[pnpgm] Game update #12b - File #45 - A big surprise

Scott Adams longshot at darktech.org
Tue Jan 16 07:37:59 CET 2007

  HT Alias/Player          Character Name    Type    Status/Notes  Sex
  -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  ?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human  Ma
  W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human  Ma
  W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human  Ma
  R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
  W2 Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Bard  ..Normal/Human  Ma
  R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human  Ma
  W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human  Fe
  R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human  Ma
  R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human  Fe
     Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
     Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
     Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
     Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
     Game Update #12b in sequence (file #45)
     Admin notes:  None.
     [New Stuff]

         [Decalis 7th, 98th day since left Marentia, 33rd day of
          Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
          [Location: Pavassa Forest, 2 miles inside from south]
          [Time: 1:19am]

         Newcomer: "...big....thing..coming this...way..."

         [Chion and Strie'bog both awake recognize the tongue of
          the Elf.  The newcomer walks a few feet eastward and
          the campfire shines on him more clearly.  As he raises
          to his full height he is just over 6 foot now that
          he is seen in better light.  In one hand he holds a
          Elf sword he must've pulled out earlier.  The newcomer
          is wearing grey robes with a red trim.  Not much is
          seen underneath the robes at this time.  On his other
          arm is a buckler.  On his back is seen a quiver and bow.]

         [The newcomer looks back to the forest and the deep darkness
          it holds.  There is no moon tonight so aside from the camp
          fire it is the only light for a few yards.  The newcomer
          tries to recall where he dropped his other gear.  Somewhere
          that way west.  One minute he was relaxing and the next
          trees were being slammed around him.  His own campfire was
          smothered out by a tree the size of a wagon falling on it.
          One large limb came within inches of the newcomer.  He
          had only time to grab his sword and shield.  He had already
          had his bow and quiver on.  But there is something not
          right here.  He can't seem to recall ...]

         [His attention is drawn back to camp.]

         Chion: [Elf Sidh]: "It will be ok, we've dealt with large
           creatures before."

         [Strie'bog strides over with a now alert Boyzdar at
          his side.  Strie'bog only saw a brief glance of the
          newcomer's face.  A very distinctive and handsome face
          but one he doesn't recognize.]

         Strie'bog: [Elf Sidh] "What chases you?"

         Chion: [Marentian] "WE'VE GOT COMPANY AGAIN! EVERYBODY WAKE UP!"

         [The newcomer glances over at the man with a guitar like
          instrument strung on his neck.  He tries to recall what
          he saw.  One minute he was in camp resting ..from something...
          the next he is running from tall shadows.  He doesn't
          recall ever running from a fight before.  but then again
          he doesn't recall any fights?  Is this normal?  As he
          considers his words to answer to Strie'bog others begin
          to stir.]

         [At the same instant the newcomer entered the camp Z'leyra
          was awakened by her magical brooch.  Two seconds after
          her eyes adjust she looks around the camp to see the Elf
          standing to the west.  An elf?  That's no threat certainly
          not a single one.  She is confused by the situation but
          sits up as Strie'bog strides past her.  When the Elf speaks
          she hears the words and then understands the danger.  She
          slips on armor, her helm, grabs her drum and staff.  She
          holds the staff and casts a couple of spells.  She stands
          as Chion yells to wake everyone up.  She is prepared and
          ready for action 18 seconds later.]

         [Ben'dar wakes up 3 seconds after Chion yells.  Unsure
          of the danger he sees the Elf.  He quickly puts on his armor
          and grabs his magical pike.  Still unsure of the danger he
          runs to Tef'wo and unties the rope to the tree.  He then
          mounts Tef'wo and goes to the center of the camp.]

         Ben'dar: [low voice] "Get to the shadows.  Quick!"

         [Ben'dar has about 3 seconds before the event occurs.]

