[PnP] Water Spells 1 of 2

Scott Adams longshot at darktech.org
Sat Nov 4 05:31:32 CET 2006

   * New Magic Spells oriented for Ocean and Water Travel

         The following are a series of spells that are used specifically
     for life on ships and the water.  They are in no particular order.
     There are other spells sailors will use on a ship that are not listed
     here and are covered in the rules or other documents.  

     1.  Water Endurance                        [Alignment - Elder]
         This spell works exactly like the Endurance spell.  It will give
     those in the water extra endurance to tread water.  At the end of
     the duration the person must have hold of something or he will be
     too exhausted to stay afloat.  This spell is used by long distance
     swimmers or those who fall overboard and find themselves waiting
     for rescue.  At the end of the duration the target will be exhausted
     for the Stamina increase in hours.  If they are using this to avoid
     sleep they will fall asleep immediately after the duration.
         BMC: 2                                  Range: Touch
         Duration: EL+1 hours         Stamina Increase: (EL+1)x3

     2.  Rower Endurance                        [Alignment - Elder]
         This spell will increase the endurance of rowers on a ship.
     Instead of touch this modified version of the Endurance spell is
     used in an area effect spell.  The caster must pay twice the mana
     of an endurance spell to use this version.  It will then effect
     all those within (EL+1)x3" of the caster in the form of a radius.
     The rowers will then get the extra endurance to row longer beyond
     their normal ability.  The exhaustion effect however will still
     remain at the end of the duration.  This spell is used for ships
     that have to get to certain points faster than normal and need
     to extend a ship's normal movement rate. At the end of the duration
     the target will be exhausted for the Stamina increase in hours.
     If they are using this to avoid sleep they will fall asleep
     immediately after the duration.  
         BMC: 2                                  Range: (EL+1)x3" (radius)
         Duration: EL+1 hours         Stamina Increase: (EL+1)x3

     3.  Moving Ropes                           [Alignment - Law]
         This spell will make ropes move at the caster's will.  The ropes
     understand the verbal commands of the caster fully.  The ropes will
     follow EL+1 commands.  The time for the rope to perform its function
     is the same as if a person was moving the ropes.  Example commands
     are tie, untie, move from place to place, lift, raise, loop and pull
     to name a few.  The ropes will move for the listed duration. This is
     a modified form of the Knot tie/untie spell.  Range is how far the
     rope must be from the caster.  If the rope exits this range it will
     become inert again.   The number of ropes is the number the caster
     can control at any one time.  Each rope can act independently. 
         BMC: 1                                  Range: (EL+1)x2"
         Duration: EL+1 turns          Number of ropes: EL+1

     4.  Lighten Anchor                         [Alignment - Balance]
         This spell allows the caster to lighten the weight of an anchor
     for ship operations.  The spell is used in two ways.  First the
     caster can touch the chain/rope where the anchor is attached to for
     the effect.  The second is he can used a ranged effect without any
     touch to the anchor or chain/rope.  The weight of the anchor will
     lighten depending on the method.  If touched it affects the rope/chain
     and the anchor itself through the connection.  The second way it
     lightens the weight of an anchor only while the chain/rope remains
     same weight. This helps sailors to pull up or lower anchors faster
     when needed.
         BMC: 3                                  Range: Touch or (EL+1)x3"
         Duration: EL+1 minutes        Weight Decrease: (EL+1)x10%

     5.  Break Anchor                           [Alignment - Chaos] 
         This spell is meant to break both the anchor and rope/chain the
     anchor is attached to.  It is meant to be an offensive spell to
     hurt enemy ship operations.  An example is to use this spell when
     a ship is anchored in a bay during a storm.  Magic-users who swim up
     to the ships an then cast the spell to break the anchors and the
     ships will go adrift.  This could cause ship damage and collisions.
     The listed damage is damage done to the anchor and rope/chain. The
     anchor itself is hard iron or metal.  But if its stone it could
     break easier.  Chain/ropes are less reinforced so break faster than
     the actual anchor would.  The Referee will have to use the Damage
     Resistance of the anchor and rope/chains for results.  The listed
     damage is for stone/wood anchors.  If the anchor is iron or metal
     they will be less likely to brittle so half the damage.
         BMC: 3                                  Range: (EL+1)x3"
         Damage: (EL+1)x5                                        

