PnP Combat movement: Speed in mile per hour = (movement rate * 10 feet / 12 sec turn)*3600 sec/hour*1mile/5280 feet = .57 * movement rate This says a horse moves at 13.7 mph which is 1/3 of a run(37mph in 1 mile race) A human 10 then is 5.7 miles a hour which is 2x a normal walk And 1/3 of a 4 minute mile(15mph), sprints exceed 1/4(23mph) Does anyone remember marathon running speeds? 26.1 miles in 2:36:09 for Kona Marathon (10mph) 5km(3.1mile) in 18:58(9.8mph) Olympic marathon 11.8mph by Abebe Bikila 1964 Roman marching speeds (20 miles/day?) A fit horse, properly fed, could carry a light rider more than 100 miles/day. But not for very many days in a row. Pony express speeds? 184 miles/day but traveled day and night for 10 days with many changes possile 8-10 miles each change recient torch ride=More than 300 Riders rode 1-2 mile rides on the 544 mile, 56:15 hour route. Average 10 mph. Movement types from above data: long walk=1/3 move, walk=1/2 move, jog=move, long run= 2x move, short run=3x move, sprint=4x move long walks can be done for days walks of 8 hours dangerous jogs of 4 hours are dangerous=double time marches? with long runs of 2 hours being dangerous as marathon runners are in bad shape at finish short runs are 4 minute area with minimal chance of damage sprints are 1 minute area BUT P&P daily move equals movement rate in miles per 12 hours which is very slow. They must be stopping for munchies alot or sight seeing D20 DnD Movement: Spd is feet/rnd, Spd is valid for Tactical(1 rnd) and Local(1 min) but is close to same at 1 hour(rounding?) For 1 hour ave move is slower at spd/10 MPH (actual would be .114mphxspd or 3.4mph for 30 not 3 as this shows?) For 1 day(8 hours) ave move is the same at spd/10 MPH Walk 1x, Hustle 2x, Run x3, Run x4, Run x5(skill) Man spd=30, light horse=60 Walk 30=3.4mph is droped to 3mph and is used for all times 1 rnd to 8 hours The 4 minute mile is a run x5 for a human 30 spd, x4 for a 40(barbarian) The sprint is an run x7-8 for human 30 spd and doesnt exist in DnD(x5 at 40?) (Cheeta sprint is 10x usable once/hour) The marathon is a run x3-4 held for more than 2 hours and causes damage, also not covered in DnD In general runs cost subdual with the run higher x's costing much more The 26 mile marathon, 4 min mile, 100 yard dash all leave the runner hurting If we base on 40 spd as athlete Sprint 23mph is x5(4.5mphx5=22.7 close, for only 1-2 rnds, only loss of breath, recover quickly) 1 mile 15mph is x3-4(x3=13.6,x4=18.2, for 4 min, slower recovery, high risk of cramps) 26 mile 10mph is x2-3(x2=9,x3=13.6 for 2-3 hours, commonly unfinished due to collapse) note: x2 marathon would only cost 3 subdual for 3 hour hustle and is obviously not reality here I would guess square of speed ratio more damage is realistic So x3 is twice the subdual, x4 is 4 times, x5 would be 6 times but you should not get any free time? Note: 3 mile races are 10mph so human's cannot maintain more than x2 for very long in reality New ultramarathon data? 2500 Km in 22 days (74 miles/day) 3100-Mile Race in 48 days (65 mile/day) 8807 miles in 295 days (30 miles/day) 117.9 miles in 24 hours (~5mph) Leadville Trail 100 mile in 17:23 (~6 mph) 50 mile trail 7 hours (~7mph) Skyline 50K Endurance Run in 4 hours (~8mph) but Hilly, Dirt Trails and Fire Roads half marathon 13 miles? in 1:15 is still 10mph [] 5 km 14:54 is 12.4 mph 8 km 24:28 is 12.2 mph 10 km 30:29 is 12.2 mph 12 km 38:23 is 11.8 mph 15 km 46:57 is 11.9 mph 20 km 1:05:11 is 11.4 mph 25 km 1:22:31 is 11.3 mph 30 km 1:39:02 is 11.3 mph 50 km 3:13:51 is 9.6 mph 100 km 7:00:48 is 8.9 mph 50 mile 5:40:18 is 8.8 mph 100 mile 13:47:42 is 7.2 mph 24 hr 243,656 m is 6.3 mph The above is world records so these are highly trained endurance runners I would think they are 30 base as not sprinters so above is x2 150mile or 24 hours/x3 50mile or 6 hours/x4 20mile or 1.5 hour Assuming similar conditions as to why that was limit then there is a pattern x2 24hour/x3 6hour/x4 1.5hour are all about 4 times per step So x3 costs 4 times the subdual as x2 and x4 is 16 times x2 for subdual/hour Or max distance is 48/18/6 all 3 ratios I think this is actually a Damage~=4^(x-1)*time 4*24=96 d=2*spd*t 4*4*6=96 d=3*spd*t 4*4*4*1.5=96 d=4*spd*t