[Re: Powers & Perils Meets Harn Combat]

Curt Koenig c.l.koenig at USA.NET
Sat Oct 21 03:37:27 CEST 2000

I use a simple "Permanent Damage" system.  When a Hit is Severe, the number of
points of damge is the percent chance of permanent damage, and that number is
added to the severity table.  This ranges from Scar, to COmplete loss. Then a
percentage to determine location.  Deadly hit are multiplied by three for the
chance of perm. dam.

The only real chance of extra damage comes from the Loss of Head or Neck,
which of course caused death.

Kinda simple, adds a couple more rolls to damage, but it does give characters,
er...character.  (Loss of a finger, bad limp, etc...)


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