The Perilous Lands -- Caldo

Thu Feb 12 17:35:24 CET 1998

The Lands Perilous - Caldo

Cities and Towns

Caldo has an urban population of 43,000 in two cities (Caldo and Bara).

Caldo (Capital and center of Clan Caldo) has a population of 20,000 and
is supported by 4 towns:
  Dolra [Caldo] : Population 1,540
  Lirda [Caldo-1] : Population 2,150
  Calen [Caldo-2] : Population 2,130
  Lar Vando [Caldo-4] : population 2,400

Bara (center of Clan Bara) has a population of 23,000 and is supported
by 5 towns:
  Nalda [Bara] : Population 2,160
  Car Dolda [Bara-6] : population 2,250
  ildona [Bara-5] : population 2,630
  Rebora [Bara-4] : population 1,980
  Nialdo [Bara-3] : population 2,850

In addition, there are three fortress towns:

Ft. Eldando [Caldo] : Population 2,070
Ft. Cal Tolda [Caldo-43] : Population 1,670
Ft. Don Tolda [Caldo-33] : Population 1,630

The remaining population is broken into 590 villages with an average
population of 365 each.

Total population is 285,000.

NOTE: This information assumes that each "fort" is a fortress town.

Burton Choinski, Peritus Software Services Inc.
bchoinski at

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