[pnpgm] Game update #13a - File #50 - Turn 1: Phase 1+2 Giant combat

Scott Adams longshot at darktech.org
Fri Jan 19 08:55:43 CET 2007

  HT Alias/Player          Character Name    Type    Status/Notes  Sex
  -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  ?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human  Ma
  W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human  Ma
  W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human  Ma
  R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
  W2 Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Bard  ..Normal/Human  Ma
  R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human  Ma
  W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human  Fe
  R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human  Ma
  R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human  Fe
     Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
     Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
     Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
     Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
     Game Update #13a in sequence (file #50)
     Admin notes:  None.

        From Chion: [Re: Actions]
          Chion decides that since the Giant(s) are so close to him he
          probably oughta change what he is doing and not just stand
          there and get bashed by a tree trunk. Guess he should have
          simply cast invulnerability as a precaution. Ah, the old ways.
          Anyway, he will take a poke at Giant #1, attempting to ham
          string him and bring him down... prefering to move behind
          him to put #1 between him and #2 if at all possible.

          Since everyone is awake its not as critical that he capture
          them. Chion mutters, "Oh crud I'm going to be a tree sandwich
          if I stand here and cast this spell, better get moving." And
          then lunges to and past #1 taking a swiping shot on the way.
          With any luck he also avoids the tree trunk club also.
        GM: Ack.  Can't cut a bit of tissue with Staff.  So will
          assume you pull a sai?


        From Ben'dar: [Re: ACtion]
          Ben'Dar claims the 6 arrows, the treasure map, and the
          immunity vs iron potion.

          Seeing Giant #1 emerge from the trees to the West of him,
          Ben'Dar howls out a loud warcry.  He levels his pike and
          charges.  He will try to reach full charge speed prior to
          impact.  Tef'wo will also attack with front hooves when we
          hit the giant.
        GM:  Ack.  See below on Iron potion.  


        From Strie'bog: [Re: Actions]
          As for the war mail, he will take it and over time see if
          Bodyzar will wear it.  He will only have Bodyzar wear it
          when we know we are going into a big battle.  Until then,
          he will start getting him use to it slowly.

          As for training during the Hill days, Strie'bog will work on
          his Hills Survival.

          The fact that the giants are destroying trees really pisses
          Strie'bog off.

          He will start with cold arrow, and try to stay out of melee
          range. If he needs to go into melee, he will start by casting
          Wood Strength.
        GM: Ack.  Wolves tend not like armor but this one is domesticated.
          So as you plan it will take some time. Question.  This new
          email address.  Do you want that to be for the mailing list
          or keep the old one? 


        From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
          Z'leyra will charge giant #2, striking it with her staff
          (and hopefully keeping it from attacking others in the
          party). She will use her Staff EL defensively so that
          hopefully no single strike by the giant will take her out
          of action.

          [To approach the giant she goes south then SW so as to
          approach the giant from the NE or East. This should reduce
          the chance of her blocking any missiles heading towards #2.]
        GM: Ack. 

     [New Stuff]

         GM: Quick note.  Ben'dar claims the Iron Elixir.  However,
           Chion emailed me before that saying he wanted to hold
           it.  Didn't say he claimed it would just hold it for
           the party.  Chion do you give this to Ben'dar?


         [Decalis 7th, 98th day since left Marentia, 33rd day of
          Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
          [Location: Pavassa Forest, 2 miles inside from south]
          [Time: 1:19am]

         [Turn 1: Phase 1]

            [Mana Allocation]

              [Strie'bog and Xian allocate mana for magic.]

            [Missile Fire]

              [Thig aims his loaded magical repeating crossbow
               at #2   He fires and the quarrel hits the giant
               in the giant doing 8 points.  The giant roars
               in anger as first blood is taken.]

              [Strie'bog raises his longbow at Giant #2 to the
               south but there is a bush there giving him
               slight cover.  He twists and aims at #1 which
               has a good full view 30 feet away.  He fires
               his bow and hopes the spell works.  The arrow
               flies through the air and hits the giant in
               the chest.  It penetrates the giant's tough
               skin and does 6 points of damage then the spell
               erupts and a blue aura shines around the wound
               for a few inches spreading cold as ice crystals
               form in the wound doing another 2 points of damage.]

            [Magic Effect]

              [Xian goes invisible as he cites some magical words.]

            [Melee & Movement]

              [Corona flies high into the air as he decides if
               using his magical ability on the giants could
               backfire and cause a fire.  That would not be good.]

              [Farseeker with Pike in hand runs straight for Giant #1
               but ends up a good distance from him at I24.]

