[PnP] house rules

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Thu Aug 17 01:44:17 CEST 2017

To Panthera Altaica

 > Have you played Lost Worlds?  It is game form '80s and still around.

 >I've never heard of Lost Worlds.

   Its a fun fast game.  can be done in 5-10 min. We played it 
between sessions.  There was maybe 3 dozen book/characters for it.
   Some do it stll today about as big as pnp today. :)

 > Don't know the other systems.  But those things like FAtigue were
 > covered in a great rpg called Fringeworthy.

 >I've read Fringeworthy a few years ago. I remember the setting but 
not the mechanics.  I'll have to reread it.

    I've typed up the full books as well as coded the charts in the '90s.
    It was made before Sliders and Stargate so it was fun game.

 > As well as playing in my pbem. ;)

 >Lately as a non magic user I've just been
 >twiddling my thumbs.  THough soon we are going to be tracking down 
someone so my hunter will have change to show off his skills.

   A pbem is done in such a way that its hard for 100% to do stuff. 
But you may have noticed 4-5 folks do it well without much trouble.
   You just have to figure a way to insert stuff.  There are no wrong posts. ;)

 > /o will above be adapted for pnp or just for gee wiz?

 >It should be pretty compatible with PnP but am adapting it for an 
interactive fiction game I'm developing.

   Not sure i'veheard of picture.

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