     6.  Water Wall                             [Alignment - Law]
         This spell will create a wall of pure water for a caster.  It
     allows him to use it in various ways.  One method is to create a
     wall against waves.  Used in this method he will pay the normal cost
     of the spell.  It creates a solid wall of water along the side of
     the ship.  Any large waves will not pass through it during the listed
     duration.  This is used during storms when the waves are high and
     could do damage on deck.  The wall is solid enough it just bounces
     any wave that hits against it.  Waves that are higher than the wall
     however will go above and over the wall.  The caster can use this
     spell also to defend against incoming missile weapons.  Normal missile
     weapons will not penetrate the thick wall.  As a general rule of thumb
     the Referee can determine that a missile weapon (magical or regular)
     will have to do more than (EL+1)x3 points of damage before it
     penetrates the wall.  A person who tries to leap through the wall will
     need a strength of at least (EL+1)x6.  For those who do not have the
     listed strength it will be like hitting a solid cement wall and the
     person will take the listed damage.  The listed damage is also done
     to missile weapons. The caster can spend twice the mana of the spell
     to handle 2 walls each to his side.  Where he points his hands the
     wall will go.  So he could have one wall forward and one to his
     left.  but a caster will have to be careful not to move the wall
     down and hit the ship.  So a caster should move his hands up into
     the air to shift wall positions.
         This spell can be used for rivers or lakes but is mainly used in
     deep ocean. The range is how far the wall is out from the caster.
     The length of the wall is how wide the wall is on the side.  The
     center of this wall is where the caster usually points to and then
     extends equally to the sides of this center point.  During the
     spell the caster must be in total concentration and not be
     distracted.  The wall of water is visible to all and shows a mass
     of swirling water along the water. In order to use this spell
     enough water must exist within the range to draw the water into
     a solid barrier.  There must be at least EL+1 square cubic feet
     of water to use the spell.  This spell will drain down the water
     for the use of the spell around it. Thus a wizard who casts this
     in a fountain or horse trough will need to do a small wall.
     Partial success will make a wall half of the listed information
     below and backfire (splash the caster) without damage.  
         BMC: 4                                  Range: (EL+1)x2"
         Damage: (EL+1)x3                  Wall Length: (EL+1)x2"
         Wall Height: EL+1"                   Duration: (EL+1)x2 turns 

     7.  Fins                                   [Alignment - Elder]
         This spell will allow the caster to transform his legs into
     efficient fish fins for faster movement in the water.  The caster
     can spend twice the mana to also change his hands into webbed hands
     for even faster movement.  The listed PMR boost is first listed for
     just the fins while the second is for the hands as well.  The change
     will last for the entire duration or until dispelled.  For those who
     change their hands they will have problems holding weapons.  The caster
     can decide to turn both legs into a single fin or both feet into
     single fins (like scuba footgear). Walking on land outside the water
     PMR will actually be decreased by the listed amount for feet (EL+1).
         BMC: 2                                  Range: Touch
         Duration: 2 hours (EL as power)     PMR Boost: EL+1 / EL+2

     8.  Fish Detection                         [Alignment - Law]
         This is a specialized version of Detection.  It will only detect
     water creatures of the listed size and intelligence.  For those
     creatures who may be intelligent the creature must have the listed
     intelligence to detect them.  This is good for helping fisherman find
     schools of fish.  Upon detection the caster will know the location
     of the fish and their direction.  Caster will need to determine if
     he is seeking non-intelligent or intelligent water creatures.  The
     number is the number of water creatures detected.  Partial success
     will give mis-information including number and direction.  
         BMC: 1                                  Range: (EL+1)x10" 
         Duration: (EL+1)x2 turns         Intelligence: (EL+1)x2
         Number: Non-Intelligent: (EL+1)x50   Intelligent - (EL+1)x5

     9.  Foul Rigging                           [Alignment - Balance]
         This spell is used in two ways.  The first method is used in
     real time and the magic of the spell goes off instantly.  But
     the second method is delayed.  For this delayed method double the
     mana cost must be paid.  
         This spell will entangle and jumble up the rigging of a enemy
     ship. Ropes will become so twisted into sails and sails will get
     entangled in ropes and pulleys it will take time to fix.  Nails
     will fall out and cause joints to break or structures to fall 
     the nails are in a critical place.  Pieces of rigging will fall
     to the deck.  Chaos will overtake the rigging of the ship.  This
     spell only affects EL-3 rigs.  So if a ship has 2 areas where
     rigging is setup and has a emergency rigging lying on deck it
     will take EL 6 to affect all 3 rigs.  In the second method the
     damage is done when a sailor performs changes to the rigging
     itself (moves a pulley, touches roping, etc.).  If the listed
     duration is over though with no changes to the rigging then
     the rigging is not affected.  The listed speed reduction is
     speed lost to the ship from the damage.  Not only damage to
     the ship but crew inefficiency that promotes speed loss.  But
     the Speed loss is only optional and up to the Referee.  The
     exact level of damage to the rigging is up to the Referee.  No
     physical damage is done.  however if nails fall out in various
     places it could make things fall and cause physical damage.
         In order for a caster to use this spell he should have direct
     knowledge of how a ship's rigging performs.  Thus in learning
     this spell he should spend time studying the structure.  If he
     does not the spell is an automatic abysmal failure.  
         BMC: 4                                  Range: (EL+1)x3"
         Speed Reduction: -(EL+1) (max is 1/2 the normal speed)
         Time to fix: (EL+1)x1 hours
         Duration: EL+1 hours

