[pnpgm] Game Update #52 - File #382 - Death of Innocence

pnpgm pnpgm at comcast.net
Thu Apr 7 22:36:53 CEST 2016

   HT     Player        DS    Character Name    Type    Status/Notes  Sex
   -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
   R1.John Haight.......HY..Arawn.............Druid  .Normal/Alfar .. Ma
   --.Tobie Bonahoom....YY..Fremea............Sidh....Normal/Faerry.. Fe
   R3.Mark Murtha.......HN..Kell..............Trader..Normal/Human....Ma
W2R2.David Sanders.....HN..Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human  ..Ma
   R4.Wout Broere.......YY..Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human  ..Fe
   R3 Panthera..............Pyandalgor........Hunter..Normal/Human....Ma
W3R4.Alex Koponen......YY..Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human  ..Fe
      Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra

       Game Web Site - http:/nrgcomputers.com/pbem/
       Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
       Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net

       Game Update #52 sequence (file #382)

       Admin Notes: None.

         From Pyan: [Re: Actions]
           I don't believe they have ostriches in The  Zen'da Lands which
           cover most of the interior of the continent.

           "We've made good travel companions, not too talkative or ...
         GM: Ack.  Its plains so it could have some.  There are Iritxu
             and Osnada that are close to the ostrich. :)  Very pleased
             to see you do a big (for you) post!  Hope to see more
             in the near future if there is a future from this.

         From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
           Something wasn't right here. Arawn wracked his brain, ...

           OOC: Arawn will scan the area with Mana Sense and Mana Read
           in an effort to determine if this entire scene is an illusion
           or product of magic.
         GM: Ack.

       [New Stuff]

           [Decalis 24th, 1634TH]

           [Outside South-East Gate]
           [Time: 4:06 pm - Middle Earth time]

             Something wasn't right here. Arawn wracked his brain,
           stretched his senses in an effort to understand what was
           going on. Had the group truly been snatched up and tossed into
           the Upper Realms? And if they had, what did this event mean on
           a greater, cosmic, scale.  He hoped a breaching of the Compact
           between the gods had not occurred, or was occurring. Or was this
           all a trick or some alternate reality or nightmare brought upon
           by botched magic. He recalled the avatar's presence and wondered
           if some lesson or punishment was being imposed on the group. All
           those thoughts and more flashed through his mind for a moment
           before he pushed them back with steely resolve. Right now he had
           more pressing matters to worry about.

             "Time," Arawn replied, his eyes briefly meeting Cizor's
           before moving to scan the room. "Time is fleeting but the
           measure of it guides men's actions. It brings the dawn after
           night. And it's kept in capsules for future generations to gaze
           upon but can never be controlled."

             Arawn knew the sanctity of the riddle-contest, binding even
           gods within its rules, and hoped such would influence the
           result of this mad meeting. If his answer was right.

             Cizor begins to speak to Pyan again when he hears Arawn.
           The Alfar seemed to have spoken more than the three words
           he was allowed.  He'll have to punish those who failed him
           again later.  He turns his face toward Arawn.  "The first
           three words are guesses so Time, Time is.  WRONG!"

             A green being that looks like a sick elf lifts a triangle
           that is like a human musical instrument.  With a tiny
           hammer she tapes the triangle.  Suddenly a loud earth shattering
           boom rings through the complex causing dust and pebbles to
           fall to the ground.

             The giant girl growls and yells at Cizor, "that was
           scary!  Stop that! It'll make dolly wet his ...nevermind
           looks like too late."

             Cizor ignores the giant and shakes his head at Arawn.
           "Mommy said you had the great intellect.  Parental bragging
           again I guess.  Does that mean Daddy was wrong when he said
           your finger length is a good indication of other things?
           Probably not.  No.  The answer is hope.  Hope is fleeting.
           Man pulls hope around them.."

             Just then a scream is heard from the Chief's cell area
           where a man slices his two main fingers off with a dusty
           knife of some sort.  Another man raises a shiv to his
           neck and stabs the chief in the neck.  The image fades
           from view.

             "Hope is contained in hope chests for girls or so they
           say.  Good try.  Take him away to the Courtyard of the
           Trolls.  Maybe they'll just fracture his petrified corpse
           or use it for a latrine.  Enjoy Arawn it has been fun."

             Several large beings that could be oversized dwarves
           come and haul Arawn's petrified body away.

             Cizor looks back to Pyan but is distracted by Unali
           or more likely Umanli's scene covered by the illusion
           square.  Inside the room she, well now he, is on the
           ground being smothered by old ladies as they kiss and
           fondle his muscles.