         [As Strie'bog and Chion turn to hear Ben'dar the newcomer
          takes his chance for himself.  He slips to the bushes
          to the north and seems to disappear.  Chion turns just
          in time to see a grey robe seem to merge into the darkness.
          He knows Elves can hide well in a forest.  Maybe he
          heard Ben'dar or is just hiding.  He wonders though if
          the newcomer could be a distraction and thus an enemy.
          He could stop the elf with his staff?  But there is
          no time to decide...]

         [When Chion yells his warning Farseeker is immediately
          woken up.  He exits his tent and sees the newcomer
          standing talking to Chion.  Unsure of the danger he
          sees Z'leyra and then Ben'dar wake up and grab their
          gear.  He grabs his great sword and  sheathes it then
          puts on his chainmail.  After this is done he has almost
          10 seconds before things go bad.  He grabs his pike and
          looks around into the dark forest wondering what is going
          on or if this is another false alarm.]

         [At the same time Farseeker wakes Thig wakes up as well.
          He peeks out his tent and sees the newcomer standing
          near Chion.  Thig recognizes him as a Elf.  Thig goes
          back into the tent and shakes his head.  Wondering if
          Chion spotted some bear.   If he woke the camp up for
          a bear...he grabs his armor and equips himself of his
          weapons.  He exits the tent and takes to the air with
          3 seconds before the event.]

         [Trembyl wakes up on the first letter of Chion's warning.
          He rolls over to see the Elf.  He sees no danger but
          is used to how the group works.  Maybe the Elf is just
          a false alarm but he could be a threat?  He dons his armor
          and sheaths his weapons and scimitar.  He starts to load
          his Arbalest.  But the event occurs before he finishes and
          still has one more phase to go...]

         [Unali wakes up in her tent and dresses in her black clothing
          quickly hearing the Elf tongue outside.  She puts on her
          leather armor and helmet since her chainmail and shield are on
          her horse.  She puts her sling on her belt and places her
          dagger in place.  She grabs the scabbard and dagger Z'leyra
          made for her and holds it in her hand as she exits the tent.
          She unsheathes the magical dagger and a tingle rises from
          the dagger through her body.  She looks around and the
          danger sense picks up.  She has a strong urge to move left...]

         [Xian wakes up on Chion's warning.  He sits up and looks
          around.  Then a few seconds later he puts on his armor
          and grabs his war staff and daggers.  he stands and
          leans on his war staff still sleepy curious on what is
          going on.]

         [Chion sees the Grey robe disappear into the darkness to the
          north.  Then he hears a noise in the bushes to the left
          and looks west.  He raises his staff and waits for the
          danger to approach.  Corona sites on a tall limb watching
          the scene from a tree in the east.  As Chion looks for
          something tall suddenly the bushes part and a brownish
          red fox emerges from the bushes and runs eastward.  The
          fox sees the people and in a wild panic moves south east
          past tents and people.  Chion stares in disbelief.  Could
          this be the danger the Elf spoke?  Maybe the Elf is drunk?]

         [Just as Chion looks back to the north to find the Elf a
          large rock the size of a head lands right where Unali
          was just standing a second before.  It lands with a thud
          on the forest grass.  Then all heck breaks loose as limbs
          fall, bushes sag, trees groan and fall to the west.  Chion
          whirls around to see a large tree or a shadow of a tree seem
          to fall to the south.  Then a bulking form strides forward.
          Within a few seconds a bulk is seen by the campfire...]

         [Chion's eyes have to dart up and up.  Then a face is seen
          standing 16-17 feet high up into the air.  A humanoid face
          with a beard and tusks.  The face is rather repulsive and
          in a snarl of anger.  As the creature enters the clearing
          it forces another small tree to lean to the one side and
          just walks through a horse sized bush like nothing.
          The horses begin to neigh in surprise as the wolf growls
          as well.  The Giant raises his arms and a tree the size
          of maybe 6-8 feet in diameter is seen in his arms and
          may be used as a club? The club/tree is about 6 foot and
          has pointed end where the Giant tore it from a tree.
          The giant growls and roars.  The roar breaks the forest
          silence and birds scatter in panic within 100 feet of
          the camp.  The Giant raises the club to bash Chion but
          Chion raises his staff and moves back.  Chion knows
          it will take a few seconds to activate the spell.  He
          needed to actually see the Giant to start it.  But if
          he stays he could be bashed but if he moves he'll be
          delayed in casting the staff spell.]

