Proposed Lands Perilous Calandar

Matijs van Zuijlen Matijs.van.Zuijlen at XS4ALL.NL
Mon Jun 18 22:44:19 CEST 2001

On 2001.06.18 14:55:13 +0200 "Choinski, Burton" wrote:
> Okay, enough with the dice analysis guys...any comments on the idea as a
> whole? :}


Ok, here goes: I like the idea of an 'easier' year. I remember playing with
calendars that were unlike our solar calendar, but still difficult (like,
all months the same length, but with some leftover days at the end). It
adds flavour, but really is too much bookkeeping.

However, I would guess that different cultures would still use different
calendars, one possibility being the one proposed here. Of course, to keep
things simple, most would use this one (just like most have the basic
GC/SC/CC/BB money system). There could also be different names for the
days, depending on the gods worshipped.

So, about the two moons.. any ideas about how werewolves would function?

Matijs van Zuijlen.

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