     10. Destroy Rigging                        [Alignment - Chaos]
         This spell will destroy the wood of a rigging by the listed
     damage.  If the damage is sufficient to cause the rigging to
     collapse or fall it will do so.  At least 80% of the listed damage
     goes to the base of the rigging shaft where its attached to the
     deck.  The remaining 20% is to the rigging structure above.  The
     damage above can affect smaller pieces of wood which can cause parts
     of it (like sandbags, pulleys, ropes, sails and wenches) to fall to
     the deck.  Caster can spend 3 times the mana to spread those listed
     percentages.  For example he could put 70% in one top left section
     and 30% to base.  In order for this advanced form to be used the
     caster must see the rigging clearly.  The restriction of caster
     must know the rigging operations and structure is required (see
     Foul Rigging). 
         BMC: 5                                  Range: (EL+1)x3" 
         Damage to Rigging: (EL+1)x5 [to Damage resistance]

     11. Reinforce Rigging                      [Alignment - Law]
         This spell counters Destroy Rigging.  It allows a caster to
     strengthen or reinforce the rigging structure.  When not in combat
     the rigging can be helped in times of storms where the rigging could
     collapse from winds or waves.  The listed strength is added to the
     rigging's damage resistance as a whole.  The restriction of caster
     must know the rigging operations and structure is required (see
     Foul Rigging). this only affects 1 set of rigging at a time. 
         BMC: 3                                  Range: Touch
         Duration: (EL+1)x20 turns            Strength: (EL+1)x5

     12. Collapse Rigging                       [Alignment - Chaos] 
         This spell will cause an entire rigging to collapse.  The point
     of impact of the spell must be the base of the rigging itself.  For
     rigging that normally collapses and falls through manual methods it
     will use those methods to act and the rigging will begin to collapse.
     The collapse however is slow enough it could be stopped.  For rigging
     that does not move and is always up it will do nothing.  Winds can
     also help to speed up the effects.  The spell will cause joints to
     move, ropes to loosen, pulleys to shift.  The restriction of caster
     must know the rigging operations and structure is required (see
     Foul Rigging). this only affects 1 set of rigging at a time. 
         BMC: 4                                  Range: (EL+1)x2"
         Duration: 10-EL phases before it falls on spell success

     13. Land Locator                           [Alignment - Law] 
         This spell will locate the nearest land to the ship if its within
     the listed range.  If no land is found the caster will not learn of
     its location.  If there is land it will give a feeling of its location
     and direction.  Partial success may give a wrong reading on distance
     and/or direction.  Abysmal failure may indicate land that is actually
     underwater (like sea mounts) and confuse the caster.  Cast at 5 times
     the mana cost the caster can increase duration by a factor of 10.
         BMC: 2
         Range: 100 meters (EL applies as power) (Diameter around caster)

     14. Ship Insight                           [Alignment - Balance]
         The caster uses this on another ship within his sight.  If he can
     see the ship he can use the spell.  It only works for one ship per
     spell use.  The caster will learn the location of the ship's home
     port of call.  He can pay twice the listed mana to also learn up to
     EL+1 of the most recent ports the ship has visited within the listed
     duration.  He can also pay x3 the mana cost to learn the identity of
     the captain.  He can pay x4 the mana cost to learn the owner of the
     ship if he so desires as well.  The Referee can determine the level
     of information gained.  For example if the caster does not know the
     ports himself it may be confusing information or in another language.
     For this purpose home port is the port where the ship was constructed
     and tends to stay.  Partial success will yield the home nation of
     the ship, captain's culture, owner's culture and the last port of
             call's nations (not the specific cities/names).  Abysmal failure
     will give wrong information entirely.  The listed duration only
     applies for the last series of port of calls.  If the ship was not
     in a port of call within the duration none is given.  For purposes
     of this spell a caster must see at least 80% of the ship to cast
     the spell.  If for example heavy fog only shows a sail then this
     spell can't be cast.  If so failure is automatic.  
         BMC: 3                                  Range: Sight
         Duration: EL+1 previous months                         

     15. Map Knowledge                          [Alignment - Balance]
         This is a powerful spell for a caster to use.  It directly gains
     information from supernatural sources.  In order however to use this
     spell the caster must make some tools by his own hands.  The tools
     would include cartographer tools like a scale and stylus to name a few.
     To use this spell the caster will have to concentrate without any
     distractions.  The caster goes into a light trance.  If he is distracted
     by loud noises or by touch of another person the spell will end at
     that time with whatever results were found out.  The spell makes the
     tools move on their own on top of a surface (should be a large blank
     scroll).  The tools will then map and note locations of nearby islands,
     reefs, shoals, sandbars, coastline and other water based obstructions
     like ship wrecks.  The accuracy o the tools is better than other maps
     of the area.  The tools may even record large schools of fish at the
     time they are nearby the ship if its large enough for the tools to
     detect. Partial success of the spell may give partial accuracy of the
     map made.  In these cases it could mark the wrong location of objects
     and endanger the sailing ship.  The range of the spell is the radius
     around the caster the tools map and the same scale of map that is made.
     The finished map is readable by the caster even if he does not know
     navigation symbols and writing.  Once the tools have completed the
     map of the objects the spell will end.  If the caster does not have
     the tools he can't use this spell.  Normal map making tools do not
     work for this spell.  This map is considered a magical map for
     treasure determination and worth something.  In order to use this
     spell the ship must be anchored.  If the ship moves the tools get
     confused and may overlap things.  The objects drawn on the map are
     2D.  However when the caster reads the map (not anyone but him)
     the objects seems to grow into a 3D form.   This will reflect
     a general sense of how deep the object is from the surface.
     More than one use of this spell can be done for a map.  So to
     map a small lake it may take a caster 4 spell castings on one scroll.

