[pnpgm] Update...

pnpgm pnpgm at comcast.net
Fri Aug 7 06:54:25 CEST 2015

None for Friday...

Still waiting on gear to be sent in before we can begin.  Shouldn't 
take long just cut/paste add a * to the left and yoj're done showing
what you're taking.  or if too much do reverse on what not taking.

Some can just say taking it all.

I'll assume new players again take it all since not much gear 
compared to others.

Again until we figure out what slowest horse will be can't figure out 
speed of trip as well.

Also don't forget coins if you need to convert over and what you take.
Other cities are known.
Katai is 1.5% conversion fee and Donaran is 1%.

to convert to others like Aratad may vary.

Assuming all ride horses unless a wagon is taken for supplies or 
those who can't ride.

Hunter has not formally introduced himself yet or asked to join party 
either. :)

So we will move on once all gear is determined...

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