermit.  Then Arawn knows that a teleporter does
            not need doors.  It even helps with security.

              Arawn heads to what he thinks is the front and knocks on the
            wall.  He knocks more, yelling out Chion's name.  Long moments
            pass and nothing.  Then Arawn jumps when he feels a hand on his
            shoulder.  With hand on his sword, Arawn turns around to see
            Chion smiling.

              Since it cold Chion places a hand on Arawn's shoulder and
            teleports both men inside.  There with some nice warm tea
            close to the fire they talk.  Arawn relays his plans for the
            group to move north and his plan to buy a new horse.

              Chion sits back and considers, "I can certainly help with
            the horses and materials.  I'm actually planning a quick
            trip to Port Doman on something."

              To some on a ship that would take months.  But for Chion
            it would take seconds.

              "Travel on the plains will be cold in winter.  Can't wait
            till spring?"  Chion sees Arawn shake his head.  "Fine. I
            will be around another few weeks.  I need to prepare myself
            and get some...things.  As to a horse I can't help there.
            Maybe Ben'dar can when I take you to Maren."  He becomes
            a bit grim.  "Something in L'p'nth is scaring folks there.
            It may be just the typical witches in a uproar.  It could
            be fall out from....Ezam's demise.  So far it is just
            border leakage.  But if they see more crossing the border
            Duke Valnon and Aren will be quite busy."

              Arawn spends time catching up.  But like Pyan Chion tends
            to keep quiet on things.  He simply says that he has become
            a full shaman and should be selecting his Tonah animal
            in a month or two.  Cetric says animals choose the Shaman
            but so far nothing seems to have picked him.

              The shamans knew well enough the path to totem-finding but
            Arawn shared his own insights as well for such things were not
            unique to that path.

              "It'll be interesting to see what spirit presents itself to
            you.  Sometimes they reflect a person's obvious nature but it's
            not unusual for it to represent hidden, deeper qualities.
            Traits that need to be nurtured to help balance and guide one
            on their life's purpose.

              What an insightful and wonderful connection to have. It'll
            be eye-opening, even for one who's seen so much of the
            different worlds."

              Arawn leaves and heads to Z'leyra's manor for the night.
            In his room he reads his book on learning the ruby rites.

            [Decalis 27th, 1634TH]
            [Maren City, Marentia]

              Arawn, Unali and 2 of Arawn's horses are teleported to
            Maren city with help from Chion.

              Arawn and his two horses ride to Ben'dar's ranch while
            Chion teleports to return later.  Unali heads to her own
            place outside the city.

              Arawn arrives at the ranch but finds no Ben'dar.  His
            stewart reports he is in town doing business.  Arawn asks
            to barn his two horses for a month or two.  The stewart
            is unsure but realizes Arawn is a friend and wouldn't want to

              Seeing that Ben'dar is gone, Arawn rides one of the horses
            to the north of the ranch to Caladan's cabin

              After a short ride he nears the middle sized log cabin.  It
            could house a large family of 12.  Caladan has some nice
            work to his place since last visited.  Arawn is happy to find
            Caladan and is welcomed inside.

              Arawn tells him of the party's plans and asks for suggestions
            on the village, gifts, horses and other things.

              Caladan serves hot tea and sits down.  "I wasn't going to
            return there till spring.  I had plans to visit my old master
            north of the L'p'nth mountains on the edge of the plains.  But
            this recent trouble....causes issues for travel in that area.
            His valley is warded for intruders so I'm not worried but
            had hoped to visit him about now.  Maybe once the border is
            closed tighter by the military.  The King has not decided what
            to do with the refugees coming across so far.  You could cross
            the river but there are few fords and no bridges.  The Zen'da
            do not use much things like that.  Some merchants planted small
            wooden docks and built rafts but those fade away.  Crossing will
            be difficult this time of year.  Once across though it should be
            a bit easier.  Going north along the river to cross west is fine
            for water but if you are needing speed should go on a purely
            diagonal path to her lands.   Cetric can pass word and give
            totems of friendship to show you are friends of the Zen'da.

              Water is critical as is food on that long a trip.  Hunting
            can be dangerous if within say a dozen miles of a village.
            They see that as poaching.  If you do not have the totems
            of friendship then you may be attacked.  Best to hunt with
            subtle intent.  Water could be a issue this time of year.
            Most wells are drained due to winter storage by villages.
            Some villages have to do days of travel to the river to
            get fresh water.

