Maouse maouse at FULTON-NET.COM
Fri Nov 3 16:31:52 CET 2000

Here is a letter I received from a Hasbro representative.  I think it
pretty clearly states what we have been asking.
and I quote in its entirety:
Per your request, below are answers to your questions:
1. Does Hasbro, Inc. own the rights to the referenced Game, via an Asset
Purchase Agreement for Avalon Hill Game Company?  The answer is yes.
2. Can you have permission to make 20 copies of Powers & Perils Game for
distribution on CD-ROM for current owners of the written game?  The answer
is yes.

Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to
contact me via electronic mail or at the telephone number listed below.

Best Regards,
Tracy Young
Hasbro, Inc.
Legal Department
1027 Newport Ave.
Pawt., RI 02862
(401) 727-5147
-end quote.
So I guess I can make 20 copies and get them out to people, eh? cool 'nuf.


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