[pnpgm] Game update #49 - File #218 - Rescue Turn 1: Phase 3

Scott Adams longshot at darktech.org
Fri Jun 8 08:36:07 CEST 2007

  HT Alias/Player          Character Name    Type    Status/Notes  Sex
  -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid  .Normal/Alfar  Ma
  ?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human  Ma
  W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human  Ma
  W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human  Ma
  R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
  W2 Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Bard  ..Normal/Human  Ma
  R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human  Ma
  W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human  Fe
  R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human  Ma
  R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human  Fe
     Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
     Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
     Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
     Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
     Game Update #49 in sequence (file #218)
     Admin notes: None. 

        From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
          Ben'Dar curses loudly in Zendali at his inept attack as he
          tries again.  (Order of attack:  #3, then will attack a, then
          will attack #7, then will attack/pursue #5)
        GM: Ack. 


        From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
          Arawn would take a moment to scan the parchment before they
          left this room. In the room with the red-headed woman, I know
          that we would not have time to look at the papers in detail
          but is there anything that can be gleaned from that moment?
          Is it a map or something else?
        GM: Ack. The Redhead is a woman.  I moved the party through
            the rooms based on Z'leyra's plan to scout.


        From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
          As planned Z'leyra will drop off any that signal they want to
          be dropped off. Ending up behind the archer she will separate
          from Chion and proceed to subdue the archer with her staff
          once she becomes substantial again. She will fight aggressively
          unless outnumbered in which case she will become more defensive.
        GM: Ack. 


        From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
          Arawn will drop of the Insubstantiability spell in the first
          room with a desk and the parchment.

          "If we have to flee I'd like to have some clue as to what
           their real plan is. I'm hoping the parchment will be able to
           give us insight. When I hear the battle begin in the main
           room I'll join in. Good luck."

           He will first attempt to bar or block the door and then use
           Mana Reading to see if there are magics still up designed to
           negate Sidh Magic or Invisibility. Assuming that there is
           time he will grab the parchment, turn Invisible (if it's
           feasible), and then search the room, starting with the desk,
           before charging in when he hears the sounds of battle.
        GM: Ack. Actually that action can't be done.  If your going
            to be dropped off it has to be with the redhead room.
            Not the bedroom.  Your not in ICQ so can't ask you about
            this.  So will have to go on what I know. Ok.  Changed
            my mind.  I'll allow the retroactive action.  It fits
            in with my plans :) But you won't become solid till this
            phase.  In order to balance out the retroactive action
            with present actions. ***Keep in mind you have no clue
            what is in the center room since you were dropped off***

     [New Stuff]

         [Decalis 16th, 107th day since left Marentia, 42nd day of
          Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
          [Location: Pavassa Forest - Eastern Edge/On Plains]
          [Time - 10:09am]

          Turn 1: Phase 3

             [Mana Allocation] - None from party

             [Missile Fire   ] -

                [Thig hovering invisible 20 feet from the female
                 standing near Ben'dar aims his Repeating Crossbow
                 at her and fires.  But the small quarrel impacts
                 against the sand behind her.]

                [Bowmen #6 aims his reloaded Bow at Corona flying
                 straight for him and fires.  The Arrow hits Corona
                 in the left wing and does 4 points of damage as
                 it sticks between feathers.]

                [Bowmen #7 aims his bow but with the female and #3
                 in his way he can't have a good shot at Ben'dar
                 so holds off his shot.]

             [Magic Effect   ] -

                [Arawn signals Z'leyra to drop him off in the first
                 bedroom curious about the parchment.  Z'leyra
                 concentrates and separates Arawn's 'contact' with
                 Chion and Arawn becomes solid when the ghost team
                 passes into the room with the redhead. But Arawn
                 finds himself the last second floating still from
                 the Levitate spell.  It takes 2 more seconds before
                 Z'leyra's range leaves and Arawn falls to the wooden
                 floor with a thud.]

