Idea bounce

Larry D. Hols crkdface at PCPARTNER.NET
Wed Nov 12 14:45:42 CET 1997


>> What do you mean by "one development table"?  Like the table to
>> purchase stats, exp CEL and skills with?
>> I have no problem with that, but I think you should try to retain the
>> trade-off decisions in your draft. Deciding on a Social, Magical or
>> Physical emphsis was a good idea.
>>    -- Burton

        I can see the table reflecting the choice of the player, with
social/physical/magical development being figured into the columns.  Say,
if you decided on social development, there is a decrease in what your
points would buy in way of physical stuff.
        This is all somewhat hazy at this point.  I still need to hear back
from AH to know if I should develop it further.


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