         [Farseeker sighs and wonders to himself "Why giants?"
          Just a month ago or so they killed Grog the other Giant
          near Caladan's village.]

         [Thig sees the Giant and knows they tend to hate Elfs
          and for that matter Faerry.  Maybe they were after the
          Elf and the elf led it here.]

         [As the party thinks on their plans another sound to the
          south behind Chion is hears as more noise and trees are
          slammed down.  Another roar is heard and the party
          realizes ANOTHER giant is coming from the south.  This
          one holds another tree as a club and looks smaller only
          about 16 foot and about 800 pounds.]

         farseeker: "Two?!" [He is happy he grabbed his Pike and
           prepares for battle.]

         GM: This is the Event that I mention in each section.
           At the end of the above sections is when the Giants
           enter the camp area.  Everyone is awake and ready
           for action.  Next update will be Turn 1: Phase 1.


         GM: Map at start of combat - Turn 0

         1         2         3         4        North 
123456789012345678901234567890123456789012       /I\
/  \__@@ \__@ *\__/ **__/ @@__/ *\__/  \__A  1 Column (1-42) = 5 feet
\@@@  \_*/ *\@_/* \__/  \__/* \__/ *\@@*  B  1 Row (A-T) = 5 feet
/ @@__* @\__/  \__/  \__@@ \__/  \*_/  \__C  % = Campfire
\__/* \__/* \@_/  \__/  H*@/  \__/* \_*/  D  # = Tent (1 #=1 man, 2=2 man)
/  @__/@ \__/N \@_/  \__HHHH*_@  *__@@ \__E  H = Horse (1 H=horse)
\@@/ *\__/  @@@/  \__/  \__HHH at __/  \__/* F  * = Tree (3-30 feet tall)
/  \__/  @@_/ @\__/# \#_/  \__/  *__/* \__G  @ = Bush (3-8 feet tall)
\_*@  @_*/  \__/@ \#_X F\_#/  \*_/  \__/  H  ? - Bedrolls [not on map]
/@@@__/  \__/  \__S  %__/U \_*/  \*_/ *\__I  
\__/  *__1  \__@@ \__/B \__R  \__/ @@__/  J
/  *_@/  \__/  \__/# \__/# \_*/ *\__@ *\__K
\@@/  \**/  C__/  \__T Z\#_/* \__/ *\@_/  L
/ *\__/@ \__/  @@_/  \__/ @@__/ *\__/ *\__M
@@_/ *\__/ *\__/  \_@@  \_*/  \__/ @\__/@ N
/@@\__@  *__/* \__/  \__/  \__/ *\__/ *\__O
\__*  *__/  \__/2 \@@*  \@@*  \__/@@\__/  P
/@@\__/ *\__/* \__/  \__/@ \__@  \__/  @@_Q
\_** *\__/  \__/  *__/  \_*/  \*_/  \_*/  R
/  \_@@  \**/  *__/  \*_/  \__/  *__/  \__S
@@_/* \*_/  \__/  *__/  \_*/  \__/  \*_/**T
         1         2         3         4        North 
123456789012345678901234567890123456789012       /I\

 Player positions -
   B - Ben'dar    [J23] - On Tef'wo [Tef'wo not on map]
   C - Chion      [L13] - Standing, Facing North
   F - Farseeker  [H24] - Standing, Facing West
   T - Thig       [L22] - Hovering, Facing West, 12 feet off ground
   S - Striie'bog [I19] - Standing, Facing West, Wolf alongside
   R - Trembyl    [J28] - Standing, Facing West
   U - Unali      [I26] - Standing, Facing South-west
   X - Xian       [H22] - Standing, Facing South
   Z - Z'leyra    [L24] - Standing, Facing West
   N - Elf        [F14] - Elf, Last seen here? Location not known now
   C - Corona     [???] - Air, Circling, about 40 feet above camp
   W - Wolf       [I19] - Next to STrie'bog, not on map
   1 = Giant #1   [J10] - Standing, facing east
   2 - Giant #2   [P17] - Standing, Facing North

