Various things

Scott Adams longshot at JAX.FIDONET.ORG
Sat Nov 15 00:08:51 CET 1997

*** Quoting scott.cohan at SSA.GOV from a message to longshot ***

sc>   Then again, this is a piddly point, and to accurately simulate the
sc> learning   process would require even more bookkeeping.  Although, if
sc> bookkeeping isn't a  problem, something I'd like to see is Forgetting
sc> skills.  If you haven't used   a skill in some time, it should
sc> degrade.  (Possibly to halfyour previous   level, can be bought back

This could be done through aging rules which some system use.

As to bookkeeping that can be done via a simple note on a paper with a tic mark
or something that's what we usually do then at the end of the night do it all
at once or during rest periods in the game.

~~~ Telegard v3.08.b12/mL

|Fidonet:  Scott Adams 1:112/91 at fidonet
|Internet: longshot at
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