
Cheryl A. Ming gryphon at KLONDIKE.COM
Mon Aug 9 22:36:40 CEST 1999

>So how is everyone doing the list has been quiet lately.


    Me? Ive been accepted into three different 3D Animation schools....and I
choose to go to Vancouver Film School.  I'll be down in Vancouver (BC,
Canada) on the 20th (and a few days before and after) and then moving down
there on the 31st of Aug. for the next 10 months.
    Gaming wise:
    We played a cool D&D campaign for a few months.  We just started a short
jaunt into the Kingdoms of Kalamar, using the Players and DM's Option rule's
system from TSR (based on AD&D: it's simply too far removed from normal AD&D
to still be concidered the same).  I'm going to be looking for new, unopened
coppies of the P&P stuff when I'm in Vancouver.  I plan on taking the pages
appart, copying them, and turning the coppies into a single, "hard-back" P&P
book.  :-)


Denakhan the Arch-Mage
a.k.a. Paul L. Ming

PS: if anyone lives in Vancouver (around West and North Van; or Dowtown) and
could use another player, give me an email: pming at yt.sympatico.ca

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