Albert Sales drite_mi at YAHOO.COM
Sat Oct 18 12:57:40 CEST 2003

Physiological Psychology:
    In the human brain, two centers control our formulation and understanding of the spoken word (our Eloquence). When they work well, our speach is limited to other factors such as vocabulary, diction, choice of words and usage. When there is a problem <in the Wyrnickie's or Brocca's>, we lose the ABILITY to formulate and express complex thoughts.

Powers and Perils
    Placing low emphasis on Eloquence is easy to address. In any situation where language comprehension (spoken or receptive) is a factor, allow no more use of Empathy (knowing what to and not to say intuitively) than the character has in Eloquence. This makes Eloquence seem to be doubly applied, and it would be. Because it is used so rarely, it is VERY important when needed. This would apply on all skills requiring Eloquence, influence rolls, LANGUAGES, and many performances. This should resolve using Eloquence as a low-stat dumping ground.

Alex Koponen <akoponen at MOSQUITONET.COM> wrote:
Eloquence is the least wanted ability in P&P. Except for acrobats,
executioners, merchants and moneylenders Empathy is always to be preferred
over Eloquence. Except in those four cases Empathy does everything that
Eloquence does and more besides.
I suppose that some might argue that Appearance plays a smaller role
than Eloquence. For those with average appearance that is true. Those with
bonuses or penalties to nearly every encounter because of Appearance may
find that it is not true for them. Also Eloquence uses a maximum ability
modifier that subtracts from the total of multipliers whereas Appearance's
multiplier is rolled and has nothing to do with other multipliers.
One finds that among experienced players there are very few cases in
which the multiplier for E equal, let alone exceed, the multiplier for Em.
In those cases the E native ability is larger than that of the Em. Indeed,
the multiplier for E is often left at 1.5. If one is given the choice in
rearranging the numbers rolled for abilities (a common houserule option)
only those intending to specialize in acrobatics, executioner, merchant or
moneylending would put a larger number in E Native Ability than in the Em
Native Ability.
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