     Optional- This spell gains information from supernatural forces.
     As such its subject to their whims.  If the area is magically
     aligned.  Say a bay dedicated by a great Chaotic Wizard to sink
     ships and thus is known as a Ship's Graveyard.  Such places may
     affect the results.  If the person is not aligned with the
     alignment of that area (in the above example not Chaos) he may
     be given wrong or misleading information even with success.  The
     chance for this is 100-(ELx10)%.  If the area is normal open water
     without any special trait or influence this option is not needed.
         BMC: 8                  Range: 2 miles (EL as power) 
     16. Reef/Sandbar Detection                 [Alignment - Balance]
         If a ship enters a uncharted area like a river or harbor the
     caster can use this spell to learn of the location of reefs and
     sandbars only.  It will not detect anything else.  The caster will
     learn of the location by sense or at night he will see the object
     glow in a greenish hue.  He will then sense the width and depth of
     the reef or sandbar.  The Range is a 60 degree cone in front of
     the caster.  The caster usually is at the front of the ship using this
     spell. A ship should go slow using this spell as at EL0 the caster
     only has 20 feet warning of objects.  He should have someone nearby
     to record or yell results to the navigator. 
         BMC: 1                                  Range: (EL+1)x2" (Cone)
         Duration: (EL+1)x6 minutes

     17. True Compass                           [Alignment - Balance]
         With this spell, the caster gains an instant and exact knowledge
     of his heading (e.g., north, south, south by southwest, etc.). The
     spell gives no other information. It may also be used on land.
     This spell is useful when a ship or caster is lost.  Abysmal will
     indicate the opposite from true heading.  The listed duration is
     how long the spell lasts (how long the caster has the keen heading
         BMC: 1                 Duration: 2 hours (EL applies as power)

     18. Tarfar's Shoal                         [Alignment - Balance]
         This spell creates a magical barrier just under the water's
     surface. Ships striking the barrier become grounded as if on a shoal
     or shallow. It causes no structural damage but effectively arrests
     movement for the duration of the spell. The size of the barrier depends
     on the EL of the spell.  It should only affect one ship at a time.
     The EL of the spell causes a barrier as big as follows:
           EL   Ship Size Affected
          0-1   raft, canoe, small row boat
           2    row boat, outrigger, small long boat
           3    long boat, small barge
           4    large barge, fishing vessel
          5-6   small ship
          7-8   medium-sized ship
          9-10  large ship, galleon
         Referre will have to determine the ship and which category it
     fits in the above table.  This spell is used offensively to
     stop a ship from moving for attack or boarding.  It is also cast
     in defense of a ship to elude pursuit.  The range is how far
     away the barrier can be from the caster.  The caster can choose
     to place the barrier directly to a side of the ship (usually
     rear) if he wishes but should not be below the ship.    
         BMC: 7                                  Range: (EL+1)x5" 
         Duration: 1 Hour + (ELx10) minutes

     19. Abjuration                             [Alignment - Law]
         This spell is mainly used for ships but it could be used for
     structures as well.  Most wizards use it to protect ships from fire
     damage.  While Fire Resistance works for people this works for ship
     materials like the hull, rigging and sails.  At normal cost it will
     protect a area within a 60 degree cone in front of the caster.  It
     will only affect just that one area.  This is used for particular
     areas like a cabinet or the rigging.  Paid at x5 the cost it can
     affect the entire ship.  However in order to do this the person must
     wait for 5-EL phases before he can move or do other actions.  The
     ship he is on will be affected.  If not a ship it will only affect
     the listed range in a diameter.  The damage listed is the number of
     fire protection points the structure will have.  This only affects
     wood and cloth materials.  It will not affect iron or metal objects.
     For magical flames MDV may come into play.  
         BMC: 5                                  Range: (EL+1)x2" 
         Duration: (EL+1)x5 turns (time of fire protection)
         Damage: (EL+1)x5 for one area or (EL+1)x3 for entire ship

     20. Preserver Energy                       [Alignment - Law]
         This spell creates one circular buoyant ring of force for each EL+1
     of the caster. Each ring has sufficient buoyancy to keep two unarmored
     man-sized creatures afloat for the duration of the spell.  The rings
     are virtually indestructible and cannot be harmed in any way short of
     dispel magic or disintegrate spells, or similar methods.  The listed
     range is how far away the rings can be projected out to others.   The
     caster can spend 1 mana point per hour per ring to make them glow so
     rescue people can spot the rings easily.  The caster can also cast
     the spell at x5 normal cost and it will repel sharks. 
         BMC: 3                                  Range: (EL+1)x2"
         Duration: EL+1 Days
         Number Made: EL+1 (number of rings that can be made)

