[PnP] pnp Digest, Vol 131, Issue 7 - scans

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Tue Sep 27 23:37:57 CEST 2016

At 02:11 PM 9/26/2016, you wrote:
>Thanks for the offer Bess, but the scans I have a reasonable 
>quality, but the OCR chokes on the grey background on the tables and 
>the red background behind important and optional sections. I don't 
>think that new scans would solve that.
You can add my Weather and v2 Encounter Charts to site if want to.
I've noticed minor issues but will see if others find more before 
fixing it in bulk.

Miinor things like a creature should not be in X terrain.

On a side note.  Anyone do research on water sources?  Frequency 
distribution of lake/ponds/rivers?
Got folks traveling over Zen'da plains and based on horse needs they 
need water.
Carrying 150 odd quarts per da yis a bt much.

So need to come up with charts for
* Wells
* Villages
* Pond/Lakes
* Streams
for water sources.
Burton did you work on any of this?

So given a single hex what's the chance of a pond that sort of probability.

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