              As to horses the Zen'da prize their own.  They rarely ever
            give them away.  It is like cattle as a sign of wealth.  So
            getting a horse there will be difficult.  A simple plains pony
            is best for the terrain.  As to gifts....we are self sufficient.
            But things like camping supplies...food..blankets...not tents.
            The woman love to make their own as a sign of their home
            making skills.  As to Cetric he is a simple Shaman so gifts tend
            to embarrass him.  Most men of his kind like a new nice 
knife.  Nothing
            magical or ceremonial.  A simple practical but sturdy knife.  One
            that can last in battle and in daily life."

              Caladan and Arawn continue to talk most of the evening and share
            a nice salad and soup.  Caladan insists he stay the night and
            leave in the morning.

            [Decalis 28th, 1634TH]
            [Maren City margins, Marentia]

              Arawn leaves Caladan's place.  The Zen'da wizard does not
            intend to visit the village at this time with Arawn.  So
            Arawn will have to depend on Chion.  Arawn heads to Ben'dar/s
            ranch just after sunrise.

              Ben'dar gives one of his bear hugs seeing the Alfar  He
            insists both enjoy a breakfast and share.  Arawn goes over
            the things he did with Caladan.

              "So 10 horses or so?  That long a trip.  You'd need way too
            much food and water.  Might make it 2/3rds before run out.
            No wagons or pack animals?  A shame.  You will have to teleport
            to get food and water regularly.  As to using the river for
            moving ..that could be tricky.   Those two northern villages
            don't take kindly to even totem friendly riders.  They are always
            fearful of outsiders due to the northern border.  Best bet is
            a diagonal trip to north west then north.  It has been a long
            time since I was in the western plains.  I don't know the
            politics there today.  Best meet with Cetric and get tips on
            that.  As to gifts being a wolf shaman he doesn't care much
            for obvious things like wolf pelts.  I seem to recall Caladan
            who visited there more recently then I have....that Cetric
            is in need of flint and steel.  Though they have traditional
            methods of fire they have at times used it when in certain
            weather conditions."

              Ben'dar sits back and pushes his empty plate away.  He rings
            and scratches his chin.  "A horse you say?  Oh.  As to the
            others you came with.  Sure I can barn them.  I am not in the
            ranch business to sell horses but to train and break them.
            The military has taken a great deal of that supply down.  There
            is a heavy blight on the horse market all over the province.
            But there is a place near the west gate.  A small market that
            sells used up and impossible to tame horses.  Usually these
            are sick or unwanted horses.  They tend to ...be at the end
            of the line for them.  I've broken some but the spirits of
            horses are strong even for me.  The guy Leno who owns the
            market has a horse that he can't break.  I tried but the
            horse refuses.  It will not even allow any riders.  Sadly
            they have abused it trying to get it tame.  I don't know
            when I saw this horse I thought of you.  I suggest going there
            and seeing what you can do.  You have that.." he waves his hands
            in a weird gesture.  "Spooky way of things.  Maybe you can
            deal with it."

              Arawn ask for details but Ben'dar says he has duties to do.
            He'd love to visit but has rushed orders due to the military
            blight.  Arawn on foot sets out for the city.

              As Arawn walks he encounters 7 men on patrol in full uniform.
            They ask questions like who he is and his purpose.  Arawn has
            never seen such a large force on patrol by the capital.  But
            soon the men let him continue on.

              Arawn finds this horse market and looks around.  Sure enough
            these horses are on their last leg.  Arawn feels sorry but
            there must be many more all around as normal  Then Arawn sees
            the horse, a gorgeous female!  She is a milk white horse with a
            tan mane and tail.  She stands just over 5 feet tall at the
            shoulder.  Arawn loses his breath.  A fay horse of all places?

              "You don't want that beast.  We can't tame her.  Come this
            way and we have some nice riding horses that were only used
            by messengers..."

              Arawn ignores the sales man and approaches.  "Don't do that
            mister she is mean.  At least use this whip."  But Arawn continues
            to ignore him.  No.  Fay horses only allow nobles to ride them
            or many Sidh.  OF course this one could not be tamed.  They only
            had to find a noble human like the king to try.  The horse stares
            at Arawn and snorts.  Arawn pats the side of the hose and begins
            to speak in horse language.

