[PnP] Enhancement limitations, new gems

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Sun Dec 7 04:16:11 CET 2014

If you change Enhancement then you have to look at other areas which 
coul d do a avalanche of cascading epic fails.
The main issue is how much magic will exist.  1 where its super rare 
or 10 where a city street is dotted with magic users so common.
Once you decide this then you should tweak everything else.  Some 
have considered magic for humans rare and distinct but say non humans 
common.  Making ita Folk style oriented setting.

In a table game I tend to do around a 3 or 4 where its not as 
common.  But for pbem where it is slow and not as strict maybe a 7-8.

I do like how some house rules i think set it up so can only enchant 
or enhance? EL+1 items so have ot learn only a set # of items magical 
rites.  As a Learner.  Makes it harder to learn other stuff later.

In the end as always itsi up to the GM.

At 05:07 PM 12/3/2014, you wrote:
>Enhancement is a spell where what you put into it will determine 
>what you get out...one simply cannot cast EL0 and end up with a +20 
>STR gemstone.  Why would you ever cast (or need) higher levels?
>When Enhancement is cast on a material, the EL is a limiter to any 
>enhanced effects.  Any EL or BL gain is limited to (EL+1)x2; any 
>attribute value is limited to (EL+1)x5.
>In my campaign (using a custom system), my players have been 
>exploring the upper world via a series of "dungeon crawls" using 
>Pathfinder sources.  However, some of the gems returned were not 
>listed in book 4, so I have to dive into the web to look up supposed 
>mythological properties, or derive them from existing gems.  The 
>following new gems have been derived so far, if you want to throw 
>something different at your players.

I'm a bit brain dead (long day) but I have no specific suggestions 
here.  Sorry.

>Unenhanced ivory has no magical value. Enhanced, it will grant the 
>following benefits:
>a) As a talisman, the wearer subtracts FIVE from all poison resistance rolls.
>b) When drinking from an enhanced Ivory cup any poison BL is reduced by by 5.

When i think of Ivory I think of Elephant tusks.  This makes me thin 
k of the large brain.  Good memory.
So why not a Int based applicatoin?

>Salt Water Pearl
>Unenhanced salt water pearl has no magical value. The enhanced item 
>will give the following benefits
>to the wearer:
>A) Per TEN days that pass, the wearer will age one day.
>B) in combat, any attacker must add FIVE to his combat roll.
>C) The wearer's MDV is doubled against Sea Powers, and Desiccation.

Salt.  Makes you thirsty.  Soo...why not a benefit to make you LESS 
thirsty a good desert traveller.
or again a desert aspect (opposite of water) one does not sweat which 
improves endurance and such.

>Deep Blue Spinel
>Unenhanced spinel has no magical value. When enhanced, a Deep Blue 
>Spinel grants the following benefits:
>A) Increase MDV against diseases by TEN
>B) Automatically detect the presence of hostile, kotothi-aligned 
>forces 1d6 turns before they can attack.
>C) The wearer is totally immune to Fascination, Abandon and other 
>attention-affecting spells.  The wearer
>does not lose focus on his current target.

This item is what?

>Unenhanced Zircon has no value. When enhanced and worn the wearer 
>has the following benefits:
>A) The MDV is increased by FIVE against Chaos magic.
>B) Increase Stamina by TWENTY.
>C) The wearer adds FIVE to any missile attack rolls against them.

Interesting.  I'm dead but Zircon as in fake gems?  Why not some gem 
benefit? Play on the material of sorts.
Helps to ID gems or detect gems or detect levelof quality.

>Unenhanced Hematite has no value. When enhanced and worn the wearer 
>has the following benefits:
>A) The MDV is increased by FIVE against Fascination or other 
>will-affecting spells.
>B) When worn, the user's DTV is DOUBLED.
>C) The wearer of a Hematite has DOUBLE their normal Healing Ability 
>(double any HP healed).
>C is worth it.  Maybe I'm slap happy.  I think of this as a Earthy 
>thing if i recal.  so some Earthy aspect.  Underground/earth spels. etc.

>Tiger's Eye
>Unenhanced Tiger's Eye has no value. When enhanced and worn the 
>wearer has the following benefits:
>A) The wearer's MDV is increased by FIVE against any emotion affecting spells.
>B) In any cases where the wearer must make a Will roll, subtract TEN 
>from their roll.
>C) The wearer has EL 5 immunity to the Pain spell.
>So this is more the Folk version than the actual Tony the Tiger actual eye :)

But a good oe for this one.

>Rock Quartz
>Unenhanced Rock Quartz has no value. When enhanced and worn the 
>wearer has the following benefits:
>A) If boiled in water, the resulting fluid will negate any poison up to BL5.
>B) If so desired, in any case where a child is desired, any sexual 
>encounter will always produce a male child.
>C) If a simple ritual is performed, the next day will be overcast 
>and constantly rainiy...in tundra climes this
>will result in snow.  In Desert climates there is no effect.

Interesting I guess this would be a very common item.  But maybe I'm 
thinking of basic quartz.

Interesting items but would be interesting to see your 
reasoning/philosophy on them.

Ever work on Ebony?
I did that for one player in my group.

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