[PnP] Lower World Magic

Wout Broere broere at powersandperils.org
Thu Aug 23 16:43:24 CEST 2018

Convocation of the Gods restricts Kotothi to LW, and prohibits 
Law,Chaos,Balance creatures from the LW. Other forces are free to move 
to the LW, but not directly use divine power.

I see no reasons why LW is different from MW for interactions with gods 
or magic, except for the restrictions on alignments that are barred.

See p. 444 and 448 of the v2 books

On 22-08-18 03:47, Scott Adams wrote:
> So I have theories on LW.  Since I've not really played there.
> How would magic really work?
> I see the True World as layers.
> So gods can 'see' MW.  MW folks can 'pray' to UW.
> But since LW is 2 layers down do god srelaly have a connection?
> In MW I see it as a download power from the gods.
> But if they can't download directly to LW how does it work?
> Would it be kind of delayed or affected?
> To me I don't see much ir any gods should have direct access to LW form UW.
> I'm trying ot build a working idea of these things.
> So welcome comments.
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