   GM: Because of the clutter of bushes and trees I have removed those
     map objects from the below map.  It only shows horses, tents,
     and people.  No trees/Bushes.  This might help better read
     locations.  Each empty space was a removed object.  This
     map will only be posted once.  The above map will be used
     in each update following this one.                         ---------------------------

         1         2         3         4        North 
123456789012345678901234567890123456789012       /I\
/  \__   \__   \__/   __/   __/  \__/  \__A  1 Column (1-42) = 5 feet
\     \_ /  \ _/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \     B  1 Row (A-T) = 5 feet
/   __    __/  \__/  \__   \__/  \ _/  \__C  % = Campfire
\__/  \__/  \ _/  \__/  H  /  \__/  \_ /  D  # = Tent (1 #=1 man, 2=2 man)
/   __/  \__/N \ _/  \__HHHH _    __   \__E  H = Horse (1 H=horse)
\  /  \__/     /  \__/  \__HHH __/  \__/  F  * = Tree (3-30 feet tall)
/  \__/    _/  \__/# \#_/  \__/   __/  \__G  @ = Bush (3-8 feet tall)
\_     _ /  \__/  \#_X F\_#/  \ _/  \__/  H  ? - Bedrolls [not on map]
/   __/  \__/  \__S  %__/U \_ /  \ _/  \__I  
\__/   __1  \__   \__/B \__R  \__/   __/  J
/   _ /  \__/  \__/# \__/# \_ /  \__   \__K
\  /  \  /  C__/  \__T Z\#_/  \__/  \ _/  L
/  \__/  \__/    _/  \__/   __/  \__/  \__M
  _/  \__/  \__/  \_    \_ /  \__/  \__/  N
/  \__    __/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__O
\__    __/  \__/2 \     \     \__/  \__/  P
/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__   \__/    _Q
\_    \__/  \__/   __/  \_ /  \ _/  \_ /  R
/  \_    \  /   __/  \ _/  \__/   __/  \__S
  _/  \ _/  \__/   __/  \_ /  \__/  \ _/  T
         1         2         3         4   

   GM: To help figure out campfire light.   Take the center fire pit.
     100% light at 30 feet (3 hexes around it). 80% light at 50
     feet (5 hexes).  Then each hex after that in distance is -30%
     in light strength.  So it would be
     Hexes   0  1-3   4-5   6    7   8
     Light 100% 100%  80%  50%  20%  0% [No light]

   GM: I place Trees and Bushes on this map for purposes of cover.
     For bushes they range from 3-8 feet tall and 3-8 feet wide.
     If used as cover will randomly determine those factors.

         Actions? Comments?

         Next update Friday...

         GM: Now that the party knows what they are up against
           actions can be changed if needed.

         * Ben'dar - Have you on horse with Pike

         * Chion - Preparing to use Staff.  Remember will need
           to stay put for 2-3 phases to cast the spell.  Could
           put you at risk though.  Couldn't cast until you saw
           them.  Keep in mind if held and wounded will be free.

         * Strie'bog -  Bow is ready, Still use Sonata or Cold Arrow?

         * Unali - Fighting with daggers against a Giant at least 16
           foot tall might be hard as you'd be hitting foot and
           legs.  But you can try it or go on horse though might
           be cramped quarters.  Will assume something like this
           unless you state otherwise?

         * Z'leyra - With staff and Dark Sight just cast. 

       GM: Will do first 2 phases of combat on Friday.  Maybe one
         if first goes bad.  A 6-8 foot tree club can be a dangerous
         weapon :)

Remember for best results on reading map see the Game Website.
For the same update the website seems to keep the alignment.

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