              Arawn glances back and asks how much.  The confused man shrugs,
            "for that beast?  Plan to use it to guard a pig pen?  About all
            she's worth.  But we'll take...ten gold."

              Arawn agrees even before the man can finish his sentence.
            The fools don't know what they have here.  She is far more
            valuable than just 10.  Maybe as much as 6 times that if only
            they knew.

              Arawn gives the shocked man the gold and walks out of the
            market with the horse.  The man's jaw drops when the strange
            man mounts the horse even without a saddle!  A short trot later
            and then Arawn stops and talks to the horse.  He finds out
            that two were summoned months ago.  Her mate was killed in battle.
            A wizard somehow took her magical power away and she can not
            travel between worlds.  Arawn suspects this could be a curse or
            a taint.  But maybe this is all well.  It would be bad for
            him to return to his homeland before his parents feel he is ready.

              Arawn asks if she would be his horse.  She does not mind it
            and knows she is trapped here in this world.

              Arawn's compassion and sympathy for her plight was evident
            in his exchange with the noble horse. Sacred to E'pona but
            honored by his mother, who turned the A'mora to the Sidh in
            her efforts to protect and avenge the Fay horses, he knew
            that it was an honor to be borne by one. And he saw her not
            as a steed but a friend and tended her with a gentle hand as
            he sought for any signs of mistreatment in need of care while
            the two shared words.

              "We have much in common for I too am bound to this world and
            know not why. But I promise that I will work to lift this
            burden from you and see to your well-being as best as I can.

              I am Arawn and I am at your service. And may I have the
            pleasure of knowing your name?"

              "I am called Corsaya."

              Arawn walks with the horse to the city itself and buys some
            supplies including saddle and blankets.

              That night Arawn returns to Ben'dar's ranch to stay and
            sleep the night waiting for Chion to return.   He spends
            the night reading his ruby book.

            [Decalis 29th, 1634TH]
            [Maren City margins, Marentia]

              In the morning Chion arrives at Ben'dar's place.  He is amazed
            at the white horse.  But advises that the horse could be seen
            miles away on the plains unless it snows.  Chion then teleports
            both Arawn and horse to Cetric's village in the north plains.

              Cetric seems a bit older than the last time the party was on
            the plains. But Cetric welcomes both and stares at the white
            horse. There is a legend on white horses that Ga'sha's use
            to get to power.  Arawn tells of his plans and asks if the
            party could lay over a day here before they travel.

              Arawn presents his finely crafted knife to Cetric.  The
            Shaman stares at it for some time and is honored.  He takes
            the knife and examines it from top to bottom. "This is a
            great gift my friend.  So much so it would be bad to taint
            with animal blood.  I am sure I'll find a good use for it.
            Thanks you."

              Sitting around the tipi the wolf shaman nods.  "Certainly.
            You will be using that ..magic to get here?  Good.  The south
            tribes are having issues with the people crossing the borders
            form L'p'nth.  It would be best to avoid that area.  A odd
            time of year to travel though.  The plains will be cold and
            wet.  Half of our village has moved to a north camp for the
            winter as you may have noticed.  We move with the herds.  Except
            for this village.  I'm too old to move again.  As to crossing
            the river this is highly dangerous.  I'd suggest arriving on
            the western edge myself.  But if you prefer this point then
            it will be difficult.  We don't have bridges but we have rafts.
            They are not sturdy enough for some horses.  We might could if
            time find more sturdy rafts for you but not sure if it will be
            done in time."

              "One among our group, Kell, is able to craft an Earth
            Bridge and I have nascent ability with Ice Bridge. As long as
            the crossing isn't too wide we should be able to deal with
            this. If you know of any narrow spots it would be a great
            boon to know. Either way, I'll let Z'leyra and the others know."

              Cetric nods, "not many narrow places but I'll think on it."

              Cetric asks if he could ride the horse but Arawn fears the
            man would be hurt doing so and explains she is protective of
            him only.  Chion, Cetric and Arawn talk for some more hours
            into the evening.

            [Decalis 30th, 1634TH]
            [Zen'da Plains]

              As the sun breaks the horizon, Arawn speeds down the plains
            on his horse.  This horse is amazingly fast.  It might be twice
            as fast as Tef'wo but not as strong.  At sunrise Arawn returns
            and with one last help from Chion is teleported with horse back
            to Sivas.