             Cizor turns back to Pyan again when a light yelp is
           heard from Z'leyra.  Cizor looks over and sees a dagger
           has pierced her throat and red blood is gushing out
           down her body as she spins.  Cizor grins, "any healers
           in the house?!  Anyone?...oh well."

             Cizor is about to continue when Pyan steps forward.

             Kiet now standing is juggling three snake eggs and hopes
           he does not drop one.  He feels dropping one would be a very
           bad thing to do.

             "We've made good travel companions, not too talkative or too
           quiet.  Once when we were attacked by giant spiders, Z'leyra
           shot me with an arrow of fire. She seemed honestly sorry for
           it. Other than that they have treated me well. Kiet  even
           learned my language, to help me communicate with the others.
           Lets see,  They let me use the mind altering necklace to learn
           there language, We traveled, we helped the admiral With some
           bandits, Arawn helped one of the bandits that was injured during
           questioning by the Admiral. Then there was the hippogriffs, We
           fought bravely. Then goblins attacked us. Then the spiders I
           already mentioned. Then some more bandits that we just left
           dead on the road.  Then we arrived at Ticasi and help with the
           investigation of Tiren's death. I get the feeling Kiet might be
           a skilled tort-erm inquisitor. I haven't known them for very
           long but they seem like noble fighters and good companions,
           With a few flaws, but nobody is perfect.

             Cizor sits back on the throne he likely stole from some
           god.  "I've heard he is perfect for years and years and
           years."  Cizor points to the petrified statue of Arawn
           being carried out.  "Now he'll be perfect for bird droppings
           in that courtyard!"

             Cizor becomes a bit more serious.  "The gods see and hear
           too much.  If it is not them it is their minions in the
           court who report everything like tattle tales.   This is why
           we have short time here.  Looks like 3 of your friends
           are dead now."  The Chief, Bounty hunter and looks like
           Z'leyra now.  "So you speak for them and yet do you think
           this is a joke?"

             "I'll tell you a joke!  A man found a priest and asked
           for him to pray for his hearing.  The priest laid hands
           on his ears and prayed.  The man thanked him but said
           his hearing in court was next week."

             The court lightly laughs.  When a man in red and white
           does not Cizor stares at him.  "That was funny and you
           did not laugh?  We'll flog you later."  A advisor steps
           forward and whispers to Cizor.  Cizor pushes the being
           away.  "So what if he is dumb and mute he could at least

             Cizor turns back to Pyan.  "This is no joke my hunter
           friend.  The gods with advice from the Fates have felt
           this group has become....too powerful and too annoying.
           Many want everyone stopped.  Some support them.  Some
           find them annoying with all the mana the gods deliver
           to them for the mundane things.  I too it upon myself
           to see judgement.  I'm sure the fates will agree.  Some
           gods may not but what is done today...said here today
           will be evidence."

             "A dagger is only a metal object.  But when it is bent and
           mishapen it can be more cruel a weapon. Tools are useful but
           can be abusive.  The future this group seeks is dangerous and
           the shape of things to come will be every lasting."

             As Arawn leaves the room he completes his scan of the court
           and finds that through his senses that this all real and not

             Cizor steps back and grins, "the fates wanted to
           strip you..dip you in blood and toss you in the
           Forest to be hunted.  But the ball determined your
           fate.  So want to hear another joke?"

             "A woman wanted to cook dinner and include mush rooms.  She
           went to the river to collect some. Her husband warned it would
           be dangerous but she ignored him.  Cooking the meal for the
           large party she added mushrooms to everything.  She said she
           would test it on the dog first.  She did so but the dog seemed
           fine.  The party went well and all ate well.  But then the
           daughter came in crying saying that the dog died.  The
           people were suddenly sick and called healers to treat them.
           Folks threw up everywhere.  Then the daughter said that
           the wagon didn't even stop when it ran over the dog."

             Cizor scans the room to ensure folks are laughing then
           turns back to Pyan.  "The fates demand at least one more
           death.  Should she be saved?  You should choose another
           person to die as one must die."  He points to Z'leyra who
           is now bleeding out.

             Suddenly Kiet drops a egg and the snake in the giant's
           arm hisses.

           [Time: 4:14 pm - Middle Earth time]

           Actions?  Comments?

           Next Update....Monday...

           GM: Will Pyan save the group?  Will the food the cook
               is making be tasty?  Will there be egg salad added?
               Will this soap have a nice narrator that sounds
               serious and work for peanuts?

               Next update is Monday.

               Sorry Z'leyra!  Bad dice rolls.  We'll have to figure
               out a new character.  Want to play a Dwarf?  Assuming
               Pyan can't save you by his pretty words?

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