     21. Morning Glory                          [Alignment - Chaos]
         This spell creates a cone of flaming sparks that arc outward
     from the caster's hands starting 1" wide at the base of the arc
     and ending with a (EL+1)x2"-wide apex. The sparks range in color
     from red to white. Creatures in the fan receive no direct damage
     but must save or have any combustible clothing or gear catch fire.
     Any ship caught within the arc suffers 1 point of structural damage
     per three levels of the caster, up to a maximum of 5 points of
     structural damage. Damage is from drying out the hull or rigging,
     causing snapping or fraying, or from small fires caused by the
     sparks.  This is a powerful spell but it can backfire.  Failure means
     the caster will suffer the full effects of the damage (fire and the
     listed damage in personal hit points).  
         BMC: 8                                  Range: 1"-(EL+1)x2" arc
         Duration: EL+1 phases the sparks last
         Damage to structure:   EL  Damage to Structure
                                0-3         1
                                4-6         2
                                7-9         3
                               10-12        4
                               13-15        5
         If the spell success the damage is done automatically.

     22. Buoyancy                               [Alignment - Balance] 
         This spell causes affected creatures to float to the surface
     of the water as if they were buoyant. Even the most heavily armored
     knight can thus be suspended on the surface. Similarly, underwater
     creatures can be forced to surface in this way. The spell does not
     affect creatures more than twice the size of the average man. It
     affects only living things.  People that are pulled under will do
     so only by direct force but then go back up to the surface.  For
     creatures or other people to force a person under the water they must
     have the listed strength or greater.  There is no weight limit so
     even heavy armor will remain on the surface until duration is over.
         BMC: 4                                  Range: (EL+1)x3"
         Duration: EL hours                   Strength: (EL+1)x10
         Inclusions: EL+1 (people that can be cast on at any one time). 

     23. Tarfar's Reef                          [Alignment - Balance]
         This spell is more powerful than the Shoal version. It creates a
     reef-like construct of magical force underneath the water's surface.
     Any ship striking this magical barrier sustains the listed damage.
     The navigator can make a navigation skill check quickly to try to move
     the ship out of the area.  Navigator must know of the reef or be told
     about it to avoid it.  If he avoids the reef he will take no damage
     but he still could take partial damage.  For example, if the ship
     turns to the right the ship only takes 30% of the full reef so only
     takes 30% of the damage.  The ship has "run aground" for the duration
     of the spell. The caster's level determines the size of the ship that
     can be affected:  The barrier is submerged and indestructible, but
     a dispel magic spell can negate it.
           EL   Ship Size Affected
          0-1   raft, canoe, small row boat
           2    row boat, outrigger, small long boat
           3    long boat, small barge
           4    large barge, fishing vessel
          5-6   small ship
          7-8   medium-sized ship
          9-10  large ship, galleon
         Referre will have to determine the ship and which category it
     fits in the above table.
     Optional: The Referee can allow the Reef to be damaged.  To do
     this the ship can damage it by an initial ram attack.  Destruction
     spells may also but most other spells won't since its in water.
         BMC: 9                                  Range: (EL+1)x4" 
         Duration: 1 Hour + (ELx20) minutes     Damage: EL+1 hull damage

     24. Battened Hatches                       [Alignment - Elder]   
         This spell causes all the hatches, doors, and windows on a ship
     to close tightly. If these have locks or seals, they bolt themselves
     in place. A magical watertight seal comes into being around all the
     hatches. No force of wind or wave can burst the hatches; however,
     they are not wizard locked; unless otherwise locked or barred,
     intelligent creatures can still open and close the doors normally.
     This does not affect the duration of the spell.  It is meant to
     prevent water from entering holds and other areas during storms.
     The Referee will have to determine the Force of the wind and
     waves to use.  As a general rule the Force rating can break the
     barrier if higher than the EL+1.

     Option: As a option the Referee can restrict the size of the
     ship based on the EL.  
           EL   Ship Size Affected
          0-1   raft, canoe, small row boat
           2    row boat, outrigger, small long boat
           3    long boat, small barge
           4    large barge, fishing vessel
          5-6   small ship
          7-8   medium-sized ship
     So to affect a Trireme should have EL7 at least.   
         BMC: 3                                  Range: Immediate ship
         Duration: 2 minutes (EL applies as power) 

     25. Magical Rowers                         [Alignment - Chaos]   
         This spell creates banks of magical glowing oars on the sides of
     a vessel that row with their own power. For each level of the mage,
     the oars increase the vessel's movement by one mile per hour, up to
     double the normal movement rate. If the mage maintains concentration
     on this spell, he can direct the speed and direction of the vessel
     with the oars; otherwise the ship goes straight forward at its
     maximum movement rate.  The oars are magical constructs. Although
     they can be dispelled, they are not harmed by normal means.  The
     number of oars listed is for ONE side of a ship.  So if 10 oars are
     created then 10 per side are created for both sides.  The range
     listed is a radius around the caster the magical oars are created.
     Outside this range nothing is created.
         BMC: 6                                  Range: (EL+1)x3"
         Duration: EL+1 Hours           Number of oars: (EL+1)x2

     26. Ironside                               [Alignment - Law]     
         This spell will magically make the wooden sides of the hull much
     stronger as if iron.  There is no weight increase.  The only benefit
     is the added strength to the hull integrity for damage purposes.  The
     caster must concentrate fully and remain on the ship for this spell.
     He can't cast any other spells or move.  The damage is one time
     only and if destroyed a new spell will need to be made.  