              Back in Sivas, Arawn heads to the library.   Arawn meets with
            Kaylle the librarian-scholar and asks him if he knows of any
            books or scrolls for certain spells.  Including ice or cold
            related spells and sustenance.  He replies there are none for
            the spells except for sustenance.  Arawn knows the spells already
            but would be nice to learn more on them.   Kaylle finds the long
            unused scroll on sustenance and dusts it off.  Arawn fears taking
            it out of the place so makes a copy of it at the library since it
            is a small simple scroll.

              Arawn takes the chance to talk to Kaylle about the mysterious
            scroll from Bishop Ragson and how they know each other.

              Kaylle shifts from foot to foot and tends to some books to
            consider things before speaking.  "We have sent letters back
            and forth for a few years.  He is a very fine source on
            religion.  As to the scroll...I would have shown you it but
            it destroyed itself.  Those nasty spells.  It was...nothing
            important really.  One day maybe I'll have time to explain things
            to you in more detail.  But for now I must see to sorting and
            restacking the naval warfare section.  Duty calls!"

              Arawn doesn't need to extend his powers and skills to tell the
            Faerry s lying or at least covering things up.  The fae knows more
            than he is saying or can say.  But Arawn will not press the
            matter at this time.

              Arawn stops by Fremea's home for kids and checks on things.  He
            finds her parents and kids in their usual hectic bustle.  Arawn
            then heads to Z'leyra's home for the night.  He does need to
            find a place of his own.  That night he continues to read his
            ruby book.

              Arawn slips Fremea's mother 5 gold to help with things.
            He performs blessings for the kids as well.

            [Decalis 31st - Janaq 1st, 1635TH]
            [Sivas City, Marentia]

              For the next 2 days Arawn spends shopping all over the city.
            At night he returns to the manor to read his ruby book.

              First he selects gifts for the Zen'da and the Kamerans.
            Based on conversations with Caladan, Chion and Kaylle he
            tries to select practical gifts.  He divides it equally
            amounts  so each tribe will get their share.  He buys
            10 fighting daggers, 10 handle slings and a bag of projectiles
            for the slings.

              Arawn then buys various fresh fruit for the Zen'da.  It
            would not last for the Kameran.  But fruit on the plains
            this time of year is scarce.  He includes flasks of spices
            and salt.  He buys 2 kegs of Oil one each for the winter.
            He buys a couple boxes of candles and torches.  He buys
            4 candle and 4 oil lanterns.  He collects several piles
            of flints and steel.  Though the Zen'da are used to sleeping
            on hard floor he decides to buy 10 bedrolls for each tribe.
            He buys 40 blankets which will be a nice thing to have as
            most are thin and worn at Cetric's place.  He buys 20 bags
            so the tribes can use if their sacks are worn out. Finally
            he buys 50' feet for each tribe of rope.  Most tribes make
            their own rope but a professional set might do good as well.

              Arawn is sure both tribes have great healing with natural
            cures and their shamans.  But it would not hurt to get some
            medical supplies.  So he buys a batch of roll bandages, soothing
            herbs and healing herbs.

              It would be expensive to buy the entire tribe clothing or even
            boots. But sandals are common with tribe folks especially in
            warmer times.  So he buys 20 sets of sandals.

              IN order to support emergency construction during hard storms
            Arawn buys some materials.  He buys a bucket of 100 nails for
            each tribe.  He buys 4 work hammers, 4 hatchets, 6 hoes and
            a small assortment of other tools.

              Arawn's next task is a rain collection tarp.  It would be
            impractical without wagons to bring large kegs or buckets.
            But a foldable tarp with a easy to fold wicker style basket
            might help and collect some water.  It is not the best
            solution but for cramped space on horses it will do.

              Arawn, always the practical Alfar, decides that food will
            still be a issue.  So he buys 160 bags of grain.  Even then
            that might only feed the horses for only a month.  But he
            plans wisely in advance  He knows he can't carry 8 tons of
            food so has to house it for later retrieval.  Since the manor
            will have space in the barn he asks the grain master to deliver
            it there.