                [Outside the female in the gown speaks quickly some
                 strange words and eyes Ben'dar.  She looks down
                 at the horse and smiles.]

                [Z'leyra takes a half second look over her left shoulder
                 to ensure the Redhead isn't doing anything bad.
                 Z'leyra then moves the party through the east wall
                 of the room into the next room.  With her dark sight
                 the room is dark but she notices smoke from a candle
                 that was just blown out.  She looks around the room
                 as the other 2 can't see in the dark.  This room
                 is another bedroom almost identical to the first one
                 to the west.  Three beds, dressor and small simple
                 wooden desk and chair.  Just one simple blanket on
                 each bed.  But no person.  She concentrates and
                 moves the party to the door to the main room outside.
                 The Ghost team floats through the wall. The trio
                 suddenly is aware of a thick grayish cloud all over
                 the room.  A door can be heard shutting to the
                 right of the party...]

             [Melee & Movement]-

                [The falcon again tries to attack with its claws the
                 black crow but the claws miss by inches.]

                [Ben'dar lifts his pike...no...wait..lifts his pike..
                 no..what ...Ben'dar forces his hand to lift but
                 finds he can't.  He eyes the warrior below him
                 but also can't shift his eyes.  What is going on?
                 He begins to curse and scream in his head.]

                [Unali turns her horse to the right as she sees #4
                 fall to the ground.  She ducks as she passes under
                 the fighting birds and heads for bowmen #6.]

                [Corona flies the 20 feet toward #6 as well all the
                 while taking height and does a loop as it turns
                 and dives for the man.  Red mini fire lances
                 burst from his eyes again and hit the man in the
                 chest doing 3 points of damage.]

                [The Crow gets the upper hand as the Falcon turns
                 and the crow's claws shred the Falcon's back
                 doing 6 points of damage.  The falcon does a
                 limp dive to the ground.]

                [The Eagle flies straight for the Crow's back and
                 does the same attack the Crow just did on the
                 Falcon doing 6 points of damage.  But the Crow
                 doesn't fall to the ground as the Eagle takes
                 to the air again.]

                [The Deer shakes his head confused why he is here
                 but then compelled turns to the left and with
                 head down charges #9.  But the Deer misses just
                 as the man is able to dodge as the deer's antlers
                 misses him the first attempt.]

                [Rider #5 from off in the distance enters camp and
                 straight for Ben'dar but ends up nearby #7.]

                [Boyzdar wants nothing to do with the Deer so
                 heads eastward toward the campfire.]

                [The boar grunts with its tusks and turns toward the
                 cabin and heads for the horses and the one man
                 trying to mount his horse.]

                [Now solid Arawn checks the parchment on the desk.
                 He grabs it and pulls the candle over to get a
                 better view.  It seems to be in some pictogram
                 code with strange words.  Clearly it will take
                 time to figure out.  He'll have to detect for
                 magic as he tries to study the parchment.  He
                 begins to concentrate.]

                [Outside Farseeker steps over the body of #10 and
                 heads toward the horses, #9 and the deer.]

                [Trembyl continues moving eastward.]

                [Suddenly the door to the room Arawn is in bursts
                 open and the 6'8 foot, 190 pounds (or so) man
                 in his mid 20s charges in.  he is the one that
                 was standing at the table earlier.  He is wearing
                 Leather Helmet, Leather Armor and daggers in his
                 belt.  But he charges straight for Arawn with his
                 sword.  The sword slices Arawn's right arm doing
                 3 points of damage as it draws blood.]

                [Humagi #3 sees Ben'dar and the horse.  He is
                 confused why one hoof is in mid air.  He looks
                 at the female waiting for instructions.]

                [Bowmen #7 stares at the odd sight of Tef'wo in
                 mid motion with one foot raises up but not moving.
                 He moves 30 feet westward for a better angle on
                 the wolf that seems to be a problem.]