     Optional: The Referee can restrict the size of the ship that can
     be affected by the EL.  The chart to use is as for Tarfar's Reef.
     Another optional rule is to make the spell at 5x the casting cost.
     In this method the strength will regenerate EL/3 (RU) points each
     phase. But in doing so each point that is regenerated is subtracted
     from the person's Energy Level as he is using his own energy
         BMC: 6                                  Range: Immediate ship
         Duration: EL+1 Turns           Added Strength: EL+1

     27. Water Bubble                           [Alignment - Elder]
         This spell creates a half hemisphere bubble of water, that is so
     thin its hardly seen.  It covers the entire ship if the range covers
     the size of the ship.  The bubble only covers the top of the ship
     and not the bottom half.  This screen will block waves, projectiles,
     natural lightning bolts and other things like fish.  In order to
     pass through the object must have a greater strength or force than
     the listed strength.
         BMC: 7                                  Range: (EL+1)x5" (Radius) 
         Duration: EL+1 Turns                 Strength: (EL+1)x3

     28. Repair Breech                          [Alignment - Law]
         The wizard can expend Energy Level to repair structure damage
     and damage done to ship materials.  He will expend his energy force
     to make the damage regenerate back to normal.  This is usually only
     done in times of extreme need as it may kill the caster if the energy
     level reaches 0.  The caster will remain in a deep trance for the listed
     duration during this regeneration.  It only works on inanimate objects
     like the ship hull or rigging.  The number of points repaired is the
     amount of energy lost by the caster.  The repair is made during the
     trance process and ends when the trance ends.  The caster can vary the
     amount of points to repair if he feels it doesn't need the full amount.
         BMC: 6                                  Range: (EL+1)x2"
         Duration: 10-EL Phases        Points Repaired: (EL+1)+EL

     29. Spectral Navigator                     [Alignment - Chaos]
         In case a ship loses its navigator and the crew has no navigation
     skills this spell can be used. It creates a spectral navigator always
     at the position to steer the ship.  It never moves beyond this point.
     It will steer the ship for the duration.  The ghostly form even will
     avoid natural obstructions with supernatural ability.  It will do
     this until the destination is reached or duration ends.  It will not
     follow commands other than to navigate to where the ship was heading
     to in the first place.  If this spell fails the spectral form will
     steer the ship in a wrong course or even into dangerous obstructions
     in order to sink the ship.  In this case only a dispell spell will
     end the terror it may cause.  If the caster leaves the ship the
     spectral navigator will disappear.  Caster can't cast any other
     magic during this time but he can move.  
         BMC: 8                                
         Duration: EL+1 Hours

     30. Raise Ship                             [Alignment - Balance]
         This spell causes one sunken vessel to be raised intact to the
     surface of the sea. If a vessel is sinking or only partially submerged
     it is raised and held afloat by the power of this spell as well.
     The ship will remain afloat on the surface if it is able to for
     the duration.  But if the ship has holes in it after the duration
     those holes will start to take water.  A powerful wizard who pays 3
     times the mana cost can sink a ship using this spell.  IT will affect
     only one ship in the range.  It will sink the ship in 2D6 phases.
     The Referee can determine how much a ship is actually intact when
     raised.  A general rule could be (ELx1)x10%.  The Referee can roll
     this figure to determine if its intact and that percentage.  For
     example a EL4 Raise ship will have a 50% chance of it being intact.
     On a D100 if 1-50 is rolled the ship is intact 51=100 it is not.
     The Referee can use the same percentage of how much it is intact.
     In the example above 50% of the ship is intact on success.  The
     Referee is free to work this spell to his wishes. If a ship is
     spread out by miles of ocean floor (by currents) then it may not
     be possible for a ship to be intact.  The Referee will have to
     determine the level of damage of a raised ship.  For example
     a ship in the water 10 years may have barnacles, skeletons,
     sand and dirt in it when raised.  All these will be up to the Referee.
         BMC: 10                                 Range: (EL+1)x2"
         Duration: (EL+1)x2 Turns (time to raise ship)

     31. Energy Sails                           [Alignment - Elder]   
         This spell will create full normal sails for sailing but in
     a mystical energy form.  This should only be used when normal cloth
     sails are not available.  The sails will act as normal sails for
     purposes of speed.  At EL0 at least one sail will always be made.
     This is only the sail.  The structure/rigging will have to be
         BMC: 4                                  Range: Touch to place
         Duration: EL+1 Hours          Number of sails: EL/3, RU

     32. Anti-glare                             [Alignment - Law]
         The ocean can be intense for sunlight and glare.  This spell
     will allow a person to see without any form of glare perfectly on
     the seas.  This is useful for observers on ships.  The number of
     inclusions are the people the caster can affect including himself
     if he so wishes.  
         BMC: 1                                  Range: Touch 
         Duration: EL+1 Hours               Inclusions: EL+1