              Arawn then restocks his personal rations with 5 weeks worth.
            For his immediate horse he buys 8 bags of grain for his new
            fay horse.  Arawn then adds more gifts by buying 20 bags of
            grain for both tribes and 200 rations to supplement when
            hunting is low.  Then he adds 10 bows and 200 arrows to the
            gifts for the two tribes.

              Knowing that winter will be hard just as much for the horses
            as the riders, Arawn seeks out a good tarp.  It should house
            all the horses to ensure they are mostly away from the cold
            and weather.  He had hoped to make his own and enchant it
            but there is less than expected time to do so.  After 2 days
            he finds a 10'x14' tarp that can be rolled up and poles to
            keep it in place.  Course a good wind will blow it away this is
            why rocks and other things will anchor it.

              Arawn intends to make some weapons so buys some metal.  He
            had hoped to buy elven metal but finds it difficult to
            find in Sivas.  Though Arawn is lucky to find 12 Elven arrows
            in one market.  At least the clerk says they are elven but
            unless tests are done it is hard to tell.

              Finally going in and out of "magic" shops he looks for a
            magic item.  Most shops are said to be magical but are mostly
            items pretended to be magic.  The gullible peasants buy these
            home cures and items en masse.  But finally he comes across
            one who sells what he needs a Water detection charm.  The
            bracelet can be worn and detect water but only up to about 160
            feet.  Such detection spells are very low range spells.  The
            clerk says the item is normally worth 32 silver but he'll
            sell it for 14 silver since no one seems to want it.  But
            Arawn is lucky to find a water detection spell that has longer
            range under the forest family of spells.

              With winter starting Arawn's thoughts turned ever more and
            more to his father, Payan, the Ice Warrior, among other titles.
            The Alfar's time had been split between both houses, Morrigan's
            and Payan's, and while his mother's domain was passionate, wild
            and dark to the unfamiliar his father's was quiet, somber, and
            shadowy. There was a heaviness that rested upon his father's
            shoulder and Arawn ever sought to ease this and bring comfort
            and joy to him. As crows flew overhead he made his way into the
            depths of the snow-covered wood. In the security of a grove of
            cedar and pine he stood, sending loving thoughts and thanks to
            his father. He hoped that all was well with him and he promised
            to do the best he could, in the Middle World and elsewhere, with
            hopes of returning home someday. More than once he thought he
            had caught the glimpse of his parents beings, sensed the
            presence of their hands reaching out from the high realms.
            Whatever was going on, whatever it was they wished of him he
            hoped to do them proud. For as their child he was not so much
            a druid who worshipped like others but a son who sought to
            honor them both. His personal communion done he then asked for
            the Ice Warrior's blessing upon the party for the journey would
            be a harsh one through wintered lands and they could use all
            the help they could get.

              To this end, Arawn after both days of shopping spends the last
            part of the afternoon in a local temple.  While Marentia suppresses
            most fails it has some merits in Elder traditions but mostly the
            god Asher and Inana are more common.  Kaylle had told him on
            a secluded spot on a quiet street there is a temple that is
            a bit more open.  Though there are no direct signs of the
            gods they worship, for fear of the city, there are implications
            of other faiths.  The priest there openly worships Asher but
            quietly supports things with a "be quiet and not obvious" approach.
            For 2 days the priest allows Arawn to administer to the faith
            with only 3-4 people at any one time.  While Arawn does not
            do direct open signs he quietly worships and prayers to his
            parents for their blessing.

            [Janaq 2nd, 1635TH]
            [Sivas City, Marentia]

              Tired from shopping, Arawn heads to the library to teach
            Kell more Jeweler skill techniques.  Thanks to Kaylle they use
            a book from the library.

              That night Arawn studies the rites for rubies in his book

            [Janaq 3rd, 1635TH]
            [Sivas City, Marentia]

              Arawn stays at Z'leyra's manor and asks to use her forge
            for the day.  IT will take more then a day but he starts
            making a new javelin from his iron he got.  Had hoped to
            use elven metal but he can still use the item with gloves
            and tools.  He will have to learn the spear and javelin
            skills from Kiet later on.

            [Janaq 4th - 6th, 1635TH]
            [Sivas City, Marentia]

              For the next 3 days Arawn continues to teach Kell and Kiet
            various things at the library.

              After a day at the library Arawn spends time working on
            his javelins.  In the end he makes 2 new ones from scratch.

              Late those evenings tired and needing sleep he reads the
            ruby book.