                [The female near #3 smiles and moves pulling two
                 daggers from a sleeve holster from her gown.
                 She approaches the immobile Ben'dar and brings
                 both daggers up.  She stabs Ben'dar but one
                 dagger doesn't penetrate his dragon hide.  The
                 other does punching through his right chest
                 into ribs and lung doing a massive 15 point
                 blow.  Suddenly Ben'dar screams and finds himself
                 gasping for air as he can move now.  The pain
                 is excruciating as his lung seems to be losing
                 air.  He begins to fall forward straight for #3.
                 Humagi #3 catches the brunt of the fall and let's
                 Ben'dar slide down his legs.  The pike lands on
                 the ground by Ben'dar's right arm.  As he stares
                 up confused by this sudden turn of events he stares
                 up into the scowl of #3 with a raised sword and
                 the female with a dagger in her left hand smiling
                 down at Ben'dar.  Ben'dar feels a dagger in his
                 ribs now and wonders if this is how it ends..]

                [Xian sees Ben'dar fall and yells "Ben'dar!" but
                 he knows he'll never get there in time.  he stops
                 in his tracks and prepares for a spell.]

                [Humagi #9 swings onto the horse with no saddle
                 and pulls away.  The horse doesn't need to be
                 told twice as the antlers almost hit him.  The
                 man maneuvers the horse straight for Farseeker.
                 The warrior swings down his scimitar but fails to
                 hit Farseeker.]

                [Inside Strie'bog sees the cloud but is confused as
                 to where his mother is.  All the rooms searched
                 and still no mother but she has to be here.  The
                 spell, Miklav, would not have failed him.]

                [Humagi #2 mounts his horse and sees the Boar heading
                 his way.  He swings around to encounter the deer
                 but is able to use one hand on the horses mane to
                 steer it toward Farseeker.  The man swings down his
                 scimitar and hits Farseeker in the shoulder doing
                 2 points of damage.]

                [Humagi #6 sees Unali moving toward her and grabs
                 another arrow from his quiver to fire.]

          Actions? Comments?

          Next update Monday...

          GM: Pretty bad phase.  So did only 1 phase.

            Arawn - Your visible as the spell still seems gone.
                    Your solid now.  But have an attacker.
                    Defense? :)  He is blocking the door.

          Ben'dar - Desperate actions? :)  She got the best of you
                    sadly with the spell.  But your not dead yet.

          Chion - Still Visible, insubstantial

          Strie'bog - Still visible, insubstantial till you separate

          Unali - Killing or subdue attacks?

          Z'leyra - Visible, Insubstantial, levitating all 3

          Cloud in cabin hard to tell what it could be as your
          not so solid (no sense of touch, smell, etc.).

  Rescue Camp Map - 375'x130'

         1         2         3         4         5         6         7
%%%%%%/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/ A
%%%%% \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \ B
%%%%%%/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/ C
%%%%%%\__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \ D
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%%_/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \ H
%%%%%%/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \____________________/  \__/ I
%%%%% \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I__/  \ J
%%%%%%/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I  \__/ K
%%%%%%\__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \_j/I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I__/  \ L
%%%%%_/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \I°°°°°Cabin°°°°°°°°°I  \__/ M
%%%%  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/ H\_HH HH__/I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I__/  \ N
%%%%%_/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \H-------/  \I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I  \__/ O
%%%%% \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/ H\_HH   \_/I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I__/  \ P
%%%\__/  \__/  \__/  \__T  \__/  \__/  FH_/i \I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I  \__/ Q
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%%%\__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/ S
%%%%% \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  W__/1 t3_/  \__/  \__/5 \ T
%%%%__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \_**  a__/  \__/  \__/ U
%%%%% \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \ V
%%%%%_/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  H__/  \__/  \__/  \__/ W
%%%%% \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \ X
%%%%%_/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__8  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__7  \__/  \__/ Y
%%%%  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \ Z
         1         2         3         4         5         6         7

