Ok, here is a spell with weirdness

Tobie Bonahoom bonahoom at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Feb 12 21:12:22 CET 2004


A great spell to wreck havoc on players and NPCs alike, however there are
questions that my group has never totally resolved.

1. Since the slime is made from the earth, does it go back to being earth
when the duration runs out?
2. What happens to all the metal and other objects that the slime eats? Are
they now compounds on the earth after the duration (meaning can pieces be
mined out of it)?
3. What if someone is still in the slime (because they do not get hurt by it
and they are doing something in it) and the duration runs out, are they
stuck in the earth now?
4. If the slime returns to earth, is it solid or sand or what?
5. Or, for all the above is the earth and any thing else just magically
6. Is the effect on creatures and players with earth powers as if they are
no longer standing on earth? So, they pass out as stated for earth strength?
Or, does it just damage them, because this is not an Earth Power (as
described in book one)?
7. Lets say that someone was smart enough to have a perpetual water soaking
spell cast on them, so that the slime is always washed off every phase. Are
they affected by the slime at all (I know this would silly, but hey there
are silly people out there:)?

That is some of the basic questions. I also think that the BMC is too low
for this spell for what it can do to someone and their equipment. My
thinking on this would be to raise to a BMC of 3.


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