            [Janaq 7th, 1635TH]
            [Sivas City, Marentia]

              Arawn begins to separate his gear for the trip and gets
            ready to leave the following day.

              Arawn then spends the spare time at the temple trying
            to spread the faith.

              Arawn before leaving Sivas shares his insights on what
            Chion, Cetric and Caladan said about the plains and other

           Actions? Comments?

           Next Update....Monday??

           GM:  The fay horse actually was somewhat in the works.  Using
                my 'shopping' rules I have for NMIs and such.  I found
                the special mount when Raban was looking for one.  So
                it just happened to finally come to pass that Arawn
                went looking and found it.  Now to finish Arawn's
                gear/sheet.  So I may be done with his IBT end of
                this week.

                So what should we do with Wout?  Wait a couple weeks?
                I'm open to suggestions.

                Happy Independence Day!!!!

            GM: Expenses:

                 Expense                   Price           Notes
               Fay Horse               - 10 G
               Fighting Daggers (10)   -  2 G
               Handle Slings (10)      -  1 G
               Projectiles (200)       -       16 S
               Fruits (100)            -        3 S
               Sale / Spices           -  1 G
               Oil Keg                 -        1 S
               Candles  (200)          -  2 G
               Torches (100)           -  1 G
               Candle Lantern (4)      -             8 CC
               Oil Lantern (4)         -            12 CC
               Wicks / Flint/Steel     -             4 CC
               Bedroll (20)            -             8 CC
               Blanket (40)            -             8 CC
               Bags  (20)              -             6 CC
               100' of Rope            -             6 CC
               Roll Bandage (200)      -        2 S
               Soothing/Healing Herbs  -        1 S
               Sandals (20)            -            12 CC
               Nails Buckets (200)     -        6 S
               Work Hammer (4)         -       12 S
               Hatchet (4)             -             4 CC
               Bag (6)                 -        3 S
               Other Tools (10)        -        3 S
               Water Collection Tarp   -        3 S
               Grain Bags (160)        -       32 S
               Grain (20)              -        4 S            For Tribe gift
               Rations (200)           -        2 S            For Tribe gift
               Bows (10)               - 10 G                  For tribe gift
               Arrows (200)            -        4 S            For tribe gift
               Horse Pavilion          -        5 S
               Metal Materials         -        4 S
               Elven Arrows (12)       -        3 S
               Water Detection Bracelet-       14 S
                         Total  -        27 G 118 S 68 CC
                                -   3948 CC

            GM: Experience:

                  Skill              CEP   MEP   Expertise
               Ruby Rite education    -     -        8
               Ceremony               -     -        3
               Armorer                -     -        4

           GM: Distances: (to remind myself later)

               Sivas to Village by Land:

                  Path                     Hexes  Distance
                Sivas to Maren [Road]       12      240 miles
                Maren to Cholchara [Road]    9      180 miles
                Road to Marentia Fort        3.5     70 miles
                  Option-to Ba'ru City       3       60 miles
                Fort to Village [Plain]     21      420 miles
                  Option: Ba'ru to Village  23      460 miles

                Total: 910-950Miles depending on Ba'ru visit

               Sivas to Village by water

                River to Village            31      620 miles
                River to Village             5      100 miles

                Total: 720 Miles

               Village to Kameran border (roughly)

                Zen'da Plains to Border     43      860 miles

               These are rough estimates and I may be off a few
               hexes. These are various options.

               So let's say ship wagon/horses by barge up river.
               So let's assume a simple barge doing 10-20 miles
               per day.  Might even do more with good winds.  Let's
               assume 15 on average.  That's 40 days.  Ok.  So shipping
               ahead of time may not be a good option. :)

               How about going to Ba'ru and getting supplies there?
               Wagons? Horses?  That is the closest large city to
               the village.  If prepare is done at start of IBT and
               say a person ships those items (wagon/horses from Ba'ru)
               to village then would need only cross 460 miles.
               At 25 per day would be 19 days.  Almost in the IBT
               time period.

               As GM I'm only trying to cover options.  You guys have
               to do some serious logistics to decide.  Mainly the
               horses and/or wagon/food.  To fit within the 2 weeks.
               Above there are some option as well.  Chion if in town
               could be swayed to help as he could probably teleport
               2-3 wagons in one jump.

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