     33. Grasping Plants                        [Alignment - Chaos]   
         This spell will cause plant growth to bunch and form into
     mystical hand like structures to grab a small boat.  This spell
     only works where there is plant growth like lily pads or underwater
     seaweed beds that touch the surface or ship.  The people on the
     ships or ship itself must have enough force to break the grasp or
     they will not move.  For manual power they must have a higher strength
     and for sailing ships they must be faster speed wise than listed
     strength.  This is mainly used for small craft like rafts or rowboats.
     A full sized trireme likely won't be affected by this spell.  This
     spell is mainly used by the Djani swamp pirates which ambush ships
     in the swamps.  A variant of this spell is known to exist.  This
     variant will cause plant growth to clump around a person and entangle
     him or the ship if it surrounds a ship.
         BMC: 5                                  Range: (EL+1)x2" 
         Duration: EL+1 Turns                 Strength: (EL+1)x5
         Number of hand like strands created: EL+1

     34. Suicide Fish                           [Alignment - Chaos] 
         This spell causes fish to go berserk and become suicidal to the
     point they will attack ships and people.  Fish in nets will suddenly
     try to break the nets in a berserk mode.  Fish that then get out
     of the nets on decks will do anything to attack a person or ship
     object by jumping or bouncing.  Fish in the water will attack nearby
     people or the ship itself.  A powerful wizard could even get a whale
     sized creature to attack a ship which could be devastating.  While
     in most cases small fish that only flip and flop around do no real
     damage its a demoralizing and frightening event which can also be
     distracting for crew.  The listed Size is the size of the fish that
     can be affected.  Where a size 0 or 1 might be hand held fish and
     going up to the largest like sharks and whales.  This affects all
     fish in the listed range area.  The caster designates where the center
     of this affect is at the base range (EL+1)x2" from him).  While not
     a devastating spell in most cases an entire school of electrical eels
     (say 30) that suddenly go after people in the water can be scary.  
     This does not affect intelligent sea creatures.  The highest it
     would affect is dolphins.
         BMC: 3                                  Range: (EL+1)x2" (diameter)
         Duration: EL+1 Turns                     Size: EL

     35. Ship Tracker                           [Alignment - Law]   
         This spell creates a marker for a ship where the caster can track
     it when it moves.  To get the full benefit the wizard must touch the
     ship.  Otherwise the listed distance that can be followed is half of
     the normal distance.  In this case the wizard must see the ship to
     target it for tracking.  This will create a sign only the wizard can
     see.  At day it creates a dark yellow streak behind the ship and
     at night it creates a glowing green streak.  The wizard can track the
     ship even through weather and when the ship is out of sight.  The
     listed streak duration is how long the streak will last in the immediate
     area.  It will remain on the surface and after this duration will
     fade into the water.  So if the streak is gone it will be hard to
     track the ship unless its within sight.    A Revelation spell will
     show a ship is being tracked.  Water currents do not affect the
     streak in any way.  
         BMC: 6                                  Range: Sight or Touch
         Duration: (EL+1)x3 Hours [For entire spell to last]
         Streak Duration: (EL+1)x30 minutes

     36. Water Stream                           [Alignment - Elder] 
         Ships and fire do not mix.  So in order to help Wizards have
     created this spell.  It creates a stream of intense water spray
     like a modern fire hose.  The point of origin is the water itself.
     It will then be directed to a spot by the caster.  The direction of
     the flow can move at the will of the caster as long as he concentrates
     on it.  If he is distracted the spray will explode in all directions
     and spell is ended.  This is mainly used for fire situations.  But
     a wizard could use it as a weapon.  There is no damage from this
     other than a possible stumble attack.  If the person has the listed
     strength he can withstand the spray.  If not he must roll a Agility
     roll to maintain balance or be pushed by the spray.  This is such a
     popular spell in some areas ports will have a ship with a wizard or
     permanent magics using this spell on it for fire protection. The
     range is how far FROM the water surface to the point of impact the
     caster chooses.  The caster must see the point of impact to have
     the spray hit it.  Thus to spray rooms the caster will have to
     move quickly into those rooms.  The damage is the amount of FIRE
     only damage that is done to douse it.  If the Referee wishes to
     create a fire rule where it must be doused by X amount of points.
         BMC: 6                                  Range: (EL+1)x2"
         Duration: (EL+1)x3 Turns             Strength: (EL+1)x5
         Damage: 1D6+EL per phase [to fire only]

     37. Water Steam                            [Alignment - Chaos]  
         This is a modified form of the Choking Moisture spell.  It
     creates a area of intense steam from the nearby water.  The caster
     must be within EL hexes of water for use of this spell.  If 0 then
     he must touch some form of large water source.  The created steam
     is hot, intense and cloudy.  It is used to damage by hurting skin
     and eyes by the heated water.  The listed range is the cloud of
     steam around the caster.  The caster is not affected by this spell.
     Once the steam is created it stays in place so the caster and others
     can move in or out of it.  The damage listed is burns to the skins
     and eyes.

