
Andrew Avramenko aavramenko at HOME.COM
Thu Dec 23 00:42:15 CET 1999

I have found that often a player's characteristics go up too quickly. You
may call me nasty but I hand out CP on a CEP/50(RD) and MEP/25(RD) per
encounter, on an individual accomplishment basis. If the characters are in
the midst of a dungeon or series of closely related events I don't do any
calculations until after it's complete. Same with expertise points, they are
dolled out at the same time as CEP, MEP, and CPs.

Season's Greeting!

-----Original Message-----
From: Powers and Perils Fantasy Roleplaying Game Mailing List
[mailto:POWERS-AND-PERILS at geo000.CiTG.TUDelft.NL]On Behalf Of Scott
Sent: December 19, 1999 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: Experience..

At 01:24 PM 12/19/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Characteristic points gained in combat is covered in 3.312 on pg 38 of
>book 1. Those gained casting magic is covered in 3.412 on pg 39. For
>both, I have always tallied the points, CEP seperately from MEP, for the
>encounter. If you fought a Great Sepent and Great Apes, you would tally
>the points for all creatures the character fought. In combat, it is 1
>characteristic point per 50 CEP or portion thereof, minimum gain is 10
>points to receive a characteristic point. For every 25 MEP, or portion
>thereof, you gain 1 characteristic point that can be spent on any stat
>other than strength, agility or any unmodifiable characteristic.

Seems most like the pooling idea ...I just had problmes with the encounter
which can be various aspects of the combat....I tend to do indivudual cep
rather than pools where person a might get X and person b gets Y...but I
either works :)

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