              [Unali moves soutn with both daggers in hand.  She
               passes one bush and heads toward another near
               the second giant.  She ducks down behind the bush
               for her next move to attack the giant.]

              [Ben'dar raises his Pike and looks at Giant #2.  He
               can't do a full charge there as he'd have to move
               and change direction several times.  But giant #1
               is due west only a 5 foot bush in the way.  Tef'wo
               snorts as if reading Ben'dar's mind.  Ben'dar pulls
               back on the reigns and issues Tef'wo forward as
               he lowers the Pike. As Tef'wo gallops forward Ben'dar
               sees Farseeker to the right of the bush and raises
               his pike so he doesn't hit him.  Ben'dar tries to
               nudge the horse to the left of the bush but Tef'wo
               has another idea.  In one giant strength filled leap
               Tef'wo jumps over the 5 foot tall 7 foot wide bush
               and lands on the western side as Ben'dar gives
               a surprised howl.  Tef'wo rides the last of the 25
               feet toward the Giant as Ben'dar lowers his Pike.
               Ben'dar knows the giant is too big to trample but
               plans a risky move.  As the horse impacts at full
               charge speed Tef'wo raises up and kicks the Giant
               with both hooves.  At the same time Ben'dar leans
               into the saddle toward Tef'wos head to maintain
               a better angle.  Using his muscular legs to clench
               the saddle and horse as balance Tef'wo uses both
               hands in the awkward angle to swipe the Giant's leg
               with the pike.  The Pike slices the Giant's left leg
               lower muscle doing 17 points of damage (and that
               was just a shield hit). As Tef'wos strong front
               legs kick he also adds another 9 points of damage
               tot he Giant's legs (mostly helped from the charge).]

              [Trembyl continues to load his Arbalest having only
               a few more seconds left.]

              [Chion watches as Tef'wo impacts the Giant then shakes
               his head as he knows the horse will be the giant's
               likely target. He switches his staff to his left hand
               and grabs a sai from his belt into his right hand.
               He can't cut a giant with the staff.  Chion charges
               toward the giant.  When he reaches the giant he uses
               his staff raised up to block any strike then with his
               right hand tries to slash the leg of the Giant.  Since
               the Giant's knee is at Chion's head its fairly easy
               to hit.  The sai does 5 points of damage to tissue
               but the tough skin blocks a few points.  Chion turns
               and twists so that he ends up behind the leg hoping
               the Giant doesn't step back.]

              [Behind the leg Chion sees only darkness as the leg
               seems to block the campfire.  But the other leg
               flickers in the light.  From the left side of
               Chion something quickly approaches and startles
               him slightly.  It is hard to see as it looks dark?
               Its about the size of a bear and it seems to lunge
               for the Giant and then Chion can hear a wet sound
               like tissue being torn?]

              [Z'leyra with staff in hand runs SW.  She reaches
               the bush Unali is using and then heads toward
               Giant #2.  She is the first to reach it. She
               swings the staff at the Giant. The staff strikes
               hard and does 4 points of damage to the giant.]

              [Boyzdar looks to Strie'bog.  He wants to bite the
               Giant but hasn't been given orders so stays by
               his master to protect him.]

              [Xian now invisible moves south and ends up at
               the bush as too far from the giant.]

              [Giant #1 sees the horse at his feet and the human.
               He lost sight of that elf but that flying pointy
               ear creature is buzzing about like a fly.  But the
               horse hurt him.  With a roar he raises the tree trunk
               in his hand and using it like a golf club swipes down.
               He tries to side swing the horse away.  The tree
               trunk unfournately hits.  At the same time the
               tree trunk hits the side of Tef'wo both horse and
               Ben'dar go flying toward the NE by the sheer strength
               of the attack.  Twf'wo goes flying 20 feet to the NE
               and hits a tall bush only stopping his flight.  He
               lands onto the ground and grunts.  At the same time
               Ben'dar is thrown off and goes about 7 feet to the
               SW of Tef'wo a good 15 feet from the Giant.  Amazingly
               he still holds the Pike but the blow caused 2 points
               of damage as the dragon hide helps absorb most of it.]

              GM: There were 5 targets for the giant.  Each having
                20% chance.  Unfournately the roll was Tef'wo.

              [At the same time Giant #2 sees Thig and roars at the
               sight of Sidh.  He ignores Z'leyra as an annoying
               gnat and charges straight for Thig.  Raising his
               tree club he swings like hitting a ball with a bat
               and hits Thig.  The full force of the trunk hits
               Thig on the left side sending him spiraling 10 feet
               northward and down a foot before thig instinctively
               regains control and hovers.  But in the attack Thig
               takes 14 points of damage.]