  Legend - 1 Hex    = 10 feet                 North 
           1 Row    =  5 feet [A-Z]            /I\
           1 column =  5 feet [1-75]       West<*>East
           **       = [U54/55] - Campfire Pit
           %%       = Left Side - Forest Edge, Bushes, Trees
           --       = Log Railing - For horses?   [O36-O42] 4 feet tall.
           I, _     = Cabin wall
           °        = Cabin Roof

  Positions - 
     Player   Code  Location        Weapons               Status
     #1  Dead  1    [T53]       Scimitar, Buckler      Dead
     #2        2    [R45]       Scimitar               Mounted
     #3        3    [T56]       Sword,    Buckler      Sitting 
     #4  Dead  4    [E40]       Sword, Bow             Dead
     #5        5    [T71]       Sword,    Buckler      On horse
     #6        6    [E70]       Sword, Bow             Standing 
     #7        7    [Y61]       Scimitar, Bow          Standing 
     #8  Dead  8    [Y37]       Sword,    Buckler      Dead
     #9        9    [Q41]       Scimitar, Buckler      Mounted
     #10 Dead  D    [R31]       Scimitar               

     #W1       a    [U38]       Female in robes        Standing
     #W2       b    In cabin
     #AL       c    In Cabin
     #AB       d    In Cabin 

     Arawn     A    In Cabin
     Ben'dar   B[t] [T55] On Tef'wo (t) 
     Chion     C    In Cabin
     Farseeker F    [Q40] Standing
     Thig      H    [W52] Flying, Invisible, Facing East, 30 feet up
     Strie'bog S    In Cabin
     Trembyl   T    [Q25] Running east
     Unali     U    [G63] On horseback, Facing east
     Xian      X    [F14] Running East, Invisible
     Z'leyra   Z    In Cabin 
     Corona    E    [E69] In air 50 feet up, flying 
     Boyzdar   W    [T49] Running eastward
     Falcon    f    [F47] Down on ground?
     Crow      g    [F48] Hovering in air
     Eagle     h    [F49] Flying East 40 feet up
     Deer      i    [Q44] Running north
     Boar      j    [L45] Running south

     Horses    H    10 Tied up around Railing at G40
                     1 at Y100 [Off map] 

     Note: All Humagi wearing Leather Armor and Leather Helmet

  Cabin Map -

          1         2         3      
I[]##[] I##  ###I  *  e      I []##[]IA   1 Column = 2 feet
I[]  [] I#     #I [=====]   #I []  []IB   1 Row    = 2 feet
I[]  [] I#     #I      *    #I []  []IC   \/ = Main Cabin door
I       I`     `I`          SZ       ID   I or _ = Log Wall
I[]  A*@Io     oI`    ...   AC#+   []IE   /  = Door
I[] d  @Io     oI`    ...   oI#    []IF   [] = Bed
I[]     Io     oI*           I     []IG   ## = Cabinet
I___/___I___/___I______/_____I___/___IH   @@ = Small Dressor or table
I                     $$$$$$$$S$$$$$$II   *  = Chair
%                     $$$$$$$ZS$$$$$$%J   o  = Barrel
%     **              $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%K   `  = Shelf 
I   *[==]*            $$*+$$$*$$$*$$$IL  [==]= Table
I   *[==]*            $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$IM  ... = Carpet/Hatch
I   *[==]*            $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$IN   %% = Window Slits
Io  *[==]*            $$*+$$$*$$$*$$+%O   +  = Small stool
I`    **              $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%P   $  = Cushion over wooden couch
I`                    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$IQ
I`   ####              $$$$$$$$$$$$$$IR

   Z - Z'leyra   [J29] - Insubstantial
   C - Chion     [J30] - Insubstantial
   S - Strie'bog [I30] - Insubstantial
   A - Arawn     [E5 ] - Solid
   b - Female    [???] - Standing 
   c - Man       [???] - 
   d - Man       [F4]  - 
   e - Female    [A22] - Standing at desk [Last known position]
   $ = Mysterious fog

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