[pnpgm] Update...ghosts..

pnpgm pnpgm at comcast.net
Fri Aug 17 19:16:46 CEST 2012

Update delayed due to some work I had to do last night for work work.
So hopefully monday.

It was asked how to handle the poltergeist.  I forgot about Banish.
The problem is I seem to recall back in the '80s you can stop/prevent 
abysmal actions.
So not sure if it can or can't be.

MAybe Alex can check on that since he has that stake and he knows all 
the rules by heart:)
But I seem to recall something in the '80s saying once the absymal 
was done it can't be stopped.

If I have time this weekeend will check on it...

So got a couple more days ifneed time to add to actions..

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