         GM: Map at end of Phase 1

         1         2         3         4        North 
123456789012345678901234567890123456789012       /I\
/  \__@@ \__@ *\__/ **__/ @@__/ *\__/  \__A  1 Column (1-42) = 5 feet
\@@@  \_*/ *\@_/* \__/  \__/* \__/ *\@@*  B  1 Row (A-T) = 5 feet
/ @@__* @\__/  \__/  \__@@ \__/  \*_/  \__C  % = Campfire
\__/* \__/* \@_/  \__/  H*@/  \__/* \_*/  D  # = Tent (1 #=1 man, 2=2 man)
/  @__/@ \__/N \@_/  \__HHHH*_@  *__@@ \__E  H = Horse (1 H=horse)
\@@/ *\__/  @@@/  \__/  \__HHH at __/  \__/* F  * = Tree (3-30 feet tall)
/  \__/  @@_/ A\__/# \#_/  \__/  *__/* \__G  @ = Bush (3-8 feet tall)
\_*@  @_*/  \B_/@ \#_/  \_#/  \*_/  \__/  H  ? - Bedrolls [not on map]
/@@@__/  \__/  F__S  T__/  \_*/  \*_/ *\__I  
\__/  *_C1  \__@@ \__/  \__R  \__/ @@__/  J
/  *_@/  \__/  \__/# \__/# \_*/ *\__@ *\__K
\@@/  \**/  \__/X \_2/  \#_/* \__/ *\@_/  L 
/ *\__/@ \__/  @@_/  \__/ @@__/ *\__/ *\__M
@@_/ *\__/ *\__/  \_@@U \_*/  \__/ @\__/@ N
/@@\__@  *__/* \__/  \__/  \__/ *\__/ *\__O
\__*  *__/  \__/ Z\@@*  \@@*  \__/@@\__/  P
/@@\__/ *\__/* \__/  \__/@ \__@  \__/  @@_Q
\_** *\__/  \__/  *__/  \_*/  \*_/  \_*/  R
/  \_@@  \**/  *__/  \*_/  \__/  *__/  \__S
@@_/* \*_/  \__/  *__/  \_*/  \__/  \*_/**T
         1         2         3         4        North 
123456789012345678901234567890123456789012       /I\

 Player positions -
   B - Ben'dar    [H14] - On Ground, 
   A - Twf'wo     [G15] - On ground, wounded
   C - Chion      [J19] - Standing, Facing East
   F - Farseeker  [I16] - Standing, Facing West
   T - Thig       [I22] - Hovering, Facing South, 11 feet off ground
   S - Strie'bog  [I19] - Standing, Facing West, Wolf alongside
   R - Trembyl    [J28] - Standing, Facing West
   U - Unali      [N23] - Standing, Facing South-west
   X - Xian       [L17] - Standing, Facing South, Invisible
   Z - Z'leyra    [P18] - Standing, Facing West
   N - Elf        [F14] - Elf, Last seen here? Location not known now
   C - Corona     [???] - Air, Circling, about 40 feet above camp
   W - Wolf       [I19] - Next to STrie'bog, not on map
   1 = Giant #1   [J10] - Standing
   2 - Giant #2   [L at 1] - Standing, Facing East

 Campfire Light - 0-3" 100%, 4-5" 80%, 6" 50%, 7" 20%, 8" 0% [Dark]
 Bush - J16 - 5 feet tall


         [Turn 1: Phase 2]

            [Mana Allocation] - None
            [Missile Fire]

              [Thig now upset that he is hurt looks up at the
               Giant 5 feet higher and only 10 feet.  A good
               range.  He fires his repeating crossbow at the
               Giant's head.  The quarrel hits however the chest
               and bounces off doing no damage.]

              [Strie'bog aims at Giant #1 again and fires his
               bow again.  The arrow hits the Giant in the
               chest again.  The arrow does 2 points and the
               Cold spell does another 2 points as it splashes
               crystals in the wound.  The giant begins to
               wave his left arm wildly as his head seems to
               wobble.  The giant begins to fall.  It falls
               on its left knee then collapses to the north east.]

              GM: On the map you'll see 3 #1s this represents his
               16 foot body lying NE diagonally.

              [Trembyl aims his Arbalest at Giant #2 now to the SE
               about 30 feet.  The bolt hits the giant in the chest
               and does 6 points of damage.]

            [Magic Effect] - None

            [Melee & Movement]

              [Corona sees what the Giant did to Tef'wo and dives
               straight for Giant #2.  A red lance of fire shoots
               from its eyes and hits the back of the Giant doing
               some minor damage.]

              [Seeing the Giant fall Farseeker runs toward Ben'dar
               and Tef'wo.  Its clear Ben'dar is curious about
               Tef'wo so Farseeker checks him out then nods.]