     Optional: The Referee can use the EL as a temperature increase.  Per
     EL the temperature of the steam can rise by 10 degrees.  In this
     case the Damage listed is increased by (EL divided by 10). 
         BMC: 5                                  Range: EL+1" (Radius)
         Duration: (EL+1)x2 Turns               Damage: 1D3+EL per phase

     38. Flares                                 [Alignment - Law]    
         This creates a intense ball of light that shoots out from the
     caster into the air.  The caster can decide on the color of the flare
     as he wishes.  This spell does not work in combat as any flare that
     hits a target will only do heated damage and no physical damage due
     to its mystical nature.  This is so that if the flare misfires it
     doesn't burn the ship the caster is on.  This is useful for ships
     that need to be rescued.  The height is the number of feet the
     flare will head up into the sky and can be seen in some cases for
     miles in clear weather.  The caster can extend the time the flare
     will start to fall.  Once the flare reaches its zenith it will hover
     there before falling (instant at normal cost).  But the caster can
     spend 1 mana point to add 1 phase to this hover time.  There is no
     limit as to how long the flare lands as long as mana is available.
     The flare will fade at 3 feet above the surface coming down.  The
     surface is water or ship depending on how it lands.

     Optional: The light created by the flare is equivalent to modern
     flares.  However a Referee can vary the degree of light by EL
     increases.  For every EL increase the light increases in intensity
     by a factor of EL. So at EL10 the light is 10 times brighter than
     it would be at EL1.
         BMC: 2                                  Height: 50x(EL+1) feet
         Flare number created: EL/3 (RU) per spell

     39. Hull Patch                             [Alignment - Law]
         While repair breech can regenerate damage this spell will hold
     hull integrity for a short time.  The caster can magically hold
     a energy field over a hull hole for the listed duration until it
     is fixed.  The size listed is how big the hole can be in actual
     inches not hex inches.  Anything bigger than listed size can't be
     held together.  The number of holes is the number of patches the
     spell can do in any one spell for multiple holes.    The caster
     can do the spell and other things once it is cast.  Any work done
     by others to patch up the hole (tar, wood, etc.) will not affect
     the energy field in any way.  
         BMC: 6                                  Height: Touch 
         Duration: EL+1 Hours         Number of Patches: EL+1
         Size of Hole (Max): (EL+1)x6 inches

     40. Navigator's Sense                      [Alignment - Elder] 
         This spell gives the caster a help in navigation.  This spell
     will give three pieces of information which may be important for
     navigation.  The caster usually would cast this for a navigator
     by touching that person.  The first bit of information is local
     current information.  This is a sense o current direction, speed
     and slight changes in the current.  The second bit of information
     is winds.  It will tell the target the speed of the winds, the
     normal wind cycles in the area and if the current wind situation
     is normal or not.  For wind and currents this spell will give
     a pre-cognitive type effect as well.  It will pre-warn the target
     when conditions in either wind or current are about to change.
     This will give the target an edge in sailing (especially if being
     chased).  Lastly, the navigation will also gain a sense of the nearest
     land if its within his range.  This information will be the distance
     and direction of the land.  Partial success will gain information
     off by some factor.  Abysmal will give mis leading or completely
     wrong information.  
         BMC: 5                                  /Range: Touch 
         Duration: EL+1 Hours        

     41. Weather Forecasting                    [Alignment - Elder]
         Weather is critical to the life of a sailor.  Weather will tell
     how a ship will sail and perform that day.  While basic seamanship
     and storytelling will give general weather information, this spell
     will give far more detailed analysis.  The caster will learn the
     next few hours of weather conditions.  This information will include
     temperature ranges, tidal shifts, high sea conditions (waves) and
     most importantly storm information.  For storms it will tell the
     caster the likely chance one will occur within the spell duration
     and the level of severity for it.

     Optional: The Referee can use this spell to allow the player to
     avoid Storms better.  In this case the chance is improved by
         BMC: 8                                 
         Duration: EL+1 Hours of future analysis

     42. Ghost Ship                             [Alignment - Chaos] 
         Wizards have created this spell to scare other ships for piracy
     and war operations.  This ship acts like a modified illusion spell.
     It will emit a ghost like fog around the bottom of the ship and
     around the ship in small amounts.  The spell also creates an aura of
     a ghost ship for those who approach it.  This aura is a sense of
     dread and fear to those who see it.  Cast at twice the mana cost the
     fog can bend the light and show that there is no actual bottom of
     the ship as if its floating above the water.  Cast at 5 times the
     mana the deck will also make illusions of being empty while there
     may be actual people on deck.  For the first two effects there is
     no Will check as for illusions.  This is because actual fog and magic
     is created to make the effect.  For the deck option however this
     is a illusion so a Will check is allowed to be made.  The caster
     must concentrate during this spell and not move or be distracted.
     This spell is best used at night or twilight.  If cast during the
     day the spell is easy to see through since the shadows are less.  
         BMC: 7                                 
         Duration: (EL+1)x10 turns

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