Maouse maouse at FULTON-NET.COM
Fri Nov 3 18:03:04 CET 2000

here is part of my e-mail to them:

"Additionally, if you could verify the above information in the affirmative
(you own the Powers & Perils material), can I have permission to make 20
copies for distribution on CD-Rom for current owners of the Written Game.
This is to be a direct scanned image of the original books, including all
books which I have a legal copy of (not to exceed 20 CD-Roms however).
Though I do not need your permission to develop this, I would like to
advise you that I have developed for my own personal use an Office97 Access
database for storage of character information.  I am working now on a
second revision which I intend to include with the CD-Rom mentioned above.
This revision will take into account a few things which were left out of
the original.  Should you wish to contact me regarding this, please feel
free to do so via e-mail."

I have a copy of everything (as far as I can tell) published by AH for
P&P.  Additional changes from magazines will not be included unless I get
permission to do so.  Altered/complete/changeable skill, spell, and
equipment lists will be included in the Access applications which will hold
character, npc's, creatures, unique items, and possibly a few more things I
wish to add.  I will make a Access 2000 version as well as Access 97
version of the DM's Database.  If anyone has a chance they can download the
current copy of the app off Wout's site and see what it does.  It isn't bad
(and beats the dos ones hands down), but it isn't perfect either.  I may
also put in a treasure generator (that includes, however rare, all the
items from book 3 that got left out of book 4).  It will take me a bit, but
my vb classes are really starting to show me the light, as it were, and I
think I'm up to it.

PS. I don't imagine it would be very hard for others of you to get
permission to reproduce/make copies of the game.  The letter seemed rather
friendly actually (keeping in mind it was written by someone in a legal
department :).


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