              Farseeker: "Alive but hurt."

              [Unali runs NW and gets behind the Giant.  She
               stabs both daggers to the back of the Giant's
               right leg and does 16 points of damage and 5
               points with the other.]

              [Ben'dar gets to his feet but staggers slightly. Upset
               he goes to Tef'wo and checks him.  Ben'dar can feel
               a half dozen or so broken ribs the barding the horse
               had may have saved the horse's life.  Tef'wo raises
               its head but clearly is hurt and tries to grunt.]

              [Chion seeing the Giant falls calmly walks to the
               head of the Giant and uses his sai to cut the neck
               of the Giant.  A pool of blood quickly begins to
               spill out as the final bits of life ebbs from the

              GM: Did that based on your personality hope acceptable.

              [Z'leyra charges after Giant #2 and using her staff
               swings left to hit the Giant's right knee.  She
               hits and bone is heard to crack.  The Giant roars
               and falls to the North-east as well unconscious.]

  [Final map]

         1         2         3         4        North 
123456789012345678901234567890123456789012       /I\
/  \__@@ \__@ *\__/ **__/ @@__/ *\__/  \__A  1 Column (1-42) = 5 feet
\@@@  \_*/ *\@_/* \__/  \__/* \__/ *\@@*  B  1 Row (A-T) = 5 feet
/ @@__* @\__/  \__/  \__@@ \__/  \*_/  \__C  % = Campfire
\__/* \__/* \@_/  \__/  H*@/  \__/* \_*/  D  # = Tent (1 #=1 man, 2=2 man)
/  @__/@ \__/N \@_/  \__HHHH*_@  *__@@ \__E  H = Horse (1 H=horse)
\@@/ *\__/  @@@/  \__/  \__HHH at __/  \__/* F  * = Tree (3-30 feet tall)
/  \__/  @@_/ A\__/# \#_/  \__/  *__/* \__G  @ = Bush (3-8 feet tall)
\_*@  @_*/C1\BF/@ \#_/  \_#/  \*_/  \__/  H  ? - Bedrolls [not on map]
/@@@__/  \1_/  \__S  T__/  \_*/  \*_/ *\__I  
\__/  *__1  \__@@ \__/2 \__R  \__/ @@__/  J
/  *_@/  \__/  \__/# 2__/# \_*/ *\__@ *\__K
\@@/  \**/  \__/X \U2/  \#_/* \__/ *\@_/  L 
/ *\__/@ \__/  @@_/ Z\__/ @@__/ *\__/ *\__M
@@_/ *\__/ *\__/  \_@@  \_*/  \__/ @\__/@ N
/@@\__@  *__/* \__/  \__/  \__/ *\__/ *\__O
\__*  *__/  \__/  \@@*  \@@*  \__/@@\__/  P
/@@\__/ *\__/* \__/  \__/@ \__@  \__/  @@_Q
\_** *\__/  \__/  *__/  \_*/  \*_/  \_*/  R
/  \_@@  \**/  *__/  \*_/  \__/  *__/  \__S
@@_/* \*_/  \__/  *__/  \_*/  \__/  \*_/**T
         1         2         3         4        North 
123456789012345678901234567890123456789012       /I\

 Player positions -
   B - Ben'dar    [H14] - On Ground, 
   A - Twf'wo     [G15] - On ground, wounded
   C - Chion      [I11] - Standing, Facing East
   F - Farseeker  [F15] - Standing, Facing West
   T - Thig       [I22] - Hovering, Facing South, 11 feet off ground
   S - Strie'bog  [I19] - Standing, Facing West, Wolf alongside
   R - Trembyl    [J28] - Standing, Facing West
   U - Unali      [L20] - Standing, Facing East
   X - Xian       [L17] - Standing, Facing South, Invisible
   Z - Z'leyra    [M21] - Standing, Facing North-west
   N - Elf        [F14] - Elf, Last seen here? Location not known now
   C - Corona     [???] - Air, Circling, about 40 feet above camp
   W - Wolf       [I19] - Next to STrie'bog, not on map
   1 = Giant #1   [J10] - On ground
   2 - Giant #2   [L at 1] - Standing, Facing East

         Actions? Comments?

         Next update Monday...

         GM: Wow only took 2 phases for the party to take out 2
           Giants.  I figured at least 4!  Good job.  But
           Tef'wo, Thig and Ben'dar are hurt.  Tef'wo the most.

         Unfournately its near bed time.  So I can't do any
         experience reports.  I will wake up tomorrow and do
         a supplement and furnish that info.  If you want to
